Viva La Vida by Shubham Singh - HTML preview

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The rain has stopped and left its foot prints outside in form of trash displaced everywhere, broken branches of trees and tears in Sarah eyes.

“Why? Why it happens to good people like you?” Sarah asked. “I don’t know its nature’s law. Everyone has to die one day on another”, Alex shrugged.

“I am leaving. Best of luck for your presentation”, Sarah said leaving the restaurant.

Alex sat there motionless for few minutes but then something made him to stand up on his feet and get ready for the biggest day in his life, the launch program of his dream-project, ‘Caroline’, world’s most awaited dream hologram caster and photo editor.

He returned his mansion a couple of hours ago before main event, dressed up quickly and set off for San Francisco Opera House on his brand new Carbuncle colored Ferrari spider 488 where once Steve jobs revealed his dream, Macintosh!


Backstage of San Francisco Opera House

Alex was holding the last letter written to him by Caroline. He opened envelope and took the letter in his hand. His hands were trembling and his hear was throbbing. He slowly opened the letter and started to read carefully.


Dear Aley,

I know it must be the best day of your life otherwise you wouldn’t have reading this. Anyhow, I have many secrets to share with you.

The first day I saw you, you was busy sketching the school building sitting alone on swing. I wanted you to sketch me that is the reason why I used to play till late in the school ground. I don’t know whether you sketched me or not but I am sure I broke your back. I heard from father that when I fell unconscious you gave me back ride to the third floor of school clinic. At that age, I was a junior elephant sized girl and I still feel amazed how you did it! When dad passed away and my mother broke down, you were the only guy to support us. Even our relatives shrugged their shoulders when we need them most. That day I realized that a worthy friend is more than thousand relatives! You did whatever you could.

I still remember how you used to smuggle my favorite ice cream into my room during winters and rainy season. I salute your bravery to sneak such a dangerous eatable fooling my mother aka Mrs. Sherlock Holmes. How we planned to go to same senior high and receiving degree from same college. Hahaha!!!

When mother jumped from twentieth floor, I almost broke down but because of you I revived from that shock. Now, I want to share you an important thing. My parents were HIV positive and when my mother came to know about this, she started to hide this matter from me. She started to feel depressed and fear about the inheritance of this horrible disease to me killed her every second.

The day she found that I too was suffering the same disease, it became unbearable for her. She didn’t think about me or about my future and jumped from such a height. I got to know about this when I found my medical papers in her hand.

As I started to fell ill frequently, I realized that I had very days left in my life bank. I took two complete day and night to know how can I spend these days usefully. The only thing came springed my mind were you.

I don’t know how but my classmates came to know about my disease and they started to despise me and questioned my character. I was unable to answer their dirty questions so I tried to avoid them but in vain.

The day you found me crying, it was because of them. One of the girl came to me and used such words that I can’t even write it down in this letter. But I didn’t break down at that moment. I broke down when she spoke about your bad grades and the humiliation you underwent when I was admitted in hospital.

That very moment I vowed to myself that I’ll get you out of this mess anyhow and the rest would be history when you’re reading this letter.

I found everything a person need to survive in this harsh world, my Aley. A friend, a father and a mother. You taught me many things but fool, you forgot about them when you needed them most.

Being daughter of Spanish mother, my mother used a phrase to describe life i.e., ‘Viva La Vida’. When I asked her meaning about this phrase she told me that someday in distant future life itself will teach its meaning to me.

The last day when I met you, I realized what she meant. ‘Viva La Vida’, meant ‘Live life, Life is beautiful’. Thanks for helping me to solve one of the greatest mystery of life!. I didn’t want anything that reminds you about your failure should be left in your life. When you went to counter to order I sneaked those papers from your bag and burnt them down when you left.

I doubt I would be there with you when you’re reading this but if I, bring double scoop butterscotch ice cream on your way to my home. LOL!!!!!

Don’t forget about me, Aley. NEVER, EVER! I will be there, standing beside when you address the public, seated proudly among those people who once called you worthless so that spotlight can focus on you. I want see that dawn when I can proudly introduce myself as the best pal of Creative guru of century, Alex or may be wife!!

Miss you a lot on way to Paradise? I doubt I had done much good deed so ‘way to hell’! Meet you at that place where I created only for us! img4.png


Yours lovingly,




A couple of tear fell on the letter smudging the smiley. Alex somehow controlled his emotions and rehearsed the presentation.