ZooBall. Footjimons Attack! by Alexander Zaryanin - HTML preview

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Europe Asia

Europeans could reckon for output from their group only having won to Asiatic team.


The European coach a Goose Van Hollands stay to pensiveness: "How his bleating and lowing cattles will fight with powerful beasts from team of Asia?".


But then Mowgli nor about than did not outlive. He was re-educated.

The burden of coach's duties will entrust on bear a Balloo.


Europeans was tuned to bitter struggle and in the beginning of play has leading in a score.


But Asians were not going to concede.


It was hard to European pets play with fast and strong Asian animals.


Beautifully played the best European goalkeeper a cat Catalles, reflecting all attempts of the asians to regain score a goal. But at the end of the game the Asian team could level the score, this has in cold blood done panther Bagheera with passing by tiger Sherkhan.

The referee a penguin Lolo, whose team else has yesterday stopped the fight on tournament, he gived the final whistle. The team from Europe could depart to home. It is safe to say, the bear Mikhaylo Potapovych Baluev have cope with entrusted duty to him. By the end of match and trainer Mowgli finally comed to oneself.

Europe 1 : 1 Asia



The teams of hyper-talented prodigy-animals from Japan and occupied second place team from Asia will continue the championship from the second group. Footjimons will play with the team of South America in semi-final game. And team from Asia will play with team from Africa who is not yielding by powers to them.

The penguins were upset that their team even didn't came out from the group and were going to go home to Antarctica. But there was a surprise for them. It turned out that their icebergs melted under the scorching African sun.


On waves did float a many fruits, which penguins changed per icecream to Africans.


Moreover a huge number of sharks were swimming near the African coast. But penguins didn't grieve and decided to stay in Africa till the end of World Cup. The animals from other continents also decided to watch the final matches.

* * *


Africa Asia

It was the day of the first semifinal match.

The stadiums were full of fans and tourists from all over the world. It was the match of the most strongest teams of the world.

Nobody couldn't predict the results. Each found at the playing teams the own strong points.

The lord of Asia Sherkhan and the prince Leopold, the lord of African Jungles Tarzan and the lord of Asian Jungles Mowgli met at the stadium.



The gates of both teams were kept by huge elephants.


The game was very hard with many power fights.


Each team demonstrated its power and ability.


Each team scored one goal at the gate of opponent. Although the elephants were enormous and covered whole gate, they are very slow. The fox and Bagheera managed to force the elephant did abandon gate line, and tiger spike the ball exactly in gate, with their cunning pass.


The African Giraffe scored goal by hitting the ball by his head, with a Leo's pass. Time steadily went to end of play. The players of both teams felt nervous. Nobody, in no event, did not want to yield. The tension in play to grow and amongst players all more often occurred tussles.


Both captains did not share ball between himself too.


The referee was a hedgehog from Europe. He was very strict. He has already shown its prickly temper in this championship. The hedgehog stopped in root the roughness in play. But he even so have forgiven lion and tiger, was limited only by warning to them.

The match finished by the draw. According to the rules, the teams need overtime to identify the winner. So they have to play two matches for 15 minutes each. The animals players were very tired. They to lie straight on lawn to repose in break.

The Insistent referee hedgehog gave a sign to beginning over-time. The players has gathered its last power and dart out on the field, that is trying to will champ, to will scratch for victory.

The Africans ran to the gate of Asians.


The rhinoceros is with such alacrity to carry to Asiatic gate. The forward of the african team a prince Leo threw the ball under the rhinoceros's feet, who rushing not analysing way.

The Asian elephant was afraid to be injured by rhinoceros's horn and jumped aside. Rhinoceros has rammed the net a gate and under drone of the tribunes to run further. The all has by a narrow margin stopped a rhinoceros. Quite beside a tribunes. The africans was were overjoyed, and already started to celebrate the victory. On the stadium rumbled a roar of many thousands beasts gulps. The volunteers hastily was did darn a torn gates.

But african animals rejoiced prematurely, since match is not finished yet. Asians decided to organize a counterattack. Rage attacks ended in the penalty area of the African team. Hyena played too roughly against Bagheera.


The Asiatic animals didn't want give insulting of the own player. Begin the small fight again. But referee hedgehog has quickly stopped this little rowdiness.


The Insidious hyena thought that nobody will not notice on by her foul ball. If referee hedgehog was not such sharp-eyed, but then with sense of smell in different maked filths he had okay. Hedgehog imperiously pointed to the penalty spot. Bagheera dare to overpunch penalty himself, she has rubbed the damaged paw, although Sherkhan protested he did want to perform the kick too.


Limping slightly Bagheera did not bad and even was well kicked the ball. But african elephant is difficult overpunching, he has brushed against the ball, flown exactly in the angle of gate, by the tip of his ears.

The ball disappeared. Animals were looking for the ball across the field. But nobody could find it. The fans did not know is nothing too.

African elephant felt something like jumping in his ears when he shakes his head. He began shake down this something.


This is has fallen out of his ears and fell right to into the gate. This is was a ball. The referee of the play a european hedgehog Hogjicsky was implacable. He has pointed to a medium of the football field.

On sectors with african rooter rumbled the drone of the disillusionment. Asians fans, who is least than africans, squalled to joy.


Over-time was finished, but does not clarity in result of stubborn game.

Africa 2 : 2 Asia

Now the rules require to solve who is win in penalty series.

It was very difficult to score the goal to the gate that is kept by huge elephants.








Nobody could enter the ball into the gate. Got into elephants often, their practically bombarded, but nobody did not hit the gate. Already started to overpunch the second attempts. And was very boring for fans to watch such shootout. The animals have begun to fall asleep from tedium.

Cute chimpanzee was an advisor of Tarzan. He intently keeped a check on play of the Indian elephant in match with Footjimons. The most clever from apes are chimpanzee has noticed that elephants well beat off the balls by proboscis, but often miss the goals between legs. They it is difficult to keep an eye, what is occurs the below under belly.


It was a Lion's turn to kick the ball. And Tarzan said him how to kick.

And the excellent player a Leo scored a goal!


Already nearly sleeping rooters, awakened from wonder.

But sly fox heard the Tarzan’s talking with the monkey and informed Mowgli. Subsequent to Leo the queue to make its blow approached to panther Bagheera. But offended past by refusal of kick penalty the Sherkhan protested newly.

Mowgli has requested Bagheera that he be yield a solving attempt for Sherkhan to get the African gates.

Panther has objected, "I understand that Sherkhan are power athlete, but today play is not his".

But tiger persisted and vowed that only he capable to strike the gates of the Africa. Mowgli and Bagheera happened to yield him. Wasn't time on disputes, the prickly referee of this match already whistled.

Sherkhan an certain gait come to penalty mark. Sherkhan roared very loudly, silenced by its voice the noisy arena.


So he was hoping to scare the african elephant.

Sherkhan have done all as lion before it. He throwed ball between legs of the african elephant.


But Elephant caught the ball by his tail. The african elephant was is beforehand warned so that he spared especial attention a lower part his huge body.

The tribunes with African fans to roar and bellow an aloud.


Africans were overjoyed. The African team went out to the final of the animal World Cup.


Even a king Leopold and queen Leopolda has forgotten about rule of the royal courtesy and started dancing. This dance little reminded the courtier a minuet.

The Asians were very upset.


The panther Bagheera - an thunderstorm of football fields, she even cried. But her possible she a lady. What not say for instance about Sherkhan.

Asian players have found the strength to congratulate their strong and successful rivals with a victory. After all, football is a game, the loser can win the next time.


The first semifinal game is finished. Africans were celebrating their victory and the Asians were preparing for the consolatory match for the third place.

All animals waited the new semifinal.