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Chapter 7: Using Traffic Hurricane

Traffic Hurricane (TH) is a little bit interesting in the way it’s

marketed. It is only sold through its JV Partners links. If you go to, you will see this:

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However, you can solve that little problem by going directly

to one of the free download pages of one of the Traffic Hurricane

Site Resellers.

With this free version you can build tens of thousands of web

pages very quickly. The downside is that with the free version you

will be showing ads on your pages that belong to the reseller of the

copy of Traffic Hurricane you downloaded.

The upside is you can try this new version of TH and if you

like it you can upgrade and remove these ads or make them your


For the cost I can not recommend this product highly

enough! It is worth its weight in gold!

TH is much-loved by many site owners, who describe it as

“the perfect spider food.” They also love that it works very well for

Google AdSense. TH has much in common with TE. They’re both

not just doorway page creators. This is good, because doorway

pages get banned from the search engines and Google, in particular,

is very averse to them. TH users like the unique content and linking

structure of TH, and they most especially love that the search

engines love it.

TH creates literally thousands of laser targeted pages so fast

you won’t believe it. It combines that ability with a user-friendly

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interface that takes minimal effort on your part. Basically, it does

what developers used to have to do by hand—TH automates it.

As a result, users can create pages much faster and thus

receive many thousand more targeted hits every day. They claim

they use “Top Quality Content” on all the pages it creates—whatever

that means. It probably means they’re trying to address TE’s

shortcomings of crummy content.

Their marketing literature says, “Our system is not just

creating a bunch of keyword rich pages that are going to

automatically forward the traffic that arrives at them to your main

web or affiliate link. They will actually provide good quality content

that will not be banned by search engines.”

TH includes the ability to add RSS feeds for dynamic up to

date content. What are RSS feeds? They are content taken from

other information service web pages and inserted into your web

pages automatically.

Search engines love this type of content because every time a

search engine spider visits your site, there’s always some new

content. Traffic Hurricane Pages are also fully customizable. Like I

mentioned in the last chapter, one of the big reasons most of the

pages that TE creates get banned in a hurry by the major search

engines is that they all look and act the same.

Traffic hurricane pages are fully customizable as far as the

amount and type of content placed on them. Thus, there’s a better

chance that TH pages will be unique. There are 14 templates to

choose from and you can pick from a huge range of colors and add

up to 3 images on each of the pages that will be created to ensure

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that your pages will be unique. If you have a special logo that

you’ve designed, this would be the place to use it.

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