used to study the properties of textured scenes, for example the power spectrum reveals
calculation of a horizontal GLRLM is shown in Fig. 7.
information on the coarseness/fineness (periodicity) and directionality of a texture. Texture
directionality is preserved in the power spectrum because it allows directional and non-
directional components of the texture to be distinguished (Bajscy, 1973). These observations
have given rise to two powerful approaches for extracting texture primitives from the Fourier
0 1 2 2
power spectrum, namely, ring and wedge filters. Working from the origin of the power
spectrum the coarseness/fineness is measured between rings of inner radius r and r . The
0 3 2 2
1 2 2 2
size of the rings can be varied according to the application. The directionality of the texture is
3 0 3 0
0 1 2 3 4
0 4 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 0
2 0 2 1 0
3 3 0 0 0
found by measuring the average power over wedge-shaped regions centred at the origin of the
Fig. 7. Simple example demonstrating the formation of a GLRLM. Left, 4 4 image with four
power spectrum. The size of the wedge depends upon the application. Fig. 8
unique grey-levels. Right, the resulting GLRLM in the direction 0
0 .
illustrates the extraction of ring and wedge filters from the Fourier power spectrum of a
32 32 test image consisting of black pixels everywhere except for a 3 3 region of white
A set of seven numerical texture measures are computed from the GTRLMs. Three of these
pixels centred at the origin.
measures are presented here to illustrate the computation of feature information using this
Short Run Emphasis,
1 N
g 1 Nr r (
i, j| )
i0 j1
Long Run Emphasis,
1 Ng1 Nr 2
j r ( i, j| ).
i0 j1
Fig. 8. Fourier power spectrum showing the extraction of ring and wedge filters. The
Grey-Level Distribution,
spectrum was generated on a 32 32 test image consisting of black pixels everywhere
except for a 3 3 region of white pixels centred at the origin.
Texture Analysis Methods for Medical Image Characterisation
where, N
N 1
q is the number of distinct grey-levels in the input and
are the
1 g r
x ,
y ,
r i j
( , | ) ,
means and standard deviations of p ( i, j) . Throughout, p ( i, j) P( i, j) R , where P( i, j) is T i0
the average of ( P P P P
and R is the maximum number of resolution cells in a
RD )
where N is the maximum number of grey-levels, N is the number of different run lengths
in the matrix and,
3.3 Higher-Order Statistical Texture Analysis
g 1 N
r r i j
( , | ).
The grey-level run length method (GLRLM) is based on the analysis of higher-order
i0 j1
statistical information (Galloway, 1975). In this approach GLRLMs contain information on
the run of a particular grey-level, or grey-level range, in a particular direction. The number
of pixels contained within the run is the run-length. A coarse texture will therefore be
serves as a normalising factor in each of the run length equations.
dominated by relatively long runs whereas a fine texture will be populated by much shorter
runs. The number of runs r with gray-level i , or lying within a grey-level range i , of run-
3.4 Fourier Power Spectrum
length j in a direction is denoted by (
R ) [ r ( i, j|)]. This is analogous to the GTSDM
Two-dimensional transforms have been used extensively in image processing to tackle
technique (Haralick et al., 1973) as four GTRLMs are commonly used to describe texture
problems such as image description and enhancement (Pratt, 1978). Of these, the Fourier
transform is one of the most widely used (Gonzalez and Woods, 2001). Fourier analysis can be
runs in the directions (00 ,450 ,900
0 ) on linearly adjacent pixels. An example of the
used to study the properties of textured scenes, for example the power spectrum reveals
calculation of a horizontal GLRLM is shown in Fig. 7.
information on the coarseness/fineness (periodicity) and directionality of a texture. Texture
directionality is preserved in the power spectrum because it allows directional and non-
directional components of the texture to be distinguished (Bajscy, 1973). These observations
have given rise to two powerful approaches for extracting texture primitives from the Fourier
0 1 2 2
power spectrum, namely, ring and wedge filters. Working from the origin of the power
spectrum the coarseness/fineness is measured between rings of inner radius r and r . The
0 3 2 2
1 2 2 2
size of the rings can be varied according to the application. The directionality of the texture is
3 0 3 0
0 1 2 3 4
0 4 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 0
2 0 2 1 0
3 3 0 0 0
found by measuring the average power over wedge-shaped regions centred at the origin of the
Fig. 7. Simple example demonstrating the formation of a GLRLM. Left, 4 4 image with four
power spectrum. The size of the wedge depends upon the application. Fig. 8
unique grey-levels. Right, the resulting GLRLM in the direction 0
0 .
illustrates the extraction of ring and wedge filters from the Fourier power spectrum of a
32 32 test image consisting of black pixels everywhere except for a 3 3 region of white
A set of seven numerical texture measures are computed from the GTRLMs. Three of these
pixels centred at the origin.
measures are presented here to illustrate the computation of feature information using this
Short Run Emphasis,
1 N
g 1 Nr r (
i, j| )
i0 j1
Long Run Emphasis,
1 Ng1 Nr 2
j r ( i, j| ).
i0 j1
Fig. 8. Fourier power spectrum showing the extraction of ring and wedge filters. The
Grey-Level Distribution,
spectrum was generated on a 32 32 test image consisting of black pixels everywhere
except for a 3 3 region of white pixels centred at the origin.
Biomedical Imaging
In image analysis the Fourier transform F( u, v) is considered in its discrete form and the
object numerically, which in a sense is similar to the description of objects using standard
power spectrum (
P u, v) is calculated from,
Euclidean geometry. That is, the higher the dimension the more complicated the object.
However, fractal descriptors allow the description of objects by non-integer dimensions.
P u, v) F( u, 2
v .
A variety of techniques are used to estimate the fractal dimension of objects which, despite
providing the same measure, can produce different fractal dimension values for analysis of
The average power contained in a ring centred at the origin with inner and outer radii r and
the same object. This is due to the unique mechanism used by each technique to find the
r respectively, is given by the summation of the contributions along the direction ,
fractal dimension (Peitgen et al., 1992; Turcotte, 1997). Two approaches commonly used to
calculate the fractal dimension of an image are discussed. The first is the box-counting
approach (Peitgen et al., 1992). The second, which treats the input as a textured surface by
P r)
2 (
P r, .)
plotting the intensity at each x and y position in the z plane, calculates the fractal dimension
using the Korcak method (Russ, 1994).
The contribution from a wedge of size
w is found from summation of the radial
components within the wedge boundaries. That is,
4.1 Fractal Dimension from Box-Counting
The box-counting dimension is closely related to the concept of self-similarity where a
structure is sub-divided into smaller elements, each a smaller replica of the original
n 2
P r
w ) ( , ),
structure. This sub-division characterises the structure by a self-similarity, or fractal,
dimension and is a useful tool for characterising apparently random structures. This
where n is the window size.
approach has been adopted in a variety of applications, for example in the characterisation
of high resolution satellite images (Yu et al., 2007) and in the detection of cracks in CT
images of wood (Li & Qi, 2007). The box-counting dimension Db of any bounded subset of A
4. Fractal Texture Analysis
in n
R , which is a set in Euclidean space, may be formally defined as follows (Stoyan &
Until the introduction of fractals it was difficult to accurately describe, mathematically,
Stoyan, 1994; Peitgen & Saupe, 1988). Let Nr( )
A be the smallest number of sets of r that
complex real-world shapes such as mountains, coastlines, trees and clouds (Mandelbrot,
cover A . Then,
1977). Fractals provide a succinct and accurate method for describing natural objects that
would previously have been described by spheres, cylinders and cubes. However, these
log N r ( A)
b ( A)
descriptors are smooth, which makes modelling irregular natural scenes, or surfaces, very
log(1 r)
difficult. The popularity of fractals has grown considerably over the past three decades since
the term was first coined by Mandelbrot to describe structures too complex for Euclidean
provided that the limit exists. Subdividing n
R into a lattice of grid size r r where r is
geometry to describe by a single measure (Mandelbrot, 1977). The fractal dimension
continually reduced, it follows that N r( )
A is the number of grid elements that intersect A
describes the degree of irregularity or texture of a surface. With this approach rougher, or
more irregular, structures have a greater fractal dimension (Feder, 1988; Peitgen & Saupe,
and Db( )
A is,
1988; Peitgen et al., 1992).
log N r( A)
b ( A)
The property of self-similarity is one of the central concepts of fractal geometry (Turcotte,
log(1 r)
1997). An object is self-similar if it can be decomposed into smaller copies of itself. This
fundamental property leads to the classification of fractals into two distinct groups, random
provided that the limit exists. This implies that the box counting dimension Db( )
A and
and deterministic. A good example of self-similarity is exhibited by an aerial image of an
Nr( )
A are related by the following power law relation,
irregular coastline structure that has the same appearance within a range of magnification
factors. At each magnification the coastline will not look exactly the same but only similar.
This particular feature is common to many classes of real-life random fractals, which are not
r (
exactly self-similar. These are referred to as being statistically self-similar. In contrast,
D ( A)
objects that do not change their appearance when viewed under arbitrary magnification are
termed strictly self-similar. These are termed deterministic fractals due to their consistency
Proof of this relation can be obtained by taking logs of both sides of equation (14) and
over a range of magnification scales. The fractal dimension describes the disorder of an
rearranging to form equation (15),
Texture Analysis Methods for Medical Image Characterisation
In image analysis the Fourier transform F( u, v) is considered in its discrete form and the
object numerically, which in a sense is similar to the description of objects using standard
power spectrum (
P u, v) is calculated from,
Euclidean geometry. That is, the higher the dimension the more complicated the object.
However, fractal descriptors allow the description of objects by non-integer dimensions.
P u, v) F( u, 2
v .
A variety of techniques are used to estimate the fractal dimension of objects which, despite
providing the same measure, can produce different fractal dimension values for analysis of
The average power contained in a ring centred at the origin with inner and outer radii r and
the same object. This is due to the unique mechanism used by each technique to find the
r respectively, is given by the summation of the contributions along the direction ,
fractal dimension (Peitgen et al., 1992; Turcotte, 1997). Two approaches commonly used to
calculate the fractal dimension of an image are discussed. The first is the box-counting
approach (Peitgen et al., 1992). The second, which treats the input as a textured surface by
P r)
2 (
P r, .)
plotting the intensity at each x and y position in the z plane, calculates the fractal dimension
using the Korcak method (Russ, 1994).
The contribution from a wedge of size
w is found from summation of the radial
components within the wedge boundaries. That is,
4.1 Fractal Dimension from Box-Counting
The box-counting dimension is closely related to the concept of self-similarity where a
structure is sub-divided into smaller elements, each a smaller replica of the original
n 2
P r
w ) ( , ),
structure. This sub-division characterises the structure by a self-similarity, or fractal,
dimension and is a useful tool for characterising apparently random structures. This
where n is the window size.
approach has been adopted in a variety of applications, for example in the characterisation
of high resolution satellite images (Yu et al., 2007) and in the detection of cracks in CT
images of wood (Li & Qi, 2007). The box-counting dimension Db of any bounded subset of A
4. Fractal Texture Analysis
in n
R , which is a set in Euclidean space, may be formally defined as follows (Stoyan &
Until the introduction of fractals it was difficult to accurately describe, mathematically,
Stoyan, 1994; Peitgen & Saupe, 1988). Let Nr( )
A be the smallest number of sets of r that
complex real-world shapes such as mountains, coastlines, trees and clouds (Mandelbrot,
cover A . Then,
1977). Fractals provide a succinct and accurate method for describing natural objects that
would previously have been described by spheres, cylinders and cubes. However, these
log N r ( A)
b ( A)
descriptors are smooth, which makes modelling irregular natural scenes, or surfaces, very
log(1 r)
difficult. The popularity of fractals has grown considerably over the past three decades since