ZooBall. Footjimons Attack! by Alexander Zaryanin - HTML preview

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Footjimons - South America

Crowds of animals hurried to stadium to watch their new idols Footjimons.

South American players for days of repose, which they had quite a few, very did feel nervous. They quaked for each mentioning of Footjimons. For three plays a Footjimons maked very afraid the all soccer players. The coachs did not know how to win these japaneses.

Howler monkey Maradunga shouted loudly and pushed his footballers to the stadium. Even it was got kicks to "super-stars" such as jaguar Jaguardo and his relative a amazonian ape Mandragona.

After some minutes the game started


South Americans played very sluggish.


Maradunga was very angry and didn't know how to cheer the team.


His swearing didn't changed the situation on the field. The first half was not finished but the score was 10 : 0 !!! The Footjimons were winning!

Maradunga was furious and already waved macheto in hand, as a hint to its unlucky players, what will be to them during break time in locker.

Sensei of Footjimons Burmumoto-san was absolutely calm and enjoyed drinking the lemonade and eating pineapple. His mood was excellent.

Suddenly, in the sector where was sited the Organizers of the tournament, began a tumults. The referee Duckbill stopped the game and withdrew the ball from Footjimons.

The audience didn’t understand anything.

Nothing not understanding Burmumoto-san to scream: "What-s pr-roblem-san? Give-me-san play to game-san!"

It turned out…

It turned out that the night before, one of the japanese programmers was able escaped from the ship.

Japanese programmers were locked in a dark and damp hold by pirates. They were sit and trembled with fear.

Suddenly they heard the rustle and rattle. The hole on the wall is appeared and there were fearful shadows.



It was a rats. Rats said to programmers that they are peaceful animals and like football very much.

Rats promised programmers to help them to escape from the tanker. Programmers had a plan. The programmers decided to get off the ship to the coast with the help of a kite. All the Japaneses know how to make kites. Rats brought into the hold different things, such as pieces of rope and matter, as well as various rails and planks.


Soon the kite was ready. The rats has conducted the programmers on deck of the tanker in own their secret ways.


The liberty was in programmers hands. The programmers have already unfolded its kite. Suddenly, one of the Footjimons-guards signalized of the alert. The robots Footjimons does not sleep always and their own photocells, radio-radars and another very sensitive equipments has noticed in the programmers and their friends rats, who was tried to leave tanker invisibly.


The pirates caught the Japanese programmers and rats and tied. But one programmer was able to escape out the tanker. A wind lifted the kite and the programmer caught the rope, so after some moments he was high in the sky.


The kite flew high and hovered over the Africa. Pirates thought that the programmer will fly to the space. Pirates are not educated, they are foolish. Or else they thought that feebles programmer will fall down and break. Therefore they didn't say anything to Burmulaj. They were afraid that Burmulaj will throw them to the sharks. Other programmers were chained in the hold and the rats were thrown overboard.

The sharks didn't eat them because they were waiting bigger prey. The rats also were not simpletons, they took life jackets. The inflatable jacket became for them like a boat. So the rat could reach the African coast.

Programmer flew over the African savannas and forests. His hands weakened, and he all below slid down on rope. But rope already ended. He already hung on the tip of rope, but wind chucked this tail of kite to sides aside. Programmer nearly fell, but adown a rocks.

Suddenly an eagle appeared among the rocks. He saw a strange creature and decided, "it would be a good dinner for my children". The eagle grabbed the kite and brought it to the nest.


Eagle found the programmer. The programmer said the eagle about what is happened. The children of eagle played with beautiful kite. Eagle is a noble bird and he decided to help the programmer.

Programmer sat on the eagle and they flew to the stadium. Eagle already the good knew kind doctor Aibobo.


The programmer told Dr. Aibobo that the Footjimons are not animals, they are robots. And also told that there are pirates instead of real Japanese.


Aibobo informed the Organizers of the World Cup. Rats had earlier told them this story, but organizers didn't believe them. The Organizers has considered this a fantasy of insidious rodents. But Dr. Aibobo was very respected, and everybody believed him. That's why the match was stopped.

Organizers said that they suspected that Footjimons are not simple animals but they didn't have direct evidence.

Moreover they said that all matches that Footjimons played will be revised.

Probably will happen a grandiose scandal …

But suddenly…


Many footjimons appeared in the stadium. And they were not a nice footballers, they were heavily armed a little monsters.


This Burmulaj gave the signal, and his toy's army has encircled the stadium.

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Some animals tried to resist.



Burmulaj took the crown from the King Leopold’s head and declared himself Emperor of animals.


But the crown was a little bit bigger for him.


Burmulaj enslaved African animals and tourists.


He ordered to enclose the neighborhood of the stadium by barbed wire. So the animals couldn't escape.



So, the horrible robber Burmulaj became the animal tyrant once more. He wanted to make a big park where he could beat animals and mock them.

Burmulaj remembered the programmer who had almost ruined his plans. That programmer was responsible for the football playing functions of Footjimons. He taught the Footjimons to play the football. This programmer did not know about military programs that are made by other Japanese programmers. Malicious Burmulaj ordered other programmers to make aggressive and evil Footjimons. Burmulaj ordered the predators to eat the programmer. But they didn't do it. Because all animals complied with the truce.


Even hungry crocodile refused to swallow the programmer.


Then, infuriated Burmulaj ordered his bandits to throw the programmer to the pit with snakes. "The snakes has no legs, and they exactly do not love the football" thought Burmulaj.


But the snakes didn’t hurt the programmer. The snakes was united with all animals too. They even helped him to get out of the pit.


The animals has covered the programmer, maked him the monkey grease paint.


Burmulaj remembered in the same way a doctor Aibobo. He didn't like the kind doctor. He wanted to throw the doctor to sharks. He wanted to throw the doctor to sharks. But suddenly he decided did not this, because the leader of highwaymans and "king of animals" suddenly from overeating was fall ill the belly. He put the doctor to the cage, as if of the wild beast.


Burmulaj ordered doctor Aibobo to heal him. Aibobo agreed because he is very kind doctor. And real doctors should not refuse to help anyone.

The assistents of Aibobo a Ci-Ci, Avva, Hrounny and parrot Karruzzo hid his laptop and gave it to programmer. The Mole have digged mink more spaciously, and there japanese programmer wrote new computer program, now hacker's program - a computer virus. Usually viruses this are bad, they break the computers, but now this virus had to break the Footjimons.


The moles through their own burrows supplied the beasts a foods secretly from a pirates. For assistants of the doctor Aibobo the moles carryed the medicines. Now they did cure the animals, including the woundings from cruel highwaymans.


Burmulaj soon grew bored. He wanted so that his Footjimons will win to the best players-animals in football.

Burmulaj appointed a new super-duper match.


Although the stars of the animal's football comed on the field in prison overalls, but were going to give the real fighting to small robots.

Burmulaj thought that robots will win in several minutes. But it was not so. The game was very hard.


The stars demonstrated the miracles of its technics of playing.





Already Footjimons were not the favorites of the field. After first half the score was 5 - 5. Burmulaj became noticeably nervous.


At the same time the little programmer just managed to finish his new hacking program. The assistants of the doctor Aibobo was hided in lees of the fans. The pirates pened in stadium the animals as a live-stock. But animals liked as skilfully and selfless played their overall team.

Now it was necessary to get the FootjiConsole to implement that program. But the console hung on the Burmulaj's belt. The assistants of Aibobo went to the stadium to get that console in the time when a Burmulaj watched the game very attentively.


Burmulaj controlled the Footjimons by the console. That device responded only to his voice and fingers. It was necessary to hack that protecting function of the console. The programmer and his friends went to the stadium to hack that device, what a japanese programmers maked themselves. The small programmer was dressed in a monkey image. He was looking for Burmulaj's FootjiConsole.

Ci-Ci convinced his friends that he can get that FootjiConsole. He quietly crept to Burmulaj who concentrate in playing …



Ci-Ci was caught by pirates.

Everybody gasped… “What will happen with Ci-Ci now?!”



Piggy Hrounny jumped up suddenly and rushed to the game field.


Hrounny was come to the ball and tooth and nail are kicked this.


The shot was not only strong but also accurate. Nobody expected it from a little piglet.

The ball shot by Hrounny got exactly the pirate’s hand. The FootjiConsole bounced to the spectators. The device was intact. The animals passed the console from hand to hand. Burmulaj was disappointed and angry. He threatened to shoot everybody. But nobody listened him and didn’t give the console.

The Footjimons also were searching for the console, but the animals sending from hands in hands brought it gadget to programmer.

A programmer put the chip with the program-virus into the device and started this immediately.

And what happened ?!


Footjimons became as a mad all at once, and were toppled where they stayed.



All animals were very happy. They were hugging and congratulating each other and celebrated the victory.

The mood of Burmulaj and his gangsters were not best.


Pirates thought that the animals will catch them and then something bad will happen. That's why they decided to run away the stadium while the animals are busy by congratulating each other by the victory.

The pirates found a fragile boat on the coast and rowed away from Africa.


Angry and hungry sharks met them in the ocean. Burmulaj had forgotten about the promise. The subsequent fate of pirates and Burmulaj is unknown ...

* * *

The animals, scored a victory to the Burmulaj and his gang, decided to replay all the matches of the Animals World Cup.

The Penguins declined to participate in the championship. They had to go back home - to the icy Antarctica. They invited all animals to their continent, now to the Hockey Championship.


The teams of all six continents replayed the games.



The team of Africa became a winner in that World Cup of Animals.


The winner got a Cup of the Animals World. Other participants of the World Championship got gifts and presents for the memory. It was a toys. And what toys are there?


It was a Footjimons. Japanese programmers repaired them and now they became simple nice toys.


This is the end of our story about the World Cup of Animals.


Copyright © Alexander ZARYANIN, 2010