Walter Wayne | Horror-Gothic
Venture into the spine-chilling world of "Chilling Tales," an anthology of Horror short stories that will leave you trembling with fear and gasping for more. From the minds of acclaimed authors, this collection explores the depths of the unknown, weaving tales of terror that will haunt your dreams.Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions...
Nicu Stefan Cristian | Horror-Gothic
Enter the realm of Agrippa, where ancient gods and nightmare-inducing creatures rule supreme! This action-adventure game blends psychological horror with an intense story, which challenges players to survive in a reality distorted by malevolent forces.In a realm where the line between reality and madness blurs, the face of the ancient god Agrippa...
Cody Knox | Horror-Gothic
Willow is a young, anxiety-ridden woman who has just escaped an abusive relationship. During a relaxing canoe ride with her sister, she finds herself in a flooded town, surrounded on four sides by mysterious watchtowers. She soon discovers that anyone who attempts to leave the town is killed a lake monster. Will she find the courage to save her...
Jay Horne | Horror-Gothic
Tanner is seventeen and finally writing about the horror she experienced as a thirteen-year-old sister who had lost her baby brother to the maws of a hamper from hell; and all on her only day to truly relax!The Lumpin Family Circus had seen its last days after the magicians grew tired and old but Tanner sneaks out of her window and dares a trip...
Pete Bertino | Horror-Gothic
Three paranormal vloggers from Pennsylvania visit the outskirts of a quaint little town to film a documentary about The Beast Of Franklin Road.