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Vorobyov, S. & Cichoki, A. (2002). Blind noise reduction for multisensory signals using ICA

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Texture Analysis Methods for Medical Image Characterisation


Texture Analysis Methods for Medical Image Characterisation



William Henry Nailon

Texture Analysis Methods for Medical

Image Characterisation

William Henry Nailon

Department of Oncology Physics, Edinburgh Cancer Centre & School of Engineering,

University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

1. Introduction

Texture analysis refers to the branch of imaging science that is concerned with the

description of characteristic image properties by textural features. However, there is no

universally agreed-upon definition of what image texture is and in general different

researchers use different definitions depending upon the particular area of application

(Tuceryan & Jain, 1998). In this chapter texture is defined as the spatial variation of pixel

intensities, which is a definition that is widely used and accepted in the field. The main

image processing disciplines in which texture analysis techniques are used are classification,

segmentation and synthesis. In image classification the goal is to classify different images or

image regions into distinct groups (Pietikainen, 2000). Texture analysis methods are well

suited to this because they provide unique information on the texture, or spatial variation of

pixels, of the region where they are applied. In image segmentation problems the aim is to

establish boundaries between different image regions (Mirmehdi et al., 2008). By applying

texture analysis methods to an image, and determining the precise location where texture

feature values change significantly, boundaries between regions can be established.

Synthesising image texture is important in three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics

applications where the goal is to generate highly complex and realistic looking surfaces.

Fractals have proven to be a mathematically elegant means of generating textured surfaces

through the iteration of concise equations (Pentland, 1984). Conversely the ability to

accurately represent a textured surface by a concise set of fractal equations has led to

significant advances in image compression applications using fractal methods (Distani et al.,


An example of image classification is presented in Fig. 1 in which it is possible to uniquely

identify the two different textures (left, grass; right, water) by eye. In Fig. 2 the image on the

left is a composite image formed from eight Brodatz textures, all of which are represented in

approximately equal proportions. The right image is a grey-level texture map showing the

ideal segmentation of the textures (Weber, 2004).






Biomedical Imaging

vision against machine-based texture analysis approaches. Julesz, an experimental

psychologist, was an early pioneer in the visual perception of texture (Julesz, 1975). He was

responsible for establishing authoritative data on the performance of the human vision

system at discriminating certain classes of texture. He verified that discriminating between

two image textures depends largely upon the difference in the second-order statistics of the

textures. That is, for two textures with identical second-order statistics a deliberate amount

of effort is required to discriminate between them. In contrast little effort is required when

the second-order statistics of the textures are different. However, this observation does not

extend to textures that differ in third- or higher-order statistics, which are not readily

discriminated by eye (Julesz, 1975). This is illustrated in Fig. 3 in which each of the main

textured images (left and right) has a smaller area of similar, but subtly different, texture

embedded within it. In the image on the left both the main and embedded areas have

identical first-order statistics, however, their second-order statistics are different making it

straightforward to discriminate both regions. In the image on the right both textures have

identical first- and second-order statistics and therefore it is only after careful scrutiny that

the different textured regions become visible.

Fig. 1. Digital images of two visibly different textured regions extracted from the Brodatz

texture database (Brodatz, 1966). Left, image of grass (1.2.01, D9 H.E.). Right, image of water

(1.2.08, D38 H.E.) (Weber, 2004).

Fig. 3. The images on the left and right have a main area of texture embedded within which

is a smaller area of similar, but subtly different, texture. In the left image both textures have

the same first-order statistics and different second-order statistics, which makes it

Fig. 2. Example of image segmentation using texture analysis to determine the boundary

straightforward for an observer to distinguish between them. In the image on the right both

between distinct regions of texture. Left, mosaic image of eight Brodatz textures

textures have identical first- and second-order statistics and hence only after careful scrutiny

represented in approximately equal proportions. Right, grey-level texture map showing the

are the different patterns visible (Julesz, 1975).

ideal segmentation of the textures (Weber, 2004).

Although our understanding of the cognitive process of human vision is constantly

expanding much has been learned from experiments in the visual perception of digital

2. The Visual Perception of Texture

image information (Bruce et al, 2003). Such work is vital, particularly in medical imaging

Much of our understanding of machine vision algorithms is a result of attempts to overcome

where the misinterpretation of image information can have a serious impact on health

the failings of the human visual system to detect certain textured patterns. This

(ICRU, 1999). This is particularly apparent in radiotherapy, the treatment of cancer by

understanding has proven vital in evaluating and comparing the performance of human

ionising radiation, where the aim is to deliver as high a radiation dose as possible to



Texture Analysis Methods for Medical Image Characterisation


vision against machine-based texture analysis approaches. Julesz, an experimental

psychologist, was an early pioneer in the visual perception of texture (Julesz, 1975). He was

responsible for establishing authoritative data on the performance of the human vision

system at discriminating certain classes of texture. He verified that discriminating between

two image textures depends largely upon the difference in the second-order statistics of the

textures. That is, for two textures with identical second-order statistics a deliberate amount

of effort is required to discriminate between them. In contrast little effort is required when

the second-order statistics of the textures are different. However, this observation does not

extend to textures that differ in third- or higher-order statistics, which are not readily

discriminated by eye (Julesz, 1975). This is illustrated in Fig. 3 in which each of the main

textured images (left and right) has a smaller area of similar, but subtly different, texture

embedded within it. In the image on the left both the main and embedded areas have

identical first-order statistics, however, their second-order statistics are different making it

straightforward to discriminate both regions. In the image on the right both textures have

identical first- and second-order statistics and therefore it is only after careful scrutiny that

the different textured regions become visible.

Fig. 1. Digital images of two visibly different textured regions extracted from the Brodatz

texture database (Brodatz, 1966). Left, image of grass (1.2.01, D9 H.E.). Right, image of water

(1.2.08, D38 H.E.) (Weber, 2004).

Fig. 3. The images on the left and right have a main area of texture embedded within which

is a smaller area of similar, but subtly different, texture. In the left image both textures have

the same first-order statistics and different second-order statistics, which makes it

Fig. 2. Example of image segmentation using texture analysis to determine the boundary

straightforward for an observer to distinguish between them. In the image on the right both

between distinct regions of texture. Left, mosaic image of eight Brodatz textures

textures have identical first- and second-order statistics and hence only after careful scrutiny

represented in approximately equal proportions. Right, grey-level texture map showing the

are the different patterns visible (Julesz, 1975).

ideal segmentation of the textures (Weber, 2004).

Although our understanding of the cognitive process of human vision is constantly

expanding much has been learned from experiments in the visual perception of digital

2. The Visual Perception of Texture

image information (Bruce et al, 2003). Such work is vital, particularly in medical imaging

Much of our understanding of machine vision algorithms is a result of attempts to overcome

where the misinterpretation of image information can have a serious impact on health

the failings of the human visual system to detect certain textured patterns. This

(ICRU, 1999). This is particularly apparent in radiotherapy, the treatment of cancer by

understanding has proven vital in evaluating and comparing the performance of human

ionising radiation, where the aim is to deliver as high a radiation dose as possible to


Biomedical Imaging

diseased tissue whilst limiting the radiation dose to healthy tissue. Delineation of the

basis through volumetric data, however, it has been reported that with this approach

tumour volume is based primarily on visual assessment of computerised tomographic (CT)

information may be lost (Kovalev et al., 2001; Kurani et al., 2004). Findings reported by Xu et

and magnetic resonance (MR) image data by a radiation oncologist. Accurately defining the

al., on the use of 3D textural features for discriminating between smoking related lung

tumour, and potential areas of tumour involvement, on CT and MR data is a complex image

pathology, demonstrate the power of this approach for this particular application (Xu et al.,

interpretation process requiring considerable clinical experience. As a result significant

2006). Kovalev et al., showed that an extended 3D co-occurrence matrix approach can be

inter- and intra-clinician variability has been reported in the contouring of tumours of the

used for the classification and segmentation of diffuse brain lesions on MR image data

lung, prostate, brain and oesophagus (Weltens et al., 2001; Steenbakkers et al., 2005). This

(Kovalev et al., 2001). Texture analysis has also been used to identify unique pathology on

variability has been shown to be significant and heavily correlated with the digital imaging

multi-modality images of cancer patients. Using the local binary operator to analyse the

modality used and the image settings applied during the assessment.

weak underlying textures found in transrectal ultrasound images of the prostate, Kachouie

and Fieguth demonstrated that the approach was suitable for segmentation of the prostate

Texture analysis is presented here as a useful computational method for discriminating

(Kachouie & Fieguth, 2007). In another cancer-related study of 48 normal images and 58

between pathologically different regions on medical images because it has been proven to

cancer images of the colon, Esgiar et al., demonstrated that by adding a fractal feature to

perform better than human eyesight at discriminating certain classes of texture (Julesz,

traditional statistical features the sensitivity of the classification improved (Esgiar et al.,

1975). Section 3 presents statistical texture analysis through first-, second-, and higher-order


techniques. Section 4 considers the use of fractal methods for characterising image texture

through the box-counting and Korcak techniques. In section 5 methods are presented for

improving the overall efficiency of the texture analysis approach. These are feature


selection, reduction and classification. Section 6 presents two case studies, which

demonstrate the use of these approaches in practical biomedical imaging.

3. Statistical Approaches for Texture Analysis

To examine an image using texture analysis the image is treated as a 3D textured surface.

This is illustrated in Fig. 4 which shows the textured intensity surface representation of a


two-dimensional (2D) medical image. In first-order statistical texture analysis, information

on texture is extracted from the histogram of image intensity. This approach measures the

frequency of a particular grey-level at a random image position and does not take into

account correlations, or co-occurrences, between pixels. In second-order statistical texture

analysis, information on texture is based on the probability of finding a pair of grey-levels at

Fig. 4. Three-dimensional textured intensity surface representation of a medical image. A:

random distances and orientations over an entire image. Extension to higher-order statistics

Two-dimensional MR image of the brain. B: Pixel values of the MR image plotted on the

involves increasing the number of variables studied.

vertical axis to produce a 3D textured surface.

Many conventional approaches used to study texture have concentrated on using 2D

With the proliferation of 3D medical image data of near isotropic quality there is an

techniques to compute features relating to image texture. This traditional approach has been

increasing demand for artificial intelligence methods capable of deriving quantitative

used extensively to describe different image textures by unique features and has found

measures relating to distinct pathology. The remaining sections of this chapter provide a

application in many disparate fields such as: discrimination of terrain from aerial

review of statistical and fractal texture analysis approaches in the context of medical

photographs (Conners & Harlow, 1980); in vitro classification of tissue from intravascular

imaging and provide comprehensive real-world examples, in the form of two case studies,

ultrasound (Nailon, 1997); identification of prion protein distribution in cases of Creutzfeld-

on the use of these approaches in clinical practice. In case study 1 texture analysis is

Jakob disease (CJD) (Nailon & Ironside, 2000); classification of pulmonary emphysema from

presented as a means of classifying distinct regions in cancer images, which could be

lung on high-resolution CT images (Uppaluri et al., 1997; Xu et al., 2004; Xu et al., 2006); and

developed further towards automatic classification. In case study 2 texture analysis is

identifying normal and cancerous pathology (Karahaliou et al., 2008, Zhou et al., 2007; Yu et

presented as an objective means of identifying the different patterns of prion protein found

a., 2009). Higher-order approaches have been used to localise thrombotic tissue in the aorta

in variant CJD (vCJD) and sporadic CJD. Two contrasting methods are presented in the case

(Podda, 2005) and to determine if functional vascular information found in dynamic MR

studies for evaluating the performance of the texture analysis methodologies.

sequences exists on anatomical MR sequences (Winzenrieth, 2006). Extension of these

approaches to 3D is continuing to develop within the machine vision community. Several

authors have reported the application of 2D texture analysis methods on a slice-by-slice


Texture Analysis Methods for Medical Image Characterisation


diseased tissue whilst limiting the radiation dose to healthy tissue. Delineation of the

basis through volumetric data, however, it has been reported that with this approach

tumour volume is based primarily on visual assessment of computerised tomographic (CT)

information may be lost (Kovalev et al., 2001; Kurani et al., 2004). Findings reported by Xu et

and magnetic resonance (MR) image data by a radiation oncologist. Accurately defining the

al., on the use of 3D textural features for discriminating between smoking related lung

tumour, and potential areas of tumour involvement, on CT and MR data is a complex image

pathology, demonstrate the power of this approach for this particular application (Xu et al.,

interpretation process requiring considerable clinical experience. As a result significant

2006). Kovalev et al., showed that an extended 3D co-occurrence matrix approach can be

inter- and intra-clinician variability has been reported in the contouring of tumours of the

used for the classification and segmentation of diffuse brain lesions on MR image data

lung, prostate, brain and oesophagus (Weltens et al., 2001; Steenbakkers et al., 2005). This

(Kovalev et al., 2001). Texture analysis has also been used to identify unique pathology on

variability has been shown to be significant and heavily correlated with the digital imaging

multi-modality images of cancer patients. Using the local binary operator to analyse the

modality used and the image settings applied during the assessment.

weak underlying textures found in transrectal ultrasound images of the prostate, Kachouie

and Fieguth demonstrated that the approach was suitable for segmentation of the prostate

Texture analysis is presented here as a useful computational method for discriminating

(Kachouie & Fieguth, 2007). In another cancer-related study of 48 normal images and 58

between pathologically different regions on medical images because it has been proven to

cancer images of the colon, Esgiar et al., demonstrated that by adding a fractal feature to

perform better than human eyesight at discriminating certain classes of texture (Julesz,

traditional statistical features the sensitivity of the classification improved (Esgiar et al.,

1975). Section 3 presents statistical texture analysis through first-, second-, and higher-order


techniques. Section 4 considers the use of fractal methods for characterising image texture

through the box-counting and Korcak techniques. In section 5 methods are presented for

improving the overall efficiency of the texture analysis approach. These are feature


selection, reduction and classification. Section 6 presents two case studies, which

demonstrate the use of these approaches in practical biomedical imaging.

3. Statistical Approaches for Texture Analysis

To examine an image using texture analysis the image is treated as a 3D textured surface.

This is illustrated in Fig. 4 which shows the textured intensity surface representation of a


two-dimensional (2D) medical image. In first-order statistical texture analysis, information

on texture is extracted from the histogram of image intensity. This approach measures the

frequency of a particular grey-level at a random image position and does not take into

account correlations, or co-occurrences, between pixels. In second-order statistical texture

analysis, information on texture is based on the probability of finding a pair of grey-levels at

Fig. 4. Three-dimensional textured intensity surface representation of a medical image. A:

random distances and orientations over an entire image. Extension to higher-order statistics

Two-dimensional MR image of the brain. B: Pixel values of the MR image plotted on the

involves increasing the number of variables studied.

vertical axis to produce a 3D textured surface.

Many conventional approaches used to study texture have concentrated on using 2D

With the proliferation of 3D medical image data of near isotropic quality there is an

techniques to compute features relating to image texture. This traditional approach has been

increasing demand for artificial intelligence methods capable of deriving quantitative

used extensively to describe different image textures by unique features and has found

measures relating to distinct pathology. The remaining sections of this chapter provide a

application in many disparate fields such as: discrimination of terrain from aerial

review of statistical and fractal texture analysis approaches in the context of medical

photographs (Conners & Harlow, 1980); in vitro classification of tissue from intravascular

imaging and provide comprehensive real-world examples, in the form of two case studies,

ultrasound (Nailon, 1997); identification of prion protein distribution in cases of Creutzfeld-

on the use of these approaches in clinical practice. In case study 1 texture analysis is

Jakob disease (CJD) (Nailon & Ironside, 2000); classification of pulmonary emphysema from

presented as a means of classifying distinct regions in cancer images, which could be

lung on high-resolution CT images (Uppaluri et al., 1997; Xu et al., 2004; Xu et al., 2006); and

developed further towards automatic classification. In case study 2 texture analysis is

identifying normal and cancerous pathology (Karahaliou et al., 2008, Zhou et al., 2007; Yu et

presented as an objective means of identifying the different patterns of prion protein found

a., 2009). Higher-order approaches have been used to localise thrombotic tissue in the aorta

in variant CJD (vCJD) and sporadic CJD. Two contrasting methods are presented in the case

(Podda, 2005) and to determine if functional vascular information found in dynamic MR