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4.1 Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

ANN, specifically the MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP), has been successfully used as a

where G is the pseudo inverse of the gain matrix G .

classifier in BCI systems. The units of computation in an ANN is called neuron, in reference

Eq 6 is clearely non linear and would require high computational search in order to find a

to the human neuron it tries to simulate. These neurons are elementary machines that apply

solution. The “MUltiple SIgnal Classification” (MUSIC) has been proposed in (Schmidt

a nonlinear function, generally a sigmoid or a hyperbolic tangent, to a biased linear

1981) to reduce the complexity of this search. The MUSIC algorithm is briefly introduced

combination of its inputs. If xl, …, xl are the neuron input and y is its output, we can write:

hereafter in terms of subspace correlations. Given the rank of the Gain matrix p and the rank



of the signal matrix Fs that is at least equal to p, the smallest subspace correlation value

y f   ak x



represents the minimum subspace correlation between principal vectors in the Gain matrix


and the signal subspace matrix Fs. The subspace of any individual column gi with the signal

where f( ) is the neuron function, b is the bias and { a

subspace will exceed this smallest subspace correlation. While searching the parameters, if

k} are the linear combination weights

representing the synapses connections.

the minimum subspace correlation approaches unity, then all the subspace correlations

In the MLP structure, neurons are organized in layers. The neural units in a layer do not

approach unity. Thus, a search strategy of the parameter set consists in finding p peaks of

interact with each other. They take their inputs from the neurons of the preceding layer and

the metric:

provide their output to the neurons of the next layer. In other words, the outputs of neurons



ˆ ˆ


of layer i-1 excite the neurons of layer i. Therefore, MLP is completely defined by its


S S g


structure and the connections weights. Once defined, the ANN parameters, the weights for


each neuron, must be estimated. This is usually done according to a train set and using the

gradient descent algorithm. In the train set, it is supposed available the inputs and desired

The gain vectors g are considered for all points of a grid that represents the cortical surface.

outputs of the MLP for different experiments. The gradient descent will iteratively adjust the

The point of the grid with the highest subcorrelation coefficient is selected and the algorithm

MLP parameters so as to have its output the closer to the desired output for the different

may tries to have a fine detection of the dipole around this point or restart looking for the


next dipole. However, and for the BCI system, the algorithm is stopped at the first stage and

a feature vector is built including all the subspace correlations obtained in the different

points of the grid. This vector is then used as input for the decoding process of the BCI

4.2 Support Vector Machines (SVM)


SVM is a recent class of classification and/or regression techniques based on the statistical

The computation of the subspace correlation coefficients is performed on the points of a grid

learning theory developed in (Vapnik, 1998). Starting from simple ideas on linear separable

representing the cortical surface of the brain. Two grids have been studied: the first, a

classes, the case of linear non-separable classes is studied. The separation of classes using

spherical grid defined to be 1 cm inside the skull; the second, a grid with no analytical form

linear separation functions is extended to the nonlinear case. By projecting the classification

designed to follow, at 1cm distance, the skull. For the nonanalytic grid, the skull has been

problem to a higher dimension space, high performance non-linear classification may be

divided into layers on the z-axis. In every layer, the grid is defined as an ellipse that is 1cm

achieved. In the higher dimension space, linear separation functions are used while the

distant from the skull position. For a few layers, skull points were lacking to precisely define

passage to this space is done with a non-linear function. Kernel functions permit to

the ellipse. In such cases points were borrowed from adjacent layers and a linear

implement this solution without needing the mapping function or the dimension of the

interpolation is performed to estimate the required skull point.

higher space. More detail is provided in (Cristianini & Taylor, 2000). In (Khachab et al., 2007)

The present study uses the MUSIC-like brain imaging techniques of signal subspace

several kernel functions have been used and compared.

correlations and metrics to localize brain activity positions (Mosher & Leahy, 1999). Two

pattern recognition algorithms have been tested as classifiers: the artificial neural network

multilayer perceptron and the support vector machines. Experiments have been conducted

5. Experiments

on subject 1 of a reference database (NIPS 2001 Brain Computer Interface Workshop) (Sajda

5.1 Database

et al., 2003) .

Experiments have been conducted on subject 1 of a reference database from the NIPS 2001

Brain Computer Interface Workshop (Sajda et al., 2003). The “EEG Synchronized Imagined

Movement” database was considered. The task of the subjects was to synchronize an

Brain Imaging and Machine Learning for Brain-Computer Interface


where  S corresponds to the first p eigenvectors.

4. Classifiers or Decoding Process

Several classifiers have been used in BCI systems. Two principal classifiers are presented

A least square estimation of the current sources consists in minimizing the cost function:

here: Artificial neural network (ANN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM).





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4.1 Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

ANN, specifically the MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP), has been successfully used as a

where G is the pseudo inverse of the gain matrix G .

classifier in BCI systems. The units of computation in an ANN is called neuron, in reference

Eq 6 is clearely non linear and would require high computational search in order to find a

to the human neuron it tries to simulate. These neurons are elementary machines that apply

solution. The “MUltiple SIgnal Classification” (MUSIC) has been proposed in (Schmidt

a nonlinear function, generally a sigmoid or a hyperbolic tangent, to a biased linear

1981) to reduce the complexity of this search. The MUSIC algorithm is briefly introduced

combination of its inputs. If xl, …, xl are the neuron input and y is its output, we can write:

hereafter in terms of subspace correlations. Given the rank of the Gain matrix p and the rank



of the signal matrix Fs that is at least equal to p, the smallest subspace correlation value

y f   ak x



represents the minimum subspace correlation between principal vectors in the Gain matrix


and the signal subspace matrix Fs. The subspace of any individual column gi with the signal

where f( ) is the neuron function, b is the bias and { a

subspace will exceed this smallest subspace correlation. While searching the parameters, if

k} are the linear combination weights

representing the synapses connections.

the minimum subspace correlation approaches unity, then all the subspace correlations

In the MLP structure, neurons are organized in layers. The neural units in a layer do not

approach unity. Thus, a search strategy of the parameter set consists in finding p peaks of

interact with each other. They take their inputs from the neurons of the preceding layer and

the metric:

provide their output to the neurons of the next layer. In other words, the outputs of neurons



ˆ ˆ


of layer i-1 excite the neurons of layer i. Therefore, MLP is completely defined by its


S S g


structure and the connections weights. Once defined, the ANN parameters, the weights for


each neuron, must be estimated. This is usually done according to a train set and using the

gradient descent algorithm. In the train set, it is supposed available the inputs and desired

The gain vectors g are considered for all points of a grid that represents the cortical surface.

outputs of the MLP for different experiments. The gradient descent will iteratively adjust the

The point of the grid with the highest subcorrelation coefficient is selected and the algorithm

MLP parameters so as to have its output the closer to the desired output for the different

may tries to have a fine detection of the dipole around this point or restart looking for the


next dipole. However, and for the BCI system, the algorithm is stopped at the first stage and

a feature vector is built including all the subspace correlations obtained in the different

points of the grid. This vector is then used as input for the decoding process of the BCI

4.2 Support Vector Machines (SVM)


SVM is a recent class of classification and/or regression techniques based on the statistical

The computation of the subspace correlation coefficients is performed on the points of a grid

learning theory developed in (Vapnik, 1998). Starting from simple ideas on linear separable

representing the cortical surface of the brain. Two grids have been studied: the first, a

classes, the case of linear non-separable classes is studied. The separation of classes using

spherical grid defined to be 1 cm inside the skull; the second, a grid with no analytical form

linear separation functions is extended to the nonlinear case. By projecting the classification

designed to follow, at 1cm distance, the skull. For the nonanalytic grid, the skull has been

problem to a higher dimension space, high performance non-linear classification may be

divided into layers on the z-axis. In every layer, the grid is defined as an ellipse that is 1cm

achieved. In the higher dimension space, linear separation functions are used while the

distant from the skull position. For a few layers, skull points were lacking to precisely define

passage to this space is done with a non-linear function. Kernel functions permit to

the ellipse. In such cases points were borrowed from adjacent layers and a linear

implement this solution without needing the mapping function or the dimension of the

interpolation is performed to estimate the required skull point.

higher space. More detail is provided in (Cristianini & Taylor, 2000). In (Khachab et al., 2007)

The present study uses the MUSIC-like brain imaging techniques of signal subspace

several kernel functions have been used and compared.

correlations and metrics to localize brain activity positions (Mosher & Leahy, 1999). Two

pattern recognition algorithms have been tested as classifiers: the artificial neural network

multilayer perceptron and the support vector machines. Experiments have been conducted

5. Experiments

on subject 1 of a reference database (NIPS 2001 Brain Computer Interface Workshop) (Sajda

5.1 Database

et al., 2003) .

Experiments have been conducted on subject 1 of a reference database from the NIPS 2001

Brain Computer Interface Workshop (Sajda et al., 2003). The “EEG Synchronized Imagined

Movement” database was considered. The task of the subjects was to synchronize an


Biomedical Imaging

indicated response with a highly predictable timed cue. Subjects were trained until their

5.3 Brain Imaging Using MUSIC

responses were within 100 ms of the synchronization signal. Eight classes of trials (explicit

Because the BCI system is based upon the calculation of neural activity on the cortical

or imagined for left/right/both/neither) were randomly performed within a 7 minute 12

surface of the brain, it would be interesting to measure the ability of the MUSIC algorithm to

seconds block. Each block is formed of 72 trials. A trial succession of events is shown in Fig.

detect this activity. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 illustrate the subcorrelation coefficients for the 120

6. The EEG was recorded from 59 electrodes placed on a site corresponding to the

points of the non parametric grid in left action and right action. The figures also show the

International 10-20 system and referenced to the left mastoid. In a preprocessing stage,

placement of the skull sensors (International 10-20 system). Figures were obtained using the

artifacts were filtered out from the EEG signals (Ebrahimi et al., 2003), and signals were

MAP3D software. It is clear that electrical activity occurs in the same part of the cortical

sampled at 100 Hz.

surface with deviation depending on the direction of the actions.

One trial – 6 seconds

Trial Event

2 seconds

Blank Screen








Fig. 7. Subcorrelation coefficients for left action.









950 ms

Fig. 6. Illustration of one trial recording (reproduced from

Fig. 8. Subcorrelation coefficients for right action.

5.2 Experimental Setup

In order to test the BCI system, we have considered two segments from each period: A

5.4 MLP-Based Classifier

segment of 2 seconds corresponding to the blank screen, and a segment corresponding to

The first set of experiments aimed to optimize the classifier complexity, the number of cells

the thinking of a movement. Only subject 1 was used in our experiments, for whom sensors

in the hidden layer of the ANN. The analysis window on which the MUSIC algorithm is

coordinates (skull) were available. Ninety periods were available for this subject in the

applied had a duration of 640 ms. It was assumed that the space dimension (number of

database. These were divided into 60 periods for training and 30 periods for testing. The

dipoles) is equal to 10. The spherical grid was used in these experiments. The optimal

cortical surface geometrical information was not available, however. Thus, two models have

number of hidden cells was found to be 15. One critical issue in the subspace correlation

been defined for the grid. First, the spherical grid of a radius approximately equal to half of

method is the dimension of the space, i.e. to determine the number of dipoles. Experiments

the distance between T7 and T8 of the International 10-20 system was used to represent the

have been conducted varying this number. Fig. 9 shows that the optimal dimension ranged

cortical surface. This sphere defined the grid that contains 100 points. Second, the non

between 10 and 15.

analytic grid defined in section 3.1 leading to approximately 120 points.



Brain Imaging and Machine Learning for Brain-Computer Interface


indicated response with a highly predictable timed cue. Subjects were trained until their

5.3 Brain Imaging Using MUSIC

responses were within 100 ms of the synchronization signal. Eight classes of trials (explicit

Because the BCI system is based upon the calculation of neural activity on the cortical

or imagined for left/right/both/neither) were randomly performed within a 7 minute 12

surface of the brain, it would be interesting to measure the ability of the MUSIC algorithm to

seconds block. Each block is formed of 72 trials. A trial succession of events is shown in Fig.

detect this activity. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 illustrate the subcorrelation coefficients for the 120

6. The EEG was recorded from 59 electrodes placed on a site corresponding to the

points of the non parametric grid in left action and right action. The figures also show the

International 10-20 system and referenced to the left mastoid. In a preprocessing stage,

placement of the skull sensors (International 10-20 system). Figures were obtained using the

artifacts were filtered out from the EEG signals (Ebrahimi et al., 2003), and signals were

MAP3D software. It is clear that electrical activity occurs in the same part of the cortical

sampled at 100 Hz.

surface with deviation depending on the direction of the actions.

One trial – 6 seconds

Trial Event

2 seconds

Blank Screen








Fig. 7. Subcorrelation coefficients for left action.









950 ms

Fig. 6. Illustration of one trial recording (reproduced from

Fig. 8. Subcorrelation coefficients for right action.

5.2 Experimental Setup

In order to test the BCI system, we have considered two segments from each period: A

5.4 MLP-Based Classifier

segment of 2 seconds corresponding to the blank screen, and a segment corresponding to

The first set of experiments aimed to optimize the classifier complexity, the number of cells

the thinking of a movement. Only subject 1 was used in our experiments, for whom sensors

in the hidden layer of the ANN. The analysis window on which the MUSIC algorithm is

coordinates (skull) were available. Ninety periods were available for this subject in the

applied had a duration of 640 ms. It was assumed that the space dimension (number of

database. These were divided into 60 periods for training and 30 periods for testing. The

dipoles) is equal to 10. The spherical grid was used in these experiments. The optimal

cortical surface geometrical information was not available, however. Thus, two models have

number of hidden cells was found to be 15. One critical issue in the subspace correlation

been defined for the grid. First, the spherical grid of a radius approximately equal to half of

method is the dimension of the space, i.e. to determine the number of dipoles. Experiments

the distance between T7 and T8 of the International 10-20 system was used to represent the

have been conducted varying this number. Fig. 9 shows that the optimal dimension ranged

cortical surface. This sphere defined the grid that contains 100 points. Second, the non

between 10 and 15.

analytic grid defined in section 3.1 leading to approximately 120 points.




Biomedical Imaging

In the final set of MLP experiments, we have tried to optimize the length of the analysis


Error rate (%)

window. In Fig. 10, error rates are shown for two window lengths: 640 ms and 1280 ms. The

Artificial Neural Network MLP

24 %

results show a better performance with the larger window. An error rate of 27% was

SVM Polynomial Kernel

17 %


SVM Radial Basis Kernel

16.7 %

In the last experiment with MLP classifier, the non analytic grid is used. The other

SVM Hyperbolic Tangent Kernel

20 %

parameters were fixed to what is empirically found using the spherical grid. The error rate

Table 1. Error rates obtained with SVM classifiers compared to MLP.

decreased to 24%. This shows that the choice of the grid is critical.

In order to quantify the ability of the system to distinguish between “action” and “no

action” events and between “left action” and “right action” events, experiments with a two

classes-classification have been conducted. The results shown in Table 2 demonstrate that it

is much easier to distinguish between “action” and “no action” classes than to determine

which action has been thought. The Radial basis Kernel seems to provide the best results.

These results outperform the best result obtained in (Sajda 2003), i.e. 24%.

Error rate (%)


action/no action