The Son Of Odin: The Shadow by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter - Seven


Maria is out in the forest and hears a violent blow nearby and sees a great light and the snow are falling from the trees. Maria looks with big eyes when she will see what it is. It is the God Odin the most powerful of them all. He looks towards Maria with a smile. Maria gets furious.

Odin says: "Hello my beautiful Maria. It was a long time since we was together."

Maria replies: "I understand what you want. It's Erik right?"

Odin responds: "Well, you know whose son he is?"

Maria said in a loud voice: "Yes sure, I know that. It was just one night when were together, Sven was gone for three month, so I know that Erik is your son!" Maria took a branch and started beating on Odin and it got broken in two pieces, she went down on her knees and began cry and say: “What will happen to my son?"

Odin responds: "Erik is a demigod but has great power and it will increase more. You don’t need to be worried about his safety. His half- sister he supervises him every day."

Maria responds wondering: "What! Half-Sister? Who is it? Are she in the village?"

Odin he smiled and replies: "It’s the one you people call Slime. She changes shape to the creature when she is outside Valhalla, Erik is human form on the earth and together they complement each other."

Maria says anxiously: "Sven may not know that Erik is not his son!"

Odin says: "He will know the due course of his time."

Maria says: "Sven will kill me if he finds out."

Odin says: "Just yell my name and I will help you."

Odin he begins to explain why Shadow is evil one and that she managed to escape from Valhalla, where she was imprisoned and real name is Skade.

Odin says: "I have to go now but yell my name if you need help."

Odin waved to Maria and disappeared with a flash of light up to Valhalla. Maria walking towards King's Village where she enters through the gate and Sven comes rushing against Maria.

Sven says: "Where have you been woman? We have been looking for you everywhere!"

Maria replies: "I was afraid that we almost lost Erik and wanted to be alone for a while."

Sven replies: "Next time you do this you must say to me! I have been worried and looking for you."

Maria nodded and went into the house to Erik's room, where she sat down beside the bed and stroked Erik's cheek and the tears began to fall from Maria's eyes. She began to cry so much that the sound was too loud so she runs out of Erik's room and comes into her room where she lies down on the bed crying. The night turns to morning and Maria has not slept. She has made breakfast for everyone and wakes up Erik who gets a big hug from his mother.

Maria says: "Good morning and hope you have slept well, there's breakfast ready at the big room downstairs."

Erik replies: "Good morning mother. Well I have never slept so well before and I 'm very hungry."

They both go down and start to eat food and smiles and laughs. Maria takes an egg and stuffs it full in the mouth and try to say: "Good Eggs." But it sounds just mumbling and she starts laughing so the eggs fly out of her mouth into a thousand pieces scattered all over the table . Erik he takes his hands over his face in order not to break out in laughter. Sven walks into the room and sees that they both have really fun and smiles and wonders if he can join the fun. Maria and Erik nods and look at each other. They start to throw food on Sven. Sven comes running out from the house and Maria and Erik throwing eggs at Sven and the people around look at them with wide eyes.

Sven he shouts: "No problem peoples, we have only a little family time here." And laugh out loud, they rush into the house and continues with food fight. After a while, they find no more food and start to calm down.

Erik he says: "Mom and Dad, I’ve never had so much fun before!" And gave them two a big hug and everyone smiled from ear to ear. They began to wash up and change clothes then a guard comes in and says: "Seven men standing outside the main gate and they want to get in to the village."

Sven he runs out and goes up the tower which is close to the main gate and looks down on them. They have weird clothes that are black and he asks: "What do you want and who are you?"

One of the men named Johan says: "We are a few poor men who just need a little food and rest to continue our walk."

Sven he orders to open the gate and the guards standing ready and see that they have no weapons, but carries the cross necklace and quickly understand that they are Christians. Sven welcomes the guests asking them to come into the house and says to Ingrid to give them some food and five guards are following them inside.

Sven says: "Help yourself and eat until you are satisfied then you can be our evening's guests when we're having a little party."

They nod and thank Sven and Johan says: "You're a good man and we bless this food."

Before they begin to eat they start to prey and thanking for the food and blessed Jesus and God. Sven looks with big eyes when they began to pray. Sven goes to a guard named Ola and he takes him on the shoulder and they go a little further away and whisper something in his ear. Ola he nods and takes two of the guards and goes out. The seven men started eating and Sven goes to them.

Sven says: "Eat and enjoy food, drink some mead."

Johan he replies: "We cannot drink mead, just wine."

Sven asks wondering: "What is wine?"

Johan replies: "Wine is made from grapes, and it's the only thing we can drink because Jesus could turn water into wine."

Sven looks annoying out and says: "Who is Jesus? Is it your King?"

Johan he responds in a calm voice: "Jesus is God's child and he is the ancestor of Christianity."

Sven becomes more increasingly annoying and then Erik come to Sven wondering who these men are. Sven he whispers to Erik and he runs up to his room. Sven goes out and after few moments he comes in with ten men with swords in their hands and they start hitting them hard and pulling them out of the house as they plunged to the mud. The Christians begin to understand what is happening and begin to pray for their god. Sven becomes furious and yells: "Cut off the heads and throw them into the forest!"

The guards look at each other and screaming for Odin! And they cut off their heads except Johan. He is crying and begging for his life.

Sven goes to him and kicks him in the mud and says: "I am the king of this country and here is no Christian welcome, go now to your Jesus and tell him that all Christians who come into my country will have the same treatment!"

Erik he has seen everything from a hole in the wall and he is shocked and Maria comes rushing in and asks what happened. Erik tells what he has seen, tears flowing down his cheek and the body begins to shake with fear. Maria tries to calm him and eventually he becomes calm and sits down on his bed. Erik sees that his mother gets angry and she runs down to Sven and she has brought a broom, which she strikes Sven on the head so the broom is in two pieces.

Sven calls out: "Are you crazy woman? What's the matter with you?" All men look at Maria with big eyes.

Maria shouts out: "Hey! Do you know what just happened?"

Sven replies: "What is it? What is happened that makes you crazy woman?"

Maria replies: "Erik has seen all that you have done with these poor men, and he is totally in shock!"

Sven he becomes completely still and looks up where he sees Erik's eyes through a hole. Sven gets sad because he has exposed him for such a cruelty but he cannot show those for others that he is sorry.

Sven says: "They are Christians and they deserved this, no one should come here and preach someone else's faith. We live for Odin."

Maria shouts out: "Odin yes that son of." And she calms down before she says too much. Maria goes into the house and yells out: "Tonight you sleep outside!"

Sven look at all people and gets angry and shouts: "No one closing me out of my own home!"

He goes against the house and trying to open the door but Maria has locked the door from inside. Sven he gets angrier and looks towards the people and shouts out: "What are you looking at? Do your job!"

They guard goes away and the women run into their houses and lock the doors. Not Eva who says to Sven: "Men, what do we need them for?" She turns around and walks towards her house.

Sven shouts of rage and starts beating at the outside toilette where a man comes running out with his pants down and stumble and fall into the pigs. Sven gets in a little better mood and start laughing out loud. After a while he sits outside his house and thinking. He sits there until becomes night. The door opened and Erik comes out and gives him a hug. Sven he starts to cry and apologize to Erik that he had seen the cruel things. Erik grabbed his hand and he takes him into the house and Maria standing there when they arrive. Sven he looks down at the ground and he is ashamed. Maria comes to him and both Erik and Maria hug him and immediately are all in a better mood. They want to have a feast and Sven he says: "Yes, we will arrange a party before the soldiers arrive and it may be the last party in a long time!"

Erik and Maria nods. Sven goes out and yells out: "Now we will party. Everyone is invited to a party at my house!"

He rings the bell and the people come with the bread and mead. Everyone started drinking mead and eating good food. They bowl and all the men ate like pigs. They has food in their beards, they belched and farted. The women looked at them and shook with their heads. Suddenly they hear horns blowing. All men run out and up in the towers and wondering what is happening. Sven asks: "What’s going on here?"

Guard named Rurik says: "See far away, there is a long fire snake.”

The ground begins to shake more and Sven shouts: "All men to arms, and take your positions!"