The Tiger Story & The Sarah and the Glass Castle Stories: A Short Anthology for Children by K. E. Ward & E. L. Ward - HTML preview

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Cindy and the Sweltering Castle


In a far-away land there lived three best friends who each lived in their own castle.

In the heat of the summer, Sarah and Cindy found that they were getting very hot, indeed.

Hershey’s castle was doing just fine, because his two friends had built him a shield made out of glass and velvet to stop it from melting.  And plus, there was plenty of room at the bottom for cool air to come in and refresh the family who lived there.

But Sarah’s castle was made of clear glass, and the light and warmth of the sun came right through and into the castle.  It had many windows, but this wasn’t enough to fight the stifling heat that came in.

Cindy’s castle was made of dark velvet, and there were no windows to allow cool air to rush in.

One day as Sarah and Cindy were eating chocolate chip cookies, Cindy’s mother said, “Dark colors soak up heat, so it’s no wonder that it’s so hot in here.”

Just then Sarah got an idea.  “Why don’t we make windows in your castle like there are in mine?  Surely this place will be much cooler if we allow the breeze to blow through.”

Cindy agreed and her mother gave them permission to use the scissors.  So they went room by room, cutting large windows into the velvet.

When they were done, the castle was much cooler.  “Thank-you so much, Sarah!” exclaimed Cindy.  “But what will we do with all this fabric?”

The two girls put their heads together and then Cindy remembered that Sarah’s castle was kind of hot, too.

“Why don’t we use the fabric to make curtains for your castle, Sarah?”

Sarah loved the idea.  So they spent hours and hours stitching and sewing the velvet together until they became beautiful, long curtains.

When they put the curtains up in Sarah’s castle, Sarah’s mother was very pleased.  “You’ve done an excellent job, girls,” she said.

And once the curtains were up, the castle became much cooler.

But there was still a lot of velvet left, and by this time the girls were very fond of sewing.  They invited Hershey over to help them.

“Hershey, we have all this fabric left, and nothing to use it for.  What do you suggest we do?”

Hershey said, “Let’s make winter clothes.  After all, it’s not going to be summer forever, and sooner or later it’s going to get cold.”

So the three friends got to work making dresses, pants, tops, and jackets for winter.

When they were all finished, all three of them had new wardrobes.

Sure enough, Fall came, and the temperatures outside became cooler.

When Sarah, Hershey and Cindy first wore their new clothes, their parents were amazed.  “You did all this yourself?” they asked.

Even though their clothes were nice and warm, Cindy’s castle was a little cold with the new windows that had been cut into it.

So Sarah said, “We’ll give you some of our glass, and you can have glass windows.”

So they put the glass into the windows and Cindy’s family was very pleased.

That year at Christmas, Hershey gave everyone a ten-pound bag of chocolate.

Sarah’s castle had new, beautiful drapes.

Cindy’s castle had glass windows.

And Hershey was very happy with his new clothes.


The End.



