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Chapter 9: Additional Web Page Creation


If you’re skittish of what TE and TH create and MetaWebs

just isn’t in your budget, here are a few other options. These tools

don’t break the search engines’ SEO rules as long as you use them


In a larger sense, this advice applies to most any content

creation tool. You can use those tools in an honest and ethical

way—which is what we recommend—to create very interesting and

compelling content, or you can use them in an unethical way to lure

users to a site that turns out to be not what they thought it was.

Even though the latter approach will draw more traffic, we

don’t recommend it. And not just because it’s wrong, either. Think

about it: if you went to a site and it wasn’t what it had claimed to be,

you’d suspect the site owner cheated the search engines. And then

you wouldn’t stick around long enough to click on any of the ads,

would you?

Nope, neither would we. It’s called “backlash.”

And now, on to the wonderful tools that represent some of

our top picks for compelling keyword-rich content creation.

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9.1 Directory Generator

As the name implies, Directory Generator works on directories, also know as portals.

The creator of DG noticed that many of these directories and

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portals have been quietly driving thousands upon thousands of

visitors to their own sites on a daily basis year after year.

To appreciate how DG works, you have to know a bit about

directories—there are two types.

1. General Directory - A General Directory contains

listings of just about anything on the planet. It is not

targeted in any way, shape or form.

2. Specific Niche Directory - These directories are

vertical in nature and they focus on just one industry

or topic. Everything on this type of site is about one

topic, so it’s all very relevant.

DG focuses on the specific niche directory. However, it

wasn’t easy. Creating a directory has always been a tough job: time

consuming, complicated, and frustrating. The big online directories

contain thousands of links and resources which can take a live

person thousands of hours to create. If one person did it, it would

take years. But DG’s found a way to automate the process.

Some of their features include:

 Photo Shots of Websites - Each resource Directory Generator

creates contains a Photo Shot of the Website itself. This gives

users a preview of the website before you look at it.

 RSS Equalizer Integration - This feeds real news content into

your websites.

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 Integration - Amazon sells thousands of

products and services and you can now integrate these

products into your new Directory Generator sites with a

simple copy and paste mechanism. If you can copy and

paste you can instantly start making extra revenue from


 Google AdSense Integration – Since it’s what this book is

about, it’s great that Directory Generator has an easy way for

you to integrate Google's AdSense into your directory.

 Google Websearch Integration - Google recently released an

add-on for AdSense that is called Websearch. It allows you

to put a Google search box on your site and get paid for any

AdSense click it creates. Now this feature is in Directory


 Built In Classified Ads - Making a directory is not enough.

You need to be able to funnel the traffic to where you want.

So the DG people created a way to for you to create Classified

Ads in Directory Generator that let you promote and drive

targeted traffic to any site you want, even if it is an affiliate


 Step Creation Wizard – Makes it easy to create DG pages. 8

simple steps, it’s done. Seriously, you can probably complete

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the whole process in just a few minutes. Can be done by an


 Pre-Made Templates – OK, so not everyone’s a webmaster

and you don’t have to be one to make money with Google

AdSense and DG with this feature. There are pre-made

templates for you to use. Just select one, fill some stuff in,

you’re done.

DG also features PR Maximizer, which lets you search and

find relevant and high quality sites for you to exchange links with.

This software does all the work automatically for you, including

telling you the site's PR, PageRank before you even contact them to

talk about trading links.

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PR Maximizer’s output looks like this:

9.2 Traffic TurboCharger

Traffic TurboCharger (TTC)

advertises itself as a “next generation SEO software” tool. Their

biggest claim is that they optimize RSS feeds. The good things

about having RSS feeds are:

 RSS feeds provide dynamically changing content so

that every time the spiders come crawling to you page,

it has new content. They really like that.

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 RSS feeds give you instant theme-related content.

Google, in particular, really loves this.

 RSS feeds provide content that is readable by search

engines because the content is part of your page,

unlike JavaScript feeds which offer no advantage

because the little spiderbots can’t read them.

 Your pages get indexed faster, since your content

changes daily, so you get more visits from the

Googlebot. That’s a very good thing.

One of the big advantages of RSS feeds is that you get

content that looks like it’s yours. You don’t have to create it or pay a

writer to write it. Best of all, you won’t get in trouble with the

search engines. Why not? Because RSS feeds are completely

legitimate from the point of view of search engines.

They’re also useful to your visitors, who are looking for

information related to the theme of your site. And with RSS feeds,

your site is constantly updated and fresh, because the feeds update

as soon as new articles or content is added to the source you pull

your content from. With big sources, this can happen every single


Better yet, RSS feeds are completely automated so you don’t

have to do anything to keep your pages fresh and updated.

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Chapter 10: The Eyes Have it—So Where are


When you’re running a website, whoever is surfing it is

staring at the screen…but where? One of the biggest questions for

website designers is, “Where are the user’s eyes looking?” Where

do your eyes go when you read articles on the Web? What do you

notice and what do you miss?

Well, we’ve got some answers for you, because this topic has

been studied. Turns out that the upper left quarter of the screen

gets the most attention, according to the Eyetrack III research of

The Poynter Institute, the Estlow Center for Journalism & New

Media, and Eyetools. But that’s not all. There’s more to it than that.

People’s eyes have some very common behavior patterns. It

probably has to do with our hunter-gatherer ancestry.

First, we do reconnaissance, or “recon” as the military calls

it. Users’ eyes flick over the entire screen at whatever draws their

attention. And what draws it most? Well, the first hot spots are

headlines, photo captions, subheadings, links, menu items and the

logo on the page—doesn’t matter if it’s a good logo or a bad one,

people look at logos.

Then the upper left corner of the screen gets special

attention, probably because that's where people expect to find the

very best stuff. And the right-hand and lower part of the page

almost always gets less attention.

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This is info that site developers must know: when you put

your most important, vital content outside that critical upper left

corner, that important content might as well be invisible when

people are making the big decision: whether to stay on your site and

read more or go somewhere else.

Yes, people scan a page quickly. But scanning has a purpose:

it quickly identifies to a user what they really want to read. The

good news is that if you can hook them right off the bat, when they

start actually reading a news story on the Web, they read a larger

proportion than if they were reading that very same story in the


10.1 Frontloading

Frontloading means that you start headlines, paragraphs and

links with the most important words. The first words should

communicate the subject of the headline, paragraph or link. This is

not like writing a novel or a story, where you have time to be coy

and not get to the point for awhile. You’ve got about a quarter of a

second to grab that user’s attention or he won’t read the rest of the

sentence. Make the most of that opportunity.

If you do this, and you frontload your writing, especially at

the top of the page, user’s eyes will easily catch the most important

info, and they’ll keep reading.

Here are some examples of good frontloading:

 Foo Fighters release new cd

 Barbeque beef ribs recipes everyone will like

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 Tom Cruise stars in a new movie

Here are some bad examples that are not frontloaded:

 New cd is being released, it’s by the Foo Fighters

 Everyone will love these great new recipes for barbeque beef


 New movie is coming out and it’ll star Tom Cruise

10.2 Don’t Nest, Just List

Remember back in school when the teacher asked you to

make an outline and you went nuts making all sorts of nested sub-

headings that looked like this?

1. The United States

a. Texas

i. Austin

1. South Austin

a. The 78704 zip code

i. My house

Don’t do that.

Why? Because the last few items could be out of sight for

many people when they skim-read. A straight margin is a whole lot

easier to scan quickly on the Web.

Nested dot-points and numbers are often used in business

and government policy documents and management plans, and

you’re not making those, you’re just writing content. Find another

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way to show the hierarchy of ideas. Web users do not like to try to

read through a whole bunch of indentations, and you will lose some

people before they even start reading.

10.3 Put web links where people will see them

If you’re putting web links in, make sure they’re where

people will see them—not in that bottom right-hand Corner of

Death! Yes, people notice links in web content. They’re usually

bright blue and underlined, so people notice them. Many people

even read links before they look at headlines.

Now that you know that, make it easy for them to get to your

links by consistently presenting them in list form or by slamming

them right up against the left-hand margin.

Don't put your links in a sentence or they might end up in

the invisible right-hand area of the content. Yes, this means you

can’t use the old "click here" convention, but for a good reason: it

never worked very well anyway.

Here’s an example of a good way to put in links:

“There are several cool skateboarding sites you might want to check

out. They really rock and they’ve got some great gear you can pick

up for not a lot of bucks.

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Here’s an example of a bad way to use links:

If you want to read about the latest in cool tricks, check out For the lowdown on which pro skaters are doing

what and dating who, you want to see And one of

my very favorite places to read blog is

10.4 Never Hide Headers

Remember how I said people look to the upper left? If

you’ve been centering your headlines and subheadings, do you still

think that’s a good idea? Well, it’s not. Yeah, I know newspapers,

magazines and books do it. So do lots of other sites. But that’s just

not where people want to look first.

They’ve tested this. Believe it or not, about 10-20 percent of

people just literally do not see centered headlines, particularly if

they’re in a hurry (and who isn’t these days?) They look in the top

left hand corner of the content. And when they do, they see empty

space, because the centered headline starts off to the right.

So what do they do? Instead of scanning right, they move

their eyes down. And they miss the headlines.

Centered headlines are wasted headlines. If you center them,

you’ve hidden them from 10-20% of your readers. Might as well not

have them at all. And don’t even think about right-justifying them.

Just left-justify them and don’t ever worry about it again!

A word about tables: the ideal table for online is short,

narrow, and only used for data. When a table is too wide or too

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long, part of it is out of the reader’s natural field of vision. When

they scan fast, they won’t see all of it.

10.5 Maximize your Click-Throughs with Placement

Yeah, size matters, but so does placement…particularly as far

as Google AdSense ads are concerned. Remember how I said to use

the skyscraper format for ads, putting them in the margins as

opposed to banner ads across the top or bottom?

Well, guess how much difference that can make. Go on,

guess. OK, I’ll tell you. Poorly placed ads, such as banner ads down

at the very bottom of the page, might have a click-through rate of

about 2.3% on a good day.

But well-placed ads, such as a nice skyscraper ad in that

critical upper-left quadrant we talked about, can have a click-

through rate as high as 40%.

And that’s for the same ad. Yes, the very same ad can have a

click-through rate of an abysmal 2.3% or an awesome 40%. It has

nothing to do with the ad itself and everything to do with where you

put it.

Another neat trick to maximize click-through is to massage

the colors of the ads so that they fit in with the colors of your site.

Ads that are seen as “fitting in” get more clicks than ads that clash.

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Here’s an example of some ads that look like part of the site:

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Chapter 11: Building a Virtual Content Empire

to Display Ads On

So now you’re ready to build your content-rich empire and

start raking in the bucks, right? Sure you are! You don’t have to be
