The Judges Chronicles: Rebirth of Shavron by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter XV: Jezerahs Last Stand


Gideon and his friends found the country gates completely unguarded. Gideon quickly made his way to the palace. The palace was guarded heavily and it was impossible to attempt to sneak in without being seen. Gideon hid in an alleyway that was about a half a mile away. He was thinking over a plan when a huge hand caught him by the face and dragged him a few feet away. The rabbit struggle to get away, but the assailant assured him he was not in danger.

"Calm down Gideon, I dont want to hurt you."

The hand released him and Gideon turned around and saw Barewolf. The two eyed each other; Barewolf took a step forward, Gideon drew his blade.

"No need to be violent. I want to help you."

"I don‘t need your help." said Gideon.

Gideon noticed that Barewolf had a package wrapped in fine silk. The bear took of the crest of battle, with some difficulty, and placed it and the package on the ground.

"If youre going after that fox, you cant enter through the front gate."

"Tell me something I dont know." said Gideon.

"There is a sewage gate fifty feet away from the front entrance," Barewolf said directing Gideon‘s gaze.

" I‘ll draw the soldiers away to give you time to cut the lock. Once inside, all you have to do is find the spiral staircase. After that you‘re on your own."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Let just say a fool has seen the light. Now wait until I get the guards away then make a go for it."

Barewolf left quickly for the palace. Gideon went over to the crest and placed it around his neck. He removed the silk covering to find his old sword polished and well kept.

Gideon placed his other sword to the side and took his old sword with delight. He waited and watched as the bear went to do his part of the deal.

Barewolf made his way to the palace gates. The guards stood at attention.

"It seems that the judges have won the battle, Jezerah as ordered that we march out to the field to finish them off."

"But wait," replied one guard, "she just told us to stay here and guard the palace with our lives."

"I have talked to the queen just a few moments ago and she wants us out there. You all know how flippant the queen can be."

"Hes right," replied the soldier, "'That's true."

"Now let‘s march out there and show those miscreants what we are made of." The guards gathered themselves into a small flight; and with the bear in front, they marched away from the palace giving Gideon time to sneak in. Breaking proved to be more difficult than Gideon imagined. Breaking the lock made a horrible clanging sound that was sure to give him away, but no one was seen as the hare slipped into the sewer of the palace.

Gideon kept is hand up to his nose as he navigated through the bowels of the palace. He found the spiral staircase. Up he went until he came to a door. Gideon cracked it to look for any danger. The small room was empty and Gideon quietly slipped out. The next door would put him in the palace; but before he could, he heard voices coming his way: one of them was Jezerah‘s. Gideon watched the fox speaking to two of her guards through the crack in the door.

"You two gather the rest of the group and head into the streets, said Jezerah, " I don‘t want that rabbit to get near me."

"But would it be better to stay by your side, my queen." Jezerah‘s lip curled.

"I don‘t need advice from subordinates, dont question me! Do as I say!"

The guards left silently. The fox quickly went down the hall; Gideon followed cautiously. She led him to her throne room. Gideon followed her inside a few moments afterwards.

Jezerah was gathering all that she could to carry. She was throwing fine silks into bags, putting silver and gold into chest and making sure she had everything to escape. In all her packing, she didn‘t notice the hare standing at the door. The door was slammed and Jezerah jumped from the sound. Gideon stood at the door with his arms crossed. Jezerah did something quite unexpected: she calmly sat down in her throne chair with her hands tightly gripping the armrest. She sat like a dragon guarding its treasure, looking at the rabbit as a thief ready to take away all that she cheated and stole for.

"Enough with the game, Jezerah, its over. You are no longer in control." Jezerah snickered at the rabbits comment.

"You‘re more of an idiot than I thought. I‘m not leaving. My soldiers will return soon enough and then I‘ll order them to drag your dead, pathetic hide along the streets."

"You still dont get it do you?" said Gideon shaking his head. " Why would I be here if your guards were posted? Something should tell you that your guards will not be coming back to help you."

Jezerah thought over the hares reasoning and concluded that he was right, but she was not willing to give the rabbit the pleasure of getting the upper hand, so she continued in the game of wills.

"You don‘t scare me. Challenge me, will you? I have power beyond what you know and you will find out what I‘m going to do to you."

"Jezerah you‘re not God you have no power over anything or anyone." Jezerah shot out of her seat and stood tall.

"Imbecile, I am a god! When the commoners ask for food, I feed them. When they ask for water, I quench their thirst; and when they anger me…I discipline them." Gideon was taken aback by her words.

"Youre insane." was Gideons reply.

Jezerah‘s fur stood on end. She slowly retreated away from her throne chair.

"Come now, lets not make this difficult." said Gideon.

Suddenly the fox ran to a door at the back of the room. Gideon was in hot pursuit, but when he went to open the door it was locked. Gideon took his sword and cut the knob away. The door opened to a corridor faintly lit. The hallway lead to another door that was slightly ajar.

"Jezerah come out, stop drawing out the inevitable."

There was no answer. Gideon approached the door carefully. He pushed it forward and went inside. The room contained a small arsenal of swords, axes, clubs, and shields. It was darker inside the room; and when Gideon was halfway inside, the door slammed behind him. He was left in total darkness, but once his eyes adjusted to the dark he was able to see once again. Gideon could hear Jezerah growling, but he could not see her. He proceeded to walk, looking over his shoulder, until he bumped into a wooden post.

Gideon quickly turned around with is sword extended. He gave a sigh of relief, but did not notice that the growling had died away. When he turned around he was nearly struck with a cudgel. It landed squarely on the post. Jezerah removed it and fixed her deadly glare at Gideon.

"I won‘t let go, you hear me! This is my realm," said Jezerah. "Trash like you will not turn me away again!"

The fox ran towards Gideon with the club high in the air. He blocked the club with his sword and pushed the fox backwards, sending her to the floor. Gideon stood above her like a triumphant hunter with the pointy edge of his sword at her throat.

"You and I are going to leave this palace, and you‘re going to prison for a very long time."

"I rather die," the young vixen said as she spat on Gideon‘s cloak, "You better kill me or I‘ll hunt you down for the rest of your days."

Gideon was pushed to the deed. His sword‘s tip was at the fox‘s throat, but vengeance was the Lord‘s task and the hare would not be the administer of it. He slowly back away.

"You coward!" said Jezerah taunting him, "What‘s wrong with you, you can slay a thousand but not one? Your mercy will betray you."

"The Lord is right: you have withered like a flower in the winter," said Gideon.

There‘s no point in taking your life, your reign is over. You can‘t do anything to anybody again. The queen has been unseated."

The hare turned his back to leave. Jezerah saw her chance and came to her feet quickly. She would cut her claws over Gideon‘s back and finish him off with his own sword. Her hand raised; her claws were now extended; but before she could strike, Gideon turned around and ducked. Her swing missed and she tripped over the hare, stumbling into a rack of heavy shields. One of them came loose; and when she tried to return to her feet, the shield promptly knocked her in the head. Jezerah fell flat; Gideon ran over to check on her.


The young vixen was out cold.

"Evil never learns does it?" he said with a smirk.