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Chapter 6: Using Traffic Equalizer

Traffic Equalizer is a hot tool that many site developers use

to massively increase traffic to their site and thus put them on a

level playing field with the big boys. TR boasts that they drive

highly targeted buyers to your site.

In a nutshell, you import a list of keywords, you fill in a few

form fields, and the program automatically creates optimized pages.

They claim it’s very search-engine friendly. It is a program that

quickly generates hundreds or thousands of pages that are specially

designed to rank well on search engines for huge lists of keyword

phrases. You've probably seen these types of pages before. They

feature an ad on top and then there are listings that look like a

directory or a search engine.

All you have to do is make a list of keywords, type them into

Traffic Equalizer and the software crawls search engine data to

bring back the top results for that keyword. Then it lists those sites

and inserts your site at the top...and voila! It creates pages that are

supposedly designed to rank well for search engines.

The thing is, some of the pages it produces can look a bit

clunky, like this:

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6.1 Using Traffic Equalizer

You should always put Traffic Equalizer pages on a separate

domain, on a separate IP, even on a separate server. Keep it as far

away from your website as possible. More on why later.

Traffic Equalizer provides a template that’s…well, not great-

looking. And here’s the thing: many users are saying that when

they use that original template, unmodified, their pages and in

some cases their entire website are getting dropped from Google's

index. The work-around here is for you to create a new template,

with your own graphics. Change the colors and add some of your

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own new text. You want to change this from being easily

recognizable to Google.

Traffic Equalizer runs a support forum...for product owners.

So if you get TE, be sure you take full advantage of it to get tips and

such. Mind you, in those forums you’ll see posts from users who’ve

gotten banned from search engines. What you want to do is look

for people who are getting tons of traffic from Traffic Equalizer and

find out their secrets.











different templates for TE.

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Here’s a sample of what they offer:

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6.2 Google’s Guidelines

I wouldn’t be doing my job right if I didn’t caution you that

using TE could get you thrown out of Google, and the AdSense

program. That’s why I’ve listed some cautions above. Here’s what

Google has to say about it in their guidelines:

"Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. A

good rule of thumb is whether you'd feel comfortable explaining

what you've done to a website that competes with you. Another

useful test is to ask, "Does this help my users? Would I do this if

search engines didn't exist?"

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