The Judges Chronicles: Rebirth of Shavron by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter IV: Evil Begins to Brew


Deborah and Gideon boarded the ship the next day, but to their surprise Samson was on board along with Delilah. Gideon was sure that Samson‘s actions would one day put Shavron in a dire situation. The judges didn‘t talk to each other while they traveled. Samson was distant and kept to himself. Deborah would frequently approach him, but Delilah had a way with him. She would make up some excuse to lead Samson away.

Finally after a three day voyage, up ahead was the coast of Shavron. Deborah and Gideon were glad to see the rolling hills again. Even Samson had a grin on his face when he saw its shores. Shavron had that effect on the creatures that lived there. The rivers, mountains, and the air itself put new life into their bodies. It was truly a gem of a land.

"We could expect anything."

"Do you think the council has overruled our decision?" said Deborah.

"I‘ve been praying that they haven't. Wait…do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Sounds like cheering." said Gideon moving his ears to catch the sound.

Delilah overheard the conversation.

Samson there must be a party going on! Ooh, I just love parties! We must find it immediately."

The ship pulled into the small port. Looking down the judges saw a group of citizens running around in fancy cloaks and wearing party mask. The streets were decorated with gold trimmings. The judges knew of no holiday that fell on this day. Once on dry land, they followed a group of creatures to the marketplace in Eldos. The fruit-stands and trade shops had been pushed aside for the multitude that was assembled. Jugglers and acrobats were performing; there was music and food for all. Gideon grabbed a hand full of berries.

"I fear the worst,"said Gideon, " but at least I can say that the food is good." Gideon and Deborah decided to hang about behind the crowd. Samson and Delilah mingled with the Shavronites. There was a large stage set up in the center of the marketplace. Everyone crowded the stage waiting for the announcement. An orator stepped on stage and began to speak.

"Welcome young and old. I welcome you to this great occasion. Today the council has elected our new leader that will protect us from our enemies. This leader is of high character and a leader of strength. Celebrate all ye children, celebrate my fellow citizens: for today we have our…queen."

"Queen?" the cheetah said surprised, " How was this done so quickly?" Gideon thought for a moment and came up with the answer.

"The council had this planned out from the beginning!" the hare said, pacing back and forth pensively.

The orator stepped aside and presented the new matriarch. The figure that emerged was a tall slender red fox. She walked very slowly towards the edge of the stage. The citizens gave her praises and she indulged in every word. Her eyes were golden and they were focused on power. The fox wore a long purple cloak that dragged along the stage floor. Right behind her was another fox. This fox as slightly older and stood by the red fox.

This fox's red fur was graying. She had golden beads that ran down her nose, and her right eye was scared. She also held a long staff decorated with a strange pattern; it was used more for show than for support. When Deborah saw the fox her whole body trembled.

"Deborah, whats wrong?" asked Gideon.

Deborah did not answer; she knew that the fox had the same gift as hers. It was the way the eyes were formed that gave her a clue. Whenever a creature abused this gift their pupils would hook and turn green. At the stage, the fox in the purple cloak cleared her throat to speak.

"Before I introduce myself," said the young vixen, " I think it's appropriate to bestow gifts upon you all. My soldiers will pass a delightful treat from my native land. It is called “Essence Flower”. It is the only flower in this world that can live without water for a month and still produce a beautiful fragrance. The multitude received the flowers with joy. I am Jezerah and this is my mother, Iya. The council was wise to place me as your new leader. Your trust in me will not be dishonored. As your ruler I promise to destroy any enemy that tries to come upon us. I promise that I will be here for you in tough times and in good times. Shavron must invite new ways to survive. Some of you may be concerned about the judges."

The crowded booed. Samson placed his crest under his jacket. Gideon and Deborah inched further away from the scene. Jezerah held up her hands to silence the crowd.

"You are right to feel that way," said Jezerah playing to the crowd, " The fact that they are not here to defend themselves proves who they really are. Let us not focus on the past, but onward to the future. I need your trust. Shavron will be renewed beyond you wildest dreams, but enough of talking let us celebrate!"

The crowd gave a jubilant cheer. Immediately the band played. A spectator came forward to lead his fellow creatures in a cheer.

"Three cheers for Queen Jezerah!"


As the celebrating was going on, the two foxes turn to have a conversation.

"The game begins, said Iya. "I say within a year we will regain our status. Did you take care of the council?"

"But of course. My soldiers made sure that they would not be found."

"Remember what I told you," said the older vixen, " we will not make the same mistake as before. You must treat these creatures like—"

"I know, mother, " said Jezerah looking back at the crowd, "Play them like a fiddle, play them like a fiddle."

Gideon and Deborah parted ways. At home, Gideon prayed into the night. He found it hard to concentrate. When he received no answer, he felt that the Holy One‘s hand had left Shavron for good, but then Gideon heard from the Lord.

"I thought my prayers were unanswered."

“Do not give up so easily,” said the Holy One. “ The covenant I made with Shavron is still with me. I will bless all creatures through this land. However, the Shavronites have turned away from me and have put their trust in another. I will let them have their desires. Things will get worst before they get better, but I will never forsake you or this land.”

"Things will get worst before they get better?" he said rubbing his face in frustration, "Thats not what I wanted to hear."

The next day brought rain. Gideon was dripping wet before he met up with Deborah. He shook the water from his fur and used Deborah‘s outer cloak as an umbrella.

"We have to find this Jezerah. Should we find Samson first?"

"Dont bother," said Gideon, " Lets just find the fox."

Their quest led them to the council building in Eldos. As the judges approached, two dingoes, acting as guards, were standing outside.

"Excuse me we have to speak to Jezerah." Deborah said.

"No one sees the queen today, she is busy." said the guard.

"This is a matter that she cannot overlook."

"Apparently you have wax in your ears," asserted the guard rudely, " I said the queen is busy. Now go away or we‘ll have to thrash you."

"What?" said Gideon stepping in front of the cheetah, " What kind of nonsense is that?"

On the second floor, Jezerah was making plans for her new palace. She had a small model on a desk.

"It will be wonderful," said the young vixen mesmerized by the model. "I‘ll have hundreds of rooms, a personal bathhouse… no, two! The floors and walls will be made of marble. I‘ll have a courtyard where I can have musicians play for me every day at noon, just the way I like it. And…what is that racket outside?"

Jezerah walked up to the window and threw them open in a rage.


"Commoners?" said Gideon confused by the language, "We‘re the judges of Shavron and we need to speak with you."

At that very moment, Jezerah felt and exciting tingle through her body. He eyes became brighter as she fixed them on the rabbit and cheetah. She quickly changed her tone of voice and invited them inside. Upstairs, Iya was sitting eating an apple when they entered.

"Welcome, please sit down," Jezerah said kindly, "Excuse me for my rudeness; I didn‘t know who you were. I believe you are Samson and Deborah."

"No, Im Gideon. Where is the council? I think they should be here."

"The council is on an extended vacation," said Jezerah esoterically, " I would like you to meet my mother, Iya. Well, she‘s like a mother too me. She raised me since my father and birth mother died."

Iya grinned slightly and nodded head. She quickly took sight of Deborah. The cheetah felt and evil chill come over her and she turned her eyes away from the fox‘s glare.

"We have come to talk to you about—"

"Saragonian Tea, anyone?" said Iya interjecting.

"Whats that?" said Gideon.

"Its a recipe from my native land of Saragose. I can have it ready in five minutes. I‘ll be back."

The fox left the room. The conversation returned to the matter at hand.

"I hope you dont take this the wrong way, but youre in a bad situation."

"Bad situation?" said Jezerah, " Whatever do you mean?" she said minding her model palace.

"To make this short, we do not need a queen," said D