My Only Crime Was Being Born Vol.1 by J. P. Weber - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Love Letters from 1981

January 30, 1981

Dearest Jeff,

Almost 2 months now since I mail my last letter to you which I enclosed in the Christmas card.  And then followed by my thank you cards for appreciation for the precious little cute Christmas gift you had sent to me last September, 1980.  But until now I got no reply at all.  What happened sweetheart?? What's going on?  Something wrong with you?  Are you all right?  Was just wondering for your long delay in writing.  Please don't forget that I am always looking forward of your letters.  I think I miss you for your always in my thoughts. By the way, how are you getting along now?  After the holiday season back to school again and what else you'll make to keep yourself busy with?? Hope not girls.)  What is your wish for this year 1981 Jeff??  Do you have something in mind to do to be work it out?  Well, tell me about it?  Okay?  Guess what I wish for this 1981.  You know, I wish and hope (with God's help) I could join with you before the year-end.  What do you say??  Anyway what happened to the job at the Election Bureau which had offered to you before?  Did you get the position?  I hope so.

Jeff, how far is your place from California?  Do you think you would like it to talk with my cousins if I'll give their telephone number to you and asked to phone them up?  Do you mind about introducing yourself and talk to them?  If you really don't I can give you their numbers to you next time.

You know, I have a colleague right here was expecting to leave for Chicago before March, 1981 by fiancée visa.  This will be their first meeting but her visa has been approved already and she is now preparing all the papers she needs to submit at the American consulate here in Hong Kong and then for her interview. 

I am thinking to send something to you through or if you think you can reach her out at her fiancé plays in Chicago.  How far this place from Las Vegas?  Do you think you can collect it from her if I can make it?? Please let me know and write as soon as possible if you could.  Okay?? Let me give your telephone number to.  The name of her fiancé is Mr. Roy Ellis.  I'll ask their address and phone number as well and write to you next time. How about your dad and mom? Please give my special regards to that well I guess I must go for now.  Until next time.  Same things my sweet Love and best regards to you and your family.  Please do write soon.  Okay?

Advance Happy Valentine's Day to you sweetheart!

Much Love, Judy

February 19, 1981

Dearest Jeff,

Firstly, I'd like to say "Happy Valentine's Day".  I hope you have a memorable night without me again (of course) and enjoy yourself.  Did you get my card?? Thanks for your letter which I had received two weeks ago.  I was a little busy during the past few days because it was Chinese New Year (the Chinese tradition) so my reply is a bit delay.

As you know, I'm finishing my two years employment contract on comings of March, 1981 and of course I have to take my leave.  I was discussing it with my boss the other day about it and I told her that I don't feel like to spend to Philippines because I'll pay more than thousands pesos again to the government that I don't have enough money.  Besides I was there also last September, 1980 when my father passed away.  I mentioned to her that I'd like to spend my holiday at USA but the trouble I have no enough money and I think getting visitor’s visa is a little difficult nowadays.  She offered that I'll pay first my round-trip ticket and I'll pay it later by deducting from my monthly salary if I really want to go.  I remembered about your invitation sometimes, but I don't think you would like the idea because you still have classes at the time and maybe you're busy.  I know you're doing a lot of things that keeps yourself very busy (except girls certainly) I'm glad to hear about it

Did you get my last letter?  If you've gotten please reply because I need to know if you could manage to collect the things I may send through my friend (Mercy Tafaro) and her fiancé place at Chicago.

Well, I'll say bye! Bye!  For now, till next time.  Best regards to you always and to your dad and mom.  It was so nice of you to spend your first week of New Year with your parents.

(See you in my dreams).

Lots of Love, Judy

February 27, 1981

An empty large envelope that obviously contained a Valentine’s card that I sent to Judy.  The card is not here but I know I would not send her an empty envelope and there's so many stamps on it I must've put a card in here – ha-ha.  But I did put a letter in here and the letter is still in the envelope.

February 27, 1981

Dear Judy,

Thanks for your lovely card it was sweet of you.

School starts tomorrow.  I'm going to be spending most of my time studying.  Still haven't heard anything from the Election Bureau.  I've got an appointment to talk about getting a grant for school.  Also am looking into getting a student loan.

I went to a career night with many potential accounting firms last December.  Employment opportunities are very good.  I'll sign up with the college placement bureau in September for interviews.

Send me your cousin’s phone number and address.  I'll write to them.  I will not be visiting California near future but if they come to Las Vegas we could meet.

Las Vegas is far from Chicago – about 1,500 miles.  It wouldn't be practical to send me something I would have to go to Chicago and pick up. My phone number is area code (702) 737 – 1645.

My mom was sick with pneumonia when I was there visiting.  I talked to her last week and she seemed much better.

Let's hope this is a good year.

Love, Jeff

March 11, 1981

Dear Judy,

Thank you for the nice Valentine day’s card.  About coming for a visit.  I would like to see you and I am busy.  The best time when I wouldn't be so busy is after May 20 and before June 8.  Between May 20 and June 8, there is no school.  But I know an airplane ticket is expensive and I feel guilty about you having to spend the money to buy it.  If you really don't mind the expense, think about coming.  I can take care of money once you're here and staying here will cost you.

I'm writing this late at night and is not as clear as I'd like.  In plain English, I'd like to see you and we have plenty of time to spend together.  Your friend in Chicago would have to mail are shipped anything to me.  I can't drive or get the Chicago which is 2,000 miles away.

Lots of love to you too, Jeff

March 18, 1981

Dearest Jeff,

Thanks a lot for the wonderful card was enclosed letter which I gotten it two weeks ago.

Just hope you're alright, seems you're always keeping yourself very busy with your studies and other things.  Why don't you sometimes yourself to relax.  But except one thing of course, don't use girls for your relaxations otherwise I will be jealous, (just the jokes).

In that case I'll not send anything to you through my friend anymore.  I thought I could save you for mailing.  Anyway, I'll send it by mail before June 13, 1981.

My cousin's name is:  Mrs. Cecile Bautista – Erum and Mr. Henry Bautista, we call him ‘Boy’ as is nick name.  They are brother and sister.  I think my uncle and auntie (their parents) are still there.  I'm not so sure because when I received their own good Christmas cards it was December, 1980 and I've not written to them since then.  I've no knowledge how long they'll stay at the USA.  I think there living all together in one house because they're using the same address.  The address is:

Well you don't need their address or phone number so skip that part.

Hope you keep can get in touch with them.  If you can talk by phone to any one of them please do ask if P (uncle) and Nan Ney (auntie) are still there and when they'll go back to Philippines.  I'll do write also to ‘Boy” to tell him about you.

I still have another cousin from my mother's side also in California but I don't have her new address.  She moved out lately last year before she gave birth to her first baby.

Jeff, to remind you please don't use "Judy" when you're mentioning about me to my cousins because they don't know the name you used to call me.  Firstly, you must use "Edith" this is my name they used to call me or "Judith" sometimes.

Well, I guess that's enough for me now, until next time.  I'll be looking forward to your soon replied.  If you can contact them give my regards and please let me know on your next letter.  Okay??

Hope your mom is quite all right by now.  To extend my warm regards to them and keep the most of it.  Thanks for your picture, you look so cute.

Love and kisses, Judy

March 25, 1981

Dearest Jeff,

I was really so glad to learn that you would like to see me too.  But you know, I just can't do it to lend money to use just for my pleasure trip.  I think I should wait for the right time, maybe next year.  I'll do my best to save as much as I can.  I don't mind to spend my money buying plane tickets but I'd like that before I'd spend it on going USA I'd like to make it sure that I don't have to come back of Hong Kong anymore.  Who knows maybe in the near future my boyfriend would change his mind and will petition the by fiancée visa instead.  (I think that was a hint).

How you received my previous letter?  Have you talk already my cousins (boy or CCO) should Mark's through the telephone?  If so, how did you manage to introduce yourself to them?  What did they say to you?  Please tell me how it happened.  Okay?

Sweetheart, you know, ‘Boy’ is an accounting graduate.  Perhaps if you'll become acquainted each other you could ask some information about accounting from him.  I've wondered about your letter it seems the person who wrote was a fifth drunk.  I'm just kidding ’mahaif’.

Well, bye for now.  Okay hear from you so soon.  Regards to all but most especially to Mr. Jeff Weber.  (Ang pogi boyfriend).

With Love, Judy

April 19, 1981

This letter was written at 4:32 AM Hong Kong time what an amazing girl!

Dearest Jeff,

I've been waiting for your letter for so long and yet until now got nothing.  I remember is more than one month now since I've mailed my two letters to you but you still have no reply.  What happened?  Is something wrong with you?  Is there anything happened with you Jeff?  Or did I say something in my letter that made you upset and not to reply them?? Please let me know.  Okay??  I really want to hear from you.

How was your life getting on?  Well, I do hope you're always in good shape and in the best of health.  How about your mom and dad?  Is your mom well okay now I hope.  My regards to them.

Please write Jeff.  Okay?  I'll be looking forward for your soon replied.  Bye!

Happy Easter.

Love, Judy

April 21, 1981

Dear Judy,

Again I let too many days go by without writing to you and I'm sorry.  I just get so busy and wrapped up in what I'm doing that I forget.  I saw your letter and said not to let another day go by without writing.

I have a little more free time this week.  We get a week off from school (spring vacation).  It comes at a good time as the students need relief from classes and the weather starts to get so nice it's difficult to concentrate on school.

I haven't gotten in touch with your cousins but I'll write to them soon.  I've talked to a lot of my male friends and men just don't like to write letters.  I'm that way too, I find it a hard thing to do.

It's again baseball season and I'm trying again to win some money, I'll let you know how I'm doing.

I wasn't drunk when I wrote my last letter, probably just very tired. I promised to write within a couple of days after receiving one of your letters.  Thank you for the Easter card, that was very nice of you. Think happy, positive thoughts and all your dreams will come true.

Love, Jeff

May 7, 1981

Dearest Jeff,

Thanks for your letter which I've waited so long.  I'm so glad you've written back, I thought you're going to stop writing to me.  Well, hope next time you'll not let so many days pass by to write me back as you had promised in your last letter.  I understand how busy you are but I do believe you'll spare a little time to write me at least. 

I wish you luck for your upcoming baseball game.  I'd like to know how you're doing it so please let me know.  Okay?  (This time it will be successful.

Have you written yet to my cousins?  As I had mentioned to you before that I write to my cousin (boy Henry) to tell them about you, well I did it already and you know what?  My uncle is still there with auntie and he wrote me with some advices regarding you.  There are no longer with Auntie Cecil.  The three of them are living now by themselves and department at Los Angeles.  The address is:  I'll skip the address part.

My uncle's name is Mr. Juan out Easter.  Needs a big brother of my late father.  If you happen to talk to him by phone then that would be very nice. I am doing fine with my work but get very tired sometimes.  How did you spend your Easter holiday?  Did you go somewhere else with friends or you just stayed at home.  Did you get a chance to visit your mom and dad??

Well, this is all for now, until next mail.  Okay here from you very soon.  Warm regards.  If you have any photos taken recently please send me.  I think I miss you!

Love, Judy

May 11, 1981

I sent Judy a card; the front of the card had some beautiful flowers with "The field sunflowers are sweeter if they are shared."

Dearest Judy,

I'm very busy but I wanted you to know I'm thinking of you.  Then the card says:

"To say "hello" and tell you that more often than you'd guess, I think of you – I miss you too – – and wish you happiness!

After this week I'll have a lot more free time and I'll write you a letter.

Love, Jeff

May 25, 1981

Dear Judy,

I didn't want too much time to go by without writing because I know you like to get letters and so do I.

I have my final exams this week.  Last night, and have my statistics one on Thursday.  I didn't have to take the final exam in my finance course.  The professor made the final exam optional.  I was happy to get a B in the course and no matter how well I did on the final would not get an A so I didn't take it.

After Thursday, I have three weeks off from school before summer school begins.  By going during the summer I hope to graduate next May.

I've been playing lots of tennis lately.  I've got some friends who love to play and it's great weather (except when it's windy) to play.

I had a good week last week betting baseball games.  I won 20/23.  But I got off to a slow start the first six weeks of the season.  But it looks very promising.  In my next letter I should know a lot more.

I haven't written to your cousins yet but I promise I will after my test on Thursday.  Take care.

Love, Jeff

July 29, 1981

Dear Judy,

Again sorry for the delay in writing but a lot of things happened to me recently.  I'm no longer working as a security guard at Casa Royale Apartments.  The manager came up to me one night and said he had to let me go.  He gave me no reason.  I hadn't done anything wrong or bad so was a mystery to me about what happened.  The only thing I heard was that the owner's son hadn't seen me walking around when he was here which I find hard to believe.  But I think I'll be a lot better off anyway.  I went down to the unemployment office the next day and signed up.  I'm eligible for $115 a week.  I also applied for a student loan that are received the second week in July.  Also I still have veteran’s benefits for the fall school semester.

To keep unemployment happy I have to show them I'm actually looking for work.  I put in job applications as a security guard at several of the casinos but I don't really want to work at them.  I put in an application at an employment agency that specializes in accounting work, night auditing.  They'll find me temporary jobs that will help me get practical experience that should help me land a good accounting job when I graduate.

Also when I lost the job I had to move from Casa Royale Apartments.  My new address is:  no need to give you the address but it was on Lulu Street believe it or not.

Love, Jeff

August 3, 1981

Dearest Jeff,

How have you been?  How's things going on with you now? I hope everything is fine by now.

Jeff, I'm so sorry about your bad news.  Sometimes we cannot avoid such people were unreasonable to give such judgment to a certain person without telling the real reason.  Please don't feel so bad about it, who knows maybe this will be your chance or way to find a real good one job.  I'll help you through my prayers.  Don't rule your fate.  Okay?  I do believe it's not the end for you.

How was your summer school getting along?  Hope you're doing well with it.  I wish I could get a letter more often from you because I really want to receive them if possible every day.  But don't worry about it, I understand you certainly.

How about your mom and dad, how are they getting on?  Please do give my warm regards to them.  Okay?  As for me, I am doing fine with my job although it makes me quite tiring.  The baby I am taking care of is now 14 months old but most of the time he wants to be carried and that make me tired

Coincidentally, I met an American guy at our flat a few months ago.  Is living just at the next floor from hours.  Is friendly and really a nice person, I like him.  He had asked a lot of questions about me when I told them that sometimes I don't feel like to go out during my off day because I want to take some rest but I don't want to stay at home because of the children so he offered his flat to me if I want to stay in.  Of course I love it, to be alone at home (his flat) the whole day is really peaceful.  So once a week during my off day if I have no appointments or got nothing to buy outside I just say at his flat to rest, reading pocketbooks until I fall asleep.  Sometimes I get tired of lying down, I do some shares of his things and tidy up his flat and he does appreciate it very much.  I'm so glad at anyhow I can do something to please him.  Seems he is a big brother for me and I give him respect just likes my brother because he is older than me.  Is a few months older than you Jeff.  He is from New Orleans.  He had mentioned to me sometimes ago is going back to the states on December, 1981 to spend this Christmas with his family.  He is here in Hong Kong for his Far East assignment.  He is container manager at the Likes Line Shipping Company, owned by the Americans.  Perhaps I can send something to you for Christmas program if this place is not far from yours.  How about that?

On first week of September, 1981 I am going back to Philippines for my father's first death anniversary celebration.  All have a one-month vacation but I'll try to come back before 24th of September, 1981 because some of my friends are complaining they'll miss my celebration for two years of I don't come back on time.  For this reason I'll do my best to make up with them anyhow. Well, I must say goodbye for now.  Until next time.  Hope to hear from you soon.  Warmest regards to you.

With Love, Judy

August 10, 1981

Dear Judy,

I'm doing pretty well.  Actually getting fired wasn't so bad.  I had a nice four-week vacation.  Right after I got fired I went to the state unemployment offices and applied for unemployment.  Because Casa Royale Apartments did not have a valid reason for firing me, I was immediately eligible to collect.  I got $115 a week which is almost the maximum I was entitled to.

Also the unemployment helped me find another security job.  In order to collect unemployment I had to fill out a card and show where I was looking for jobs. I started going to all the casinos because they are the best paying and best working conditions.  I didn't want to work outside this winter – too cold.

Well within a week of looking I got hired by the Marina Hotel.  I make about $150 more a month, get a free meal in the restaurant and have very nice people to work for.  Also it is located close by to where I live.  So Casa Royale did me a favor by firing me.

I'm also getting some student loans this fall that will help me a lot.  School starts in three weeks.  I'm taking 12 credits and should graduate next May. My mom and dad are fine.  They really help me out with an emergency loan of $500 when I had to move.

I got a run and do some errands.  I will try to write more often thank you for your letters I really like receiving them.

I can't believe I didn't sign this letter but I didn't.

September 21, 1981

Dear Judy,

I hope you had a nice visit with your friends in the Philippines.  I wish I could visit my friends but they live so far away I don't have the time of the money so I can't.

I started school last week and I think taking four courses and working full-time is going to be too much.  I'll probably drop one of my accounting courses because it has a lot of homework and I don't want a bad grade in my major

I haven't written to your cousin Jed.  I'm shy and really wouldn't know what to say.  Someday maybe we can meet them together; I think that would be better.

My job is going well.  I finally got off the clock run (that involved walking the floors of the hotel and punching a clock with keys to prove the walking had been done cover the insurance that we are looking out for fires). The job involves a lot of walking was hurting my feet.  But finally I'm off that and working in the casino.  It's a lot better.  Now, I can transfer money from the tables to the cashier, escort people with money, watch out for cheating and guard the cashier for robbery.  All the people in the casino are very nice and we have nice working conditions.

I don't know why but lately I've been very depressed and don't really know why.  It affects me at times I tend to not want to do anything.  I'm trying to fight it but it's hard.

It depresses me that we can only write to each other. 

August 27, 1981

Dearest Jeff,

I'm glad that everything was okay with you. Well, thanks for your early reply.  I was surprised than what I was happy on the other hand.  I'm leaving for home on 5 September, 1981 for father’s first death anniversary.  But I'll be back probably 23rd to be with friends for my special day celebration on the 24th of same month.  How I wish we could be together.  Anyhow, everything is going fine with me except of being exhausted every end of the days.  But at Friday's (this is my off day) I am enjoying being alone at my friend's apartment.  Being alone for the whole day I really find a piece of mine.  Very peaceful and quiet except of same telephone calls from people who knows I am staying there.

Oh yeah – before I forget Jeff, have you written or phone up to my cousins already? It is been a long time now since you mentioned to me that she'll write to them.  At a wondered if you've had done it already. Well, take care of yourself and see you in my dreams.  I'm looking forward to our meeting hopefully someday somehow we will realize.  Please send me your recent photos if you have.  Okay?

Please give my warm regards to your mom and dad and keep the most of it.

With Love, Judy

September 21, 1981

Dear Judy,

I hope you had a nice visit with your friends in the Philippines.  I wish I could visit my friends but they live so far away and I don't have the time or money so I can't.

I started school last week and I taking four courses and working full-time is going to be too much.  I'll probably drop one of my accounting courses because it has a lot of homework and I don't want a bad grade in my major.

I haven't written to your cousin Jed.  I'm shy and really wouldn't know what to say.  Someday maybe we can meet them together, I think that would be better.

My job working security at the Marina casino is going well.  I finally got off the clock run (that involved walking the floors of the hotel and punching a clock with keys on this round thing I had to carry around my neck like a big clock to prove the walking had been done to keep the insurance company happy that somebody was looking out for fires).  The job involves a lot of walking and was hurting my feet.  But finally I'm off that and working in the casino.  It's a lot better.  Now, I transfer money from the tables to the cashier, escort people with money, watch out for cheating and guard the cashier from robbery.  All the people in the casino are very nice and we have nice working conditions.

I don't know why but lately I've been very depressed and don't really know why.  It affects me at times and I tend to not want to do anything.  I'm trying to fight it but it's hard. 

Depresses me that we can only write.  It shouldn't I should take life as it comes and live with it.  I don't really have it that bad so there's no real logical reason which makes it hard to understand.

I guess I'm just too sensitive to lots of things both personally and with the world in general.

Oh well, enough of that, I don't want to and under sour note.

I'm sure things will get better for both of us.  Let's look on the brighter side.  I'll try my best

Love, Jeff

October 19, 1981

Dear Jeff,

How are you doing as of now?  I'm sure you're too busy with your studies and working at the same time makes you hard times.  I can feel your difficulties that you know; you got to sacrifice until your finish your course.  Everybody got to before you'll succeed.  Right??  So please don't feel so depressed about it okay??  I'm sure everything will gonna on be fine for you or for both of us.  I am hoping for it and looking forward to our friendships will end into realization some days.

Jeff, I'm sorry for my delay of replying your letter.  I was back from my home leave on 24 September, 1981 (evening) and I was a bit disappointed when I read your letter because I received no birthday greetings from you.  Because, it was my birthday on the same day I arrived but you didn't say "Happy birthday to you" in your letter or even to send me a birthday card.  Anyway, that's okay, I'm just joking!! I had a bad cold with fever plus cost (it was flu) touring my first week from the day I came back but I feel much better now.  I'm just having an irritation in my throat.  Hope will get well soon.

I had a very nice vacation and really I enjoyed visited my friend, former classmates and relatives.  And I felt so wonderful to be with my family although I was unable to sleep during my first and second night at home.  I don't know why?  My times was very limited to spend for them. Well, I guess you got to tell me your happenings at their and please tell me also about your mom and dad and how they're getting on.  I miss you!!

By get all my best to you.  Please give my warm regards to your mom and dad and keep the most of it.  Hope to hear from you soon.  Take care!!

Love, Judy

October 23, 1981

Dearest Jeff,

How is life getting on of my handsome sweetheart nowadays??  I hope everything is fine with you.  How about your mom and dad?  As for myself and my family, life wasn't good for us for this year.  Really it was very, very sad for me and for my family but we go to face the truth and accept the situation because life has always and ending.  Everybody in this world comes to that ending but really I find it hard to accept the realities about my father's leaving us. 

Jeff, I just came back from Philippines for my father's funeral and maybe you know what that means "I'm broke" to be frank with you.  I had spent all my savings both in (Hong Kong and Philippines) for my traveling expenses, for my family and my father's funeral.  I was the one who shoulder all the financial responsibility because my big brother from Nigeria didn't arrive on time or even until this moment.  I haven't received any one word from him and I couldn't wait for a month.  The embalming of my father was good enough for one month but I couldn't wait to use the whole. Because my boss together with her husband and eldest son were scheduled to fly for holiday to Singapore, London and Europe and I had to come back for the leave because of the baby laugh to me.  For this reason I can't pursue my intention about coming to USA after my employment contract on March, 1981.  I have to wait again and start to save all over again after unpaid through all the debt.  My money was not sufficient for all the expenses so there's more debt left which about 3,000 pesos to be send back to pay.

Thanks a lot for your lovely photos, but you didn't write anything at the back, so when my friend saw it she wanted me to write for her.

Regards, Judy

October 26, 1981

Dear Judy,

I am very sorry I forgot to send you a card and a present.  I'm going to try and make it up to you by sending you a little present and card now.  I would never deliberately do anything to hurt your feelings.  You're one of the nicest persons in my life I do want you to continue to be a big part of my life.

My apartment is finally starting to look like a home.  I get tired of no furniture and went out and bought a nice sofa and reclining chair.  Now I can feel comfortable and relaxed here.

School is going well.  I dropped one class and now have three classes.  One of my teachers is very bad and makes the class boring and uninteresting.  Also he gives is too much work.

My mom and dad are doing fine.  They're still living in Charlotte, North Carolina.  They like living there because of the mild winters