Viva La Vida by Shubham Singh - HTML preview

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11:00 am, San Francisco Opera House.

“You just heard about the project ‘Caroline’, now, I want to show you in person. The image you about to see on large screen will be generated by this app”, Alex said pointing at the logo of app projected on large screen left to him. Unlike most corporate who wear suits and ties on such special occasion, Alex chose Solid Henley T-shirt, navy blue jeans and adidas felor hiker.

“We are a step away from a new dawn, my friends. A dawn which will change the course of art in human history, the confluence of art and technology”, he continued, “So let welcome this new dawn”.

The feeling of excitement seemed to flow through the whole group of people in San Francisco Opera House like an electric current, turning one even against will into a grimacing, screaming madly. As soon as Alex presses the app and places his index on finger print scanner of phone. An unclear image started to form on screen slowly.

Suddenly, a breeze of silence and excitement preoccupied the opera house. None of the single person present at that place could resist themselves from not watching that alluring face forming on the screen. A beautiful painting of an unknown girl in her teenage in spectacular aquatic blue dress holding a burning sparkle stick with dazzling stars at background left the gnawing audience enthralled for few minutes.

“To create such more artistically alluring paintings and sketches, you just have to open the app, place your index finger on finger print scanner of your smart phone, making a clear image of thing you want and wait for few seconds. Voila, your imagination will be right in front of you. This is not the only feature that makes this app different from other photo editing apps; by using this app you can edit the picture at the very right moment without using specified tools. The only tools you require is your imagination”, Alex tried to break the spell bound of girl on screen by changing slides.

“Our app works on the principle of aura frequency i.e. it calculates the frequency of imagination aura released from your brain through your index finger and convert it into complex algorithm which is transferred to our compiler and turn your imagination into reality”, he smirked, showing the other features of his app.

He continued explaining the features of his app ‘Caroline’ but people are equally curious to know the girl as well as app features. That unknown girl left the people dazed and enthralled till the end of program.

“This is the future of art my friends. This will be a new landmark in the history of art and creativity of human beings. As we say ‘Sparkle your imagination’, I hope that next generation will create more difference than my team and I did. Thank you”, Alex felt elated when he received standing ovation.

There was another person in the hall who was more elated than Alex. A teen girl in aqua blue dress was smiling at Alex from the corner of hall and he knew that!

“A faint clap of thunder

Even if rain not comes not

I will stay here Together with you!”

Alex whispered and the lady in blue dress smiled and disappeared in a place known as eternity.