The Son Of Odin: The Shadow by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter - Nine


Erik he began to dream but the dream felt like it was for real. He sees how Slime circulates among the clouds and sees with her eyes looking down towards Berserker Guard coming ever closer to King's Village. Slime see how Shadow comes at high speed close to the ground as spit out yellow fire at the men. They scream out in pain and Erik sees people roll around in the snow to extinguish the fire. As fast as the Shadow came it disappeared. Now they have lost many men again and Ivar were completely worn out. Erik sees how everyone rushes out of the King's Village to help put out the fire on the burning bodies. They rolls in snow to try to extinguish the fire but the yellow slime to cling onto the bodies and burning until there is no slime. Erik wakes up and is quite warm on the body and sweats as it pours from all points of the body. Erik sees through the hole from the room and sees how it burns in the forest. The flames are higher than the treetops. He sees how wounded men brought into the village and the people pour water on them to cool down the bodies. Some are so badly damaged that they are only bones and burning flesh. Erik rushes out but Maria stops him to go out and hold him tightly. Maria says: "We cannot do anything. Those who are injured do not have long to live. The yellow slime is to corroding the flesh and water makes it worse.”

Erik gets angry and Maria sees how his eyes get redder and they start to shine. Erik he screams out in anger in a language that no one has heard before. Maria tries to calm down and she says: "Calm down. If they hear you or see you like this, they will try to kill you."

Erik he began puffing and groaning and collapsing in his mother's arms. Erik looks toward his mother's eyes and asks wonderingly: "What is happening to me?"

Maria says: "Shhh. We go somewhere else so we can talk." Maria takes Erik's hand and they start to sneak out of the house. They men outside are busy helping the men that are injured. They walk to the wall and go through a hole. They crawl through gently and run out and enter to the forest. Little further inside the forest Maria says: "You are not an ordinary boy, but you're special."

Erik he asks wonderingly: "What do you mean? What’s wrong with me?"

Maria replies: "How can I say this? Ehh. Sven is not your father." And Maria begins to shake all over and tears flowing.

Erik looks at his mother and tries to say something but do not get out a word, in the end he says: "What! Sven is my father!" He pulls his hand away from mother's hand.

Maria looks at Erik and she takes her hands on her face and crying and shaking all over. Erik gets angry but he's is sorry for all the new information he has received. Maria calms down a little and says: "Please, Erik. Listen to me. Sven is not your father."

Erik responds angrily: "Who is my father? If not Sven is!"

Maria shaking all over and says: "It is Odin who is your father." and looks away because she is ashamed so much. Erik gets little dizzy and sit down on a rock and is shocked.

Erik he responds after a while: "If Odin is my father? Are you really my mother?"

Maria gets angry: "What are you saying? Clearly I 'm your mother! I gave birth to you. You came from my stomach so I know that you are my son. How can you say that?"

Erik is little ashamed because he never said so naughty to her mother before. Erik shakes his head and stands up from the stone and goes to his mother and gives her a big hug. Maria embraces Erik and holds him tight and says: "You should know that I love you more than anyone in this world."

Erik replies: "Mom, I love you. What kind of people am me?”

Maria replies: "You are a demigod and have large power and it will be greater when you're with Slime."

Erik responds: "So you know about Slime?"

Maria replies: "Yes. Slime is your half-sister and she will protect you with her life."

Erik responds: "Half-Sister! How can Slime be my sister?”

Maria replies: "She is a demigod too. When she is in Valhalla she turns to normal person and turned to Slime when she comes to the earth.”

Erik replies: "Ok. What do we do now?"

Maria responds: "We go back to the village and pretend that nothing has happened and you cannot say something to someone that you are a demigod.”

Erik replies: "I promise!"

Suddenly they hear sound form a tree. Maria looks up and sees two crows sitting on a branch. Maria understands immediately what it is and screams out: "I know who you are! Say to Odin that we can take care of it ourselves."

Maria takes up a stone and throws at them and misses. The crows look at each other and fly away and suddenly they are in Valhalla where they fly into the palace. The doors look up automatically when approaching and shuts with a bang. Odin are sitting on his seat and talking with his sons Thor and Loki. Odin looks to Hugin and Munin and orders his sons to go. Hugin lands on his stick which is next to the right of the throne and Munin lands on his stick on the left side of the throne. Hugin jumps up on Odin's shoulder and whispered in his ear. Odin starts laughing with happiness as it echoes across Valhalla. All the gods hear Odin laughing and wondering what is happening.

Meanwhile, down on earth hugs Erik and Maria each other and begin to walk to the main gate. There is chaos with injured people and everyone is trying to save those who are injured. Erik he sees Ivar that turns around and sees them. Ivar gets big eyes and remember what Odin told him and attempts to be nice even though he knows what Erik are. Ivar walks up to them and say: "Are you ok?"

Maria replies: "We are ok, but how are you?”

Ivar replies: "I am little tired, we have not slept in two days."

Maria replies: "I must go and take care of the injured and Erik has to go and sleep."

Ivar replies: "Ok. We’ll talk another time."

Ivar looks at in a funny way when they go through the main gate and Sven looks at Ivar and wonder why he looks so strange. He goes over to Ivar and asks: "Why do you look at them that way?"

Ivar who is in his own world gets scared and jumps. He calms down quickly and replies: "I am just so tired after all this. I have not slept for two days."

Sven says: "Ivar you look really tired and has done a great job of bringing home the men. Go and get some rest now. You've earned that."

Ivar nods to Sven and go through the door and sees the King's house and look up where he sees Erik watching him through a hole. Erik he disappears quickly away from the hole. Sven has seen at Ivar and thinking: "He's really tired."

Sven he orders the soldiers to camp outside the wall and they do what he says. The most injured are inside the stable where there is warmer. The men make up a great fire around to stay warm. All inside walls are admitted to care for the injured and village’s people make lot of food to the soldiers. Sven he orders the guard to triple overnight if Shadow will return. Now it is morning and it’s totally quiet in the village. Suddenly Erik got a strange dream and he sees in someone with other eyes and it is not Slime. He is dreaming when running on the ground and gasps and breaks down the trees on the forest to King`s Village and smashes the trees like it was brushwood. He sees that the creature has four legs and tongue hanging out of his mouth while rushing through the forest and begins to approach the King's Village. Erik wake up cold sweat with glowing red eyes and feel how a person shakes him. He sees a man with strange clothes and has short beard who says to Erik: "Peace Erik. I will take care of this." and he turns around goes while he smiles to Erik.

The man goes quiet down and come out of the door of the King's house. Erik he climbs up through the hole in the roof and look down where he sees the man walks calmly towards the big gate and everyone looks at the man. Everyone sees how there flying trees and how they break into a thousand pieces. Trees flying left and right and it are getting closer. The ground begins to shake and everyone hold the hands over the ears when there is a loud roar from the forest and it is getting closer. Erik looks with big eyes from the ceiling. Erik sees a tree come flying. It flies over the King's house and lands on the other side of the wall. Suddenly it becomes completely still and everyone looks with wide eyes and wonder what it’s in the forest.