The Tiger Story & The Sarah and the Glass Castle Stories: A Short Anthology for Children by K. E. Ward & E. L. Ward - HTML preview

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Beyond the Mountains


Sarah of the glass castle, Hershey of the chocolate castle, and Cindy of the velvet castle had been friends for a long time now.

In fact, best of friends.  They played together every day, riding on the backs of their horses into the far reaches of the meadows and playing in the fields.

They had so much fun together, and they loved each other so much, that they vowed that they would never, ever part, no matter what would happen.

But even still, the meadows seemed to get smaller and smaller as they explored and played in each and every part of it.

The meadows and fields grew boring, and the three children longed for adventure in their lives.

They looked off into the distance at the mountains one day.  “Do you ever wonder what lies beyond the mountains?”

All three were in agreement that they must discover what was beyond the mountains, and so all three went to their parents.

Sweetly, each of them asked to take a trip.

Concerned, their parents got together and discussed the matter.

Before long, the answer came back: they could go, so long as Sarah’s mother went along with them.

So Sarah, Hershey, Cindy, and Sarah’s mother set off for the mountains, carrying the knapsacks that the parents had prepared for them.

The first day’s journey was the toughest.  The walk was all flat, but it was not very exciting, and the mountains seemed such a long ways off.

They stopped often to take drinks of water from their canteens and to take bites of biscuits.

On the second day, they arrived at the mountains.  They looked up and the rocky slope seemed to climb up incredibly high.

Helping each other, they began to climb.  It was difficult, but with the support of friends, they knew they were going to make it.

Finally, they reached the top.  And looking down, they were amazed.

What they saw was the sea shore, its waves gently lapping against the beach.

As they looked farther inland, they could see a bundle of houses overlooking the water.

“A village!” Hershey exclaimed.

Right away the three children set off for the bottom.  They could hardly wait to meet new people!

“To think,” Cindy said, “They’ve been so close, all along.”

When they got to the bottom they immediately headed for the village.

People were walking about in every which direction, busily carrying on.

Sarah, who was closely followed by Hershey and Cindy, stopped to talk with a little girl with dark braids in her hair.  “Excuse me,” she said, “but what is this village called?”

“The little girl said, “Tranquility.”

Sarah said, “We’re not from around here.  We live beyond the mountains.  I live in a glass castle, Hershey lives in a chocolate castle, and Cindy lives in a velvet castle.  We have come here because we were curious about what lay behind the mountains.”

The little girl looked excited.  “Oh, how wonderful!  Do you think you could take me to see your castles?”

“Well,” Sarah said, “I’m sure you would have to ask permission, first.”

And so the little girl, whose name was Donna, asked her mother if she could please go beyond the mountains with these three nice children and Sarah’s mother.

When she agreed, the five of them began going back over the mountains.

The return trip was much easier than coming, they found.  They had already learned much about climbing and were well able to help Donna.

When they arrived back at the castles, Donna had wonder in her eyes.  “I think it’s the most marvelous thing I’ve ever seen in my life!” she exclaimed.

“Donna, would you and your family like to live here, in the meadows, with us?”

Donna had tears in her eyes.  “I have always wanted to live in a meadow.”

“Go and tell your parents and everyone else in the village that whoever wants to live here may come and be our friends.”

Donna smiled happily as the four friends embraced.

“I know what’s beyond the mountains,” Cindy said.

“What’s that?” Sarah said.



The End.