The Son Of Odin: The Shadow by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter - Six


Suddenly, above the wind blows and it's someone who pulls up he gently. It is something that keeps him on the waist. He comes up to the surface and flies up in the air. It's is Slime that has taken him and holding Erik with both claws and clamp gently. Erik, who has lost the air, knows nothing what happens. Slime beats its wings to get up and the fog pulls aside. Erik is unconscious and sees someone with other eyes that are looking at him. He sees the lightening from the swamp and get air. Erik wakes up and looks straight into the Slimes eyes and sees how they fly to the mountain. He faints out again and look through Slimes eyes how they approach the mountain. He sees how he lands and put himself on the ground gently while Erik wake up a little. Slime walks around and poking at Erik with his nose. After a while, Erik wakes up. He looks at Slime that looks at the forest and suddenly Slime turns his head toward Erik. He goes to Erik and pushes him to get up. Erik is a little scared and looking around to see if he can go down somewhere. Erik starts freezing of all water and dirt, he is shaking. Slime notices it and shoots a beam of light on a few woods that are close and they catch fire. Slime he pushes Erik to get closer to the fire. Slime he looks towards the forest at the Shadow Valley all the time and then he notices that Slime has a similar half-moon on the face, similar like him. He goes up gently and Slime settles down. Erik goes to Slime carefully and feel the crescent with his fingers. Slime sounds like a cat purring but much higher. Slime lies on his back and it seems that he wants to be itched on the stomach believed Erik. Erik itches on Slimes stomach and he purrs even higher. And suddenly it occurs again to Erik. He sees with Slimes eyes and watching at himself when red eyes start that glow. He removes his hand and wondering what is happening. Erik shaking and thinking something is wrong. Suddenly runs Slime out on the edge and look out towards the forest. Erik goes after Slime and he see full of small fires that move in the woods.

Erik he knows what it is and tells Slime: "It's probably my father who is looking for me. What am I saying, Slime doesn’t understand anything what I say, he is an animal and they cannot talk."

Slime look at Erik and spines and shows with his head that Erik shall jump up on his back. Erik he hesitates first and after a while he jumps up gently. He takes hold of the split ears and Slime begins to flapping he´s wings. Suddenly it happens again and he sees with Slimes eyes. They flying in the clouds and fly to the King's Village where they land gently and noiselessly at the forest edge. Erik he jumps off Slime and he sees himself with red glowing eyes as soon as he let go. Slime bumps to Erik that he should go home but Erik he hesitates because he is so curious about Slime and want to stay with him. Slime bumping harder and fly away and look down towards Erik and finally he disappeared in the clouds. Erik begins to slowly walk towards the gate of the guard yells out: "Who are there! Show you self!”

Erik walks to the gate and the light from the fire show his face and they give order to open the gate. One of the guards run to the King's house and talk to Maria that her son is back. Maria runs down towards the gate and embraces Erik and squeezes hard. Maria cries so it almost sounds like she is laughing. The guards starting to blow the horn so it echoes across the forest. Sven hear this and orders the others to continue to look after Erik and gives a signal if they can come to King's Village. Sven rushing through the forest and arrive at the gate where the guards open the gate fast and there he sees Erik and Maria hugging each other. Sven yells to Erik and Maria, they turn around and see Sven. He runs and hugs Erik and there will be a group hug, the guards look at each other and wonder why they do not say anything and suddenly said Erik: "I want to go inside and take a bath, I'm cold."

Sven carries Erik and Maria make arrangements bath water. Erik arrives. He undresses and jumps in. Maria takes a sponge and wash him on the back and see a few stripes that are there and she thinks: ”Oh no.” Erik looks at his mother and sees that she gets a strange facial expression.

Erik says: "What is it mom? Why do you look so strange?"

Maria is in her own world and jerks and replies: "It's nothing." And scrub Erik’s back harder.

Erik shouts out: "Mom stop it hurts!"

Maria gets big eyes and stops with scrubbing and says: "Sorry, I did not mean to. I was just in my own world."

Maria she gets up and walks out, tears start flowing. Sven is looking outside when tears flowing from her eyes and says: "What is it, is there something wrong?"

Maria waving her arms and hurries out of the house and Sven he waves his arms and shrugs with shoulder and says: "What's going on here?"

Erik he goes out the bath and dries off and gets dressed and sees if there is any food because he has not eaten in a while. He finds some boiled eggs and a bit of bread that he eats fast. Erik he is completely exhausted of all that has happened. He goes to his bed and fall asleep fast. Sven he comes into his room and stroking his hand against Erik's cheek and smiles and is happy that he is alive.

Sven goes down to look for Maria. He looks everywhere and doesn’t find Maria anywhere. He gives orders to the guards to look for Maria. Sven goes to the house and look for a second time but do not see her anywhere.

Sven thinks: "Where could she have gone?"

Erik he fell asleep really hard and began to dream strange dreams that he was alone on top of a volcano and the volcano spurted red fire. He dreams that he is flying and looking down towards the King's Village , he flies up into the air and spins around and dive down and see the fire that looks like a fire serpent out in the woods when he gets closer , he sees that there are soldiers and Ivar that are the fire serpent. Erik wakes up and he sweats, the room is glowing red. He gets fast dry and the room is normal again.

Erik thinks: "What was it, the whole room was red?" Erik he jumped out of bed and screaming for mom but no response then Sven asks: "What’s going on?"

Erik replies: "I just had a small nightmare." Erik smiled a little.

Erik and Sven went down together, and then Erik said: "Can we practice with the sword?"

Sven thought: "This could get Erik in thinking other than what he has been through." And replied: "Of course we can." And he smiled.

Erik took out two trees swords and gave a sword to his father. The two stood together and they start beating on each other's swords, they jump on the table and fencing with the wooden swords. Sven do strumming sound with his mouth so it'll sound like metal. Erik he smiles and laughing, Sven notice that Erik has talent and Erik he parries every blow, Erik fencing with sword like a true champion as if he had been practicing for more than twenty years. Sven was a bit confused but just thought positively that he has such a good son. They were getting a bit tired and began slack off a bit and they came up to maybe shoot a little bow, and set up a target indoors and at first it was Sven who would shoot an arrow . He pulled up and took aimed the arrow. He hit the edge of the target. Erik takes the bow and put the arrow on the string. He pulls on the string and notice how red the hand becomes. Sven looks only at the target plate where Erik releases the string and the arrow hits the target. Sven he looked surprised and said: "It is good, you hit the bull's-eye."

Erik he smiled and Sven goes to target. The arrow is stuck and he must use forces in order to pull it out.

Sven he gets a little confused and thinking: “What is this?”

Erik he looked at his hand and hides it quickly.

He thinks: “Dad cannot see my hand." And says: “I am really tired and must go to sleep.”

Sven replied: "Good night my son.” But he thought very much about what had happened.

Erik he throws off his clothes and jump into bed, where he falls asleep fast. Sven he goes to see if he can find Maria, but there is no trace. He looks up to the sky, it is black and full of stars. Suddenly he sees a flash of light that illuminates the entire King's Village and the lands deep in the forest. It was like it is daylight for a second so bright it was. Those who are out there had seen the flash of light and came over to Sven.

Sven says: "Be sure to double the guards there may have been the Shadows." Everyone is nervous and looked if they saw something at the forest edge. The Flash light disappears in to the forest.