The Judges Chronicles: Rebirth of Shavron by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter III: Samson


Judi‘s landscape was a joy to see. The trees seemed to be painted on the cerulean sky and the breeze was calm and cool. Before they started the search, Gideon and Deborah took up a meal near the port.

"So you know where Samson is right?"

"I know he‘s here in Judi," she said, " I‘m not exactly sure if he‘s finishing some business or not. Maybe we can start looking for him at the merchants‘ grove. I heard it was a popular spot for trade."

The merchants‘ grove was a hot spot for all merchants of all kinds. The most unusual treasures would be traded for high prices. The crowd that was gathered there was an unruly bunch that yelled and screamed to be heard. Most of the merchants were from other nations, each selling some common food or cloth from their homeland. Deborah didn‘t recognize any face in the crowd.

"Hes not here. Im out of ideas"

"Let‘s start asking around." Gideon said, " I‘m sure someone knows of Samson‘s whereabouts."

The problem was soon solved. A black bear had overheard the conversation (In reality he was being nosy in order to take advantage of two strangers in town). The black bear wore a fine silk shirt laced with gold. He was obviously rich, but not by honest means.

"I hear you are looking for Samson. I must say he is a fine trader."

"Thats him., " the hare said . "Do you know where he is?"

"Sure, but how about taking a look at some of my treasure. It‘s the best money can buy."

The bear revealed a cart full of painted jars, most of which were either oddly shaped or cracked.

"I‘ll sell you three for four silver pieces, what do you say?" The judges passed on the offer.

"Not good enough for you, eh?" he said offended from the rejection, "Well Samson is by the river just down the road. He‘s with another wolf. Delilah is her name."

"Whos Delilah?" the cheetah asked.

The bear chuckled.

"Lets just say shes a creature of wayward character."

After thanking the bear, the judges turned their direction to the river. The stroll along the path was relaxing for both of them. The flowers were budding and the sun created a gorgeous reflection on the water as the judges passed by. A few feet ahead of them was Samson. He was a black haired wolf, large in build, intimidating in appearance, and he seemed to be preoccupied. The judges soon found out why: for a beautiful white haired female wolf stood near him. She was dress elegantly in long cloak and jewelry.

The jewels glittered as the sun‘s rays hit them and the cloak she wore was decorated elegantly with a geometric pattern. Samson was loved-struck by the wolf. He picked a flower and gave it to her. She took the flower; and when his back was turned, she crushed it in her hand and tossed it to the grown.

"That wasnt very nice." Deborah said shaking her head.

"Samson!" shouted Gideon to get the wolf‘s attention, "Hey, over here!"

"Gideon! Deborah!" the wolf said turning around, " It‘s great to see you. Come over and sit down. It‘s been too long. I want you to meet the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, Delilah."

Deborah extended her arm to greet her.

"Nice to meet you."

The wolf did not take the "hand of greeting". Instead, she bowed her head in acknowledgement.

"So how are things going?" asked Samson

"Good for the most part," replied Gideon wearily, " but Shavron has reached a crisis. We did not come to bring you good news."

Delilah suddenly announced that she had to leave. Samson dropped to one knee to kiss her hand.

"Please don‘t embarrass yourself, Samson dear."

"I cannot let you leave without one more moment to bask in your elegance my angel."

Samson proceeded to kiss her hand; Gideon stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes.

"Gideon!" Deborah said playfully.

After Samson was done, Delilah walked away, wiping her hand on her dress. Samson turned with a big grin on his face.

Ah, isn‘t she wonderful. So…what‘s the bad news?"

"The citizens are turning their hearts against the Lord." stated the hare, " They fear the attack from the nation of leopards. They are so afraid of the attack that they are willing to disobey our Creator‘s command and establish a monarch above us."

"I don‘t understand."

"Neither do we." said Gideon, " I have nearly been killed, Deborah has been treated like a prisoner in her own town, and who knows how far this will go?"

"In that case we should stay here until things smooth out." replied Samson, " We‘ll wait this one out."

"Not good. The longer we wait the worst things will get. We can squash this now before it grows. The Holy One has put us to task, we stop this now."

"I don‘t know," the wolf said reluctantly, " I don‘t see what the problem is if the citizens want a king. If it makes them feel safer, let them have it."

"The harm isn‘t a king. It‘s the reason behind it. It‘s the lack of trust in God. We must leave tomorrow."

"Right," Gideon said affirming her point, "if we"

"Wait," said Samson, "I don‘t think its necessary for me to go."

"Of course it is," replied Deborah, " If we return together we can convince our fellow creatures of this grave error, and if they still refuse at least we know we gave it our best. Samson, it‘s your responsibility."

"I know my responsibility," state the wolf sternly, " Thats why Im here in Judi.

Shavron is a strong country. This matter will take care of itself."

"Samson this no time to—"

"Look, let the Holy One take care of it, ok?" said Samson, "If you want to have dinner, I‘m staying in a cottage. Take the eastern road, its the second home on the left. Don‘t look so worried."

Samson hurried off. Gideon sat up against the tree trunk.

"Its always something. Its never easy is it?"

"I guess well have to wait." Deborah said with a sigh.

"Hold on, werent we in agreement that waiting was a bad thing."

"Yes, but things have certainly changed."

"We need to act, Samson or no Samson." said Gideon.

"We could speak to him at dinner. Maybe that will lighten things up a bit."

Before dinner, the judges found many levels of entertainment in town. The music was uplifting and the variety of games were enjoyable. The good time ended as soon as it had began and the time for dinner had risen. The judges headed to Samson‘s cottage.

Gideon was determined to make Samson to return to Shavron by giving him a stern talking to, but Deborah thought it would be better to take an easy approach. Inside they all sat down to a meal of fish, fruits, and veggies. Gideon mainly played with his food, moving his carrot slices from one side of the plate to the other. It was silent as they ate. Finally, Gideon spoke up.

"Why wont you come back to Shavron with us? Tell us the truth."

"That‘s rude, he said giving Gideon a nasty glare, " You could at least eat something first."

Gideon ate a carrot slice (not his favorite food) and returned to his questioning.

"Now answer my question."

Samson looked up to the ceiling as if enchanted by a thought.

"I ha