The Son Of Odin: The Shadow by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter - Ten


The man are standing still and looking toward the woods. Then, suddenly the ground starts shaking again and it sounds like it would be a thousand horses come against King's Village. Maria has woken from all the sound and she looks into Erik's room but he's not there, she rushes down and come out of the door and shouting out for Erik. Man with beard turns around and yells to Maria: "Maria stay inside the house!"

While the creature breaks out of the woods where he stands on the edge and look around. All the men run to inside wall. The creature stands astride and waving his big tail irritably. It looks around with his eyes shining as it is searching for something. He sees the man with the beard and growl at him. Ivar is now within the walls tells Maria: "It is the Fenrir wolf! It seems that it is searching for something."

Fenrir wolf he starts walking around the man with the beard while looking down at the man and showing his big teeth. The man with the beard brings out his sword and shouts out: "Stop. You will not pass." and raises his sword. Suddenly the blue flashes from the nose of the sword and he hits the sword into the ground. Fenrir wolf is irritable and attack the man standing completely still. Fenrir wolf hits hard on the head when he gets close to the man. A blue force field has erupted that extends around the King's Village. Fenrir wolf is trying to enter multiple times but fails. Fenrir wolfs walks slowly backwards as he looks at the man with the beard. Fenrir wolf turns around and runs far into the forest and disappear. The man looks toward the forest and wait a few minutes before he takes up his sword. He turns around and flashes right eye to Maria and follows Fenrir wolf into the forest. A bright blue light off and fly into the sky and disappears into the clouds. Maria looks up and sees that Erik who are on the roof. Maria cries, "Erik came down from there. You can fall down!"

Erik responds: "Ok mom."

Erik, he goes through the hole in the roof and comes down in his room while Maria enters the house up the stairs where he meets Erik, who asks: “Who was the man with the beard who chased away the beast. “

Maria replies: "That man is your father Odin."

Erik replies: "What? Was that Odin? He looked like an old man."

Maria responds: "Odin can change shape and he can be young or old man."

Erik does not seem to be afraid of what has happened and ask to have breakfast. Maria nods to Erik and it enters the main hall of the round table. There, Ingrid already organized for breakfast. They sit down and enjoy the good bread and the boiled eggs were perfect. They look at each other and smiles while they eat the food. Erik, who has finished eating fast, he wants to go out and play. Maria looks at Erik all the way and cannot stop looking at his son.

Erik meet Eva outside and Erik get a little shy because he thinks she is so cute and his heart beat harder every time he is with her.

Eva says: "Hi Erik. Have not seen you for a while, what happened?"

Erik responds tough: "You know prince responsibly. But now I have time."

They suggest practicing with swords and they start beating on each other with the wooden swords. Ivar look at him and see how Erik has a talent for it. Actually he is better than most men in the King's Village.

Sven woke up and as usual he goes out to pee and meets Ivar and they begin to plan the attack on the Shadow. Ivar says: "The men need to rest another night. They barely got any sleep last night when Fenrir wolf came to visit."

Sven replies: "I agree that the men need a good night's rest."

While calling a guard that they are activities outside. The guards open the gate and many men come into the King's Village. One of them named Gunnar he comes to Sven and says: "Hi my lord. We come from the village Stiklestad and heard you needed help against the beast."

Sven responds: "All men are welcome but you are only eight of men?"

Gunnar responds: "Have two hundred men who will come here tonight."

Sven replies: "That's great, we need more men. We have already lost one hundred and fifty men when battled with the beast Shadow."

During the day it came more men to participate in the great battle. Everyone in the village had to work hard to feed all new comers to the village. The blacksmith he brought in extra help to repair weapons. It was a strange feeling in the village and most of them would not talk to each other, everyone wanted to be alone. They knew it was going to be mighty tough battle. The men they arranged with their weapons sharpened their swords and arranged more arrows. Erik and Eva practiced with the wooden swords and Eve was mighty impressed at Erik who was so skilled with the sword. After a while came Maria out with newly baked bread and water to them. They took a break and ate the good bread that still was hot. The water was so cold and good. It started snowing even more and they decided to go home. Erik he waved goodbye to Eva and they smiled at each other. All those extra men have come and Sven he became a little happier. It was getting dark and the men threw more wood on the fire. The entire village lightens up and Odin observed from Valhalla how men worked in the village. He said to his other sons, Thor and Loki that they could not go down and help the people in the attack on Shadow. Down at the King's Village men looked up at the sky and saw that there is a full moon and this was not a good sign for tomorrow. All night they threw on more wood, and they took turns to guard. Now its morning and the men began to get ready. They stood in line and Ivar shouted: "Now let's break that Shadow in thousands pieces and send him back to darks side. We shall die for Odin!"

All the men shouted back: "For Odin!"

Erik he saw how the men started walking towards the Shadow Valley and all the women and older men stayed in the village. Sven and Maria are coming out of the house and hugs Erik. Maria says: "I need to get there. I want to take care of the men if they get injured."

Erik was shocked and said: "Please, Mom. Stay with me, please!"

Eva's mother grabs Erik and hugs him hard. Erik looks at Maria and tears flowing down her cheek. The snow accumulates on her hair and they move on. Erik he breaks free and enters the house where he screams out of anger. He goes to his room where he rests but after a while his eyes starts to shine and sees that Slime is coming to him. He jumps up on the roof where he awaits Slime. After a little while lands Slime on the roof and Erik jumps up on her. They fly and blacksmith sees everything what's happened and gets burned with a fire from a hot iron. Now they are above the clouds where Erik's veins start to glow. He looks down at the soldiers and sees how they are working hard to walk in the deep snow. Erik and Slime is hiding in the clouds and after five hours of walking they reached the Valley of the Shadow where the men lie down on the edge to look down the valley. They see Shadows near the frozen lake and eat a horse. Sven orders to prepare the bows. Four hundred men shoot the arrows and Shadow turns around and flaps its wings. No arrows hits because the wind from the wings so changed the angle. Sven orders to attack the Shadow. The men are rushing down towards the Shadow that looks at them. Shadow blowing away the fireballs against men and it explodes. Many men flying up in the air and parts of bodies end up scattered all over. Sven he is getting closer Shadow that strikes with its tail and parts people with claws. Shadow spins around while emitting fire defense. Maria is up in the edge of the valley see that many are injured and she rushes down to take care of them. She turns around and sees her husband Sven get Shadows tail over him and gets killed. She runs over there and takes him in her arms and starts crying. Erik seeing Skogul approaching Maria and finally he points his sword at her and Erik yells out as everyone look at Erik with big eyes. Skogul sees Erik and Slime which is on edge of the valley. His eyes will light up very strong and he runs down the valley while Shadow approaching Maria. He tries to scream out and attract Shadow to come to him, all the men are freezes and looks at Erik run down and scream NOOO. He sees how the Shadow tail hitting hard against Maria. Erik gets so angry that red beam of light coming out of his eyes and he hits Shadow. The Shadow shoots a yellow fire at Erik. Erik's hand is red and shaped into a large shield that protects against Shadow fire. Skogul looks terrified against Erik that hits a beam of light towards him. Skogul runs and disappears down a hole in the ground. In the edge of the valley Fenrir wolf is running down Erik takes a step with one foot on a dead horse and jumping at shadows and hits the shield against Shadow. He hits Shadow all the time and rays of light. All survivors look on Erik hitting hard on Shadow of pure anger. He hit so hard that teeth flying away from the Shadow. He sees a sword lying around and picks it up and presses it into the Shadows heart. He sees that Fenrir wolf approaching and Erik chop off the heads of Shadow. Erik he put one knee and holds a hand up, the shield comes back up. Erik he is waiting for Fenrir wolf to come. Fenris Wolf is running in massive speed down the valley and the hits. He feels a shock and sees that Fenrir wolf flying over and slide on the soldiers that are looking. They fly away like leafs in the wind. Slime rushing down to help. Fenrir wolf is standing up on all four and see that Shadow is dead. He looks towards Erik that is glowing all over. Fenrir wolf sees that he has no chance to win this battle and he chooses to run away and jumps up and disappears into the forest. Erik looks towards his mother and he walks slowly towards her there his mother lies lifeless on the ground. He understands that she is dead. He goes down on her knees and starts crying. He bends down to her and kisses her on the cheek and then he feel that someone is touching his shoulder. Erik knows who it is and turns and shoots a beam of light on him that makes him fly fifty feet, landing on his back where he slips on the snow and stopped by a tree. Erik he yells out: "Leave me alone!"

The man gets up and it's Odin. Erik he is angry at Odin. Erik looks angrily at him and the whole body glows and Slime is now next to Erik. They both go slow against Odin who chooses to disappear up to Valhalla. Erik goes to his mother lying dead on the ground. He throws on her and hugs. He cries and Slime comes to comfort him. The men standing with their sword high up and they think that Slime is as dangerous as the Shadow was. Erik shouts out: "Let us be alone!"

It echoes in the valley and all men look at each other and respect him and leave them alone. After a while, Erik jumps up on the Slime in tears and they fly away. The men go to their King and Maria. They arrange stretchers and put them there and start walking towards King's Village. They drag Sven and Maria in deep snow, and after five hours they arrived at the King's Village. Slime lands on one of the towers with Erik look down towards his dead parents. Guards and other people in the village get shocked when they see that Erik is with Slime.

The soldiers put down Erik's parents on the snow and they fall down on knees and bow towards Erik and yells out: "King Erik!"

The population of the village does not get it but they suddenly see the two bodies and quickly go the rumor that they both have fallen in the assault on the Shadow. Everyone who comes up to see Erik and Slime are shocked. Soldier is commanding the villagers to go down on the knees and greet the new king. The people are afraid of Slime and believe that the beast can never be tamed but Erik says that he is Odin's son and he is a demigod and explains that Slime can never hurt a human. He commands that Sven and his mother to be shipped back to Shadow Valley where they will be buried and a large stone will be put in place as a memory of the Battle of Shadow Valley. He commands Ivar become guardian over him and it will take power until the Ivar Erik becomes eighteen. Ivar bring joy with this decision, but points out that Erik can still put the proposal to the big decision. Now it is getting night and everyone goes to sleep so everyone get rest for the funeral the next day. Erik and Slime enters the King's house that is his house now and both are hungry and want some food. Erik he says to Evas mother: "Can you pick out five fat salmon and give it to Slime and a little bread and milk to me."

Eva's mother brings the food and Erik sees that she is sad and wondering why.

Eva's mother named Lisbet says: "I lost my husband in battle."

She breaks into tears while Slime eats the salmon. Slime finds a good place to sleep, nearby the fireplace where it's warm. Lisbet looks at Slime and are afraid while the tears still come. Erik goes to her and says: "Do not be afraid of Slime she is kind."

Erik he comes up with a proposal to Lisbet and Eva that they should move into the King's house. Lisbet Thank immediately and I will be a bit happier. Erik says: "I go to bed!"

Lisbet replies: "Good night and sleep well. I will tell the good news to my daughter."

Erik goes to the fireplace and lay down beside Slime that is rapidly taking its long tail and pulls Erik closer. They look at each other and fall asleep instantly. Erik he has never slept so well and has no weird dreams. The night turns to morning and all have prepared the long march towards Shadow Valley. All the night they have worked with the big stone that they put on place. In advance they go with the stone as they have in the carriage drawn by four horses. A carriage with Sven and Maria are following. After a long time they finally arrived at Shadow Valley. Erik he said that the stone must be exactly where Maria died. They dig down and put it in place. The men prepare the fire they'll burn the dead with. They carried Sven and Maria on the woodpile and Erik gets a bow and they give him an arrow that is wrapped around with cloth from Sven and Maria to light up. He aims and pulls the string back and his arm turns red and let it go. The arrow lands right between Sven and Maria and it takes fire on the wood. After thirty minutes, is completely in flames and no one says a word. They wait five hours and then it's just ashes. Erik he goes down on his knees and shaking all over. He is crying. All people look at him but saying nothing out of respect. After five minutes he gets up and goes to Slime and jumps up on her back. Slime is standing up on its hind legs and flaps its wings and then the sea of ​​people cheering and shouting out: "Erik! Erik!"

They lift off the ground and fly higher and they circulate around the sea of ​​people and it continues shouting his name and suddenly flies towards King's Village. Everyone starts walking towards King's Village where they prepared a feast to honor the dead. After five hours of walking and the people arrives to the village. Erik who is already there welcomes everyone to the party. Everyone is cheering and going into the King's house where there is plenty of food and barrels of mead. They party all night. Erik he sees Eva and waving to her to come to him. Erik says: "Do you want to experience something nice?"

Eva says: "Is it dangerous?”

Erik replies: "No"

Erik takes hold of Evs's hand and pulls her up on Slimes back and Erik sitting in front of Eva and they lift off the ground. Eva hugging Erik hard and she enjoy and laughing. They fly in the clouds and Eve says: "This is the best thing that has ever happened to Me." and kisses Erik on the cheek.

Erik is cheering inside. After several hours, they land in King's Village and eat good food. The party lasts until the early morning and everyone is talking about the party that it was the best in a long time. Erik he wakes up early in the morning and wakes Slime and jumps on her back, they fly to Shadow Valley to visit the stone. He does this every morning to visit the site. Now he is eleven years old and visiting it as usual. They come to the stone and Slime she walks beside him. The birds are singing beautifully and the flowers in full bloom. He touches his hand on the stone as usual. Erik looks at Slime and they get a strange feeling. Suddenly they begin to shine brightly red!