My Only Crime Was Being Born Vol.1 by J. P. Weber - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Love Letters from 1983

January 14, 1983

Dear Judy,

I just got back from my three week visit with my parents in North Carolina.  I had a very nice time both my parents were looking great.  My dad made a complete recovery from his heart surgery and is better than he was before the surgery. My dad and I went and played golf three times over the Christmas holidays.  The weather was very nice and my dad supposed to get exercise. When I got back, it was very nice to find your Christmas present waiting for me.  I really love the T-shirts and wallet.  I practically live in T-shirts, and in fact I have one on now and I'm getting ready to play golf.

I went for a job interview yesterday and it went very well.  Next week I have a couple of more than are also promising. Now for my ideas on your employment.  I think your idea of renewing for one year is very good one.  It would take me that long to move, get set up and save enough money for us to get together.

Also within that time I will talk with the immigration people and find out all the options and possibilities.  When I know this, I'll let you know what I found out.  Never let your dreams die, though at times it seems they are taking forever.  Anything you want bad enough you'll have.  A good attitude is very important.

There is no big rush for the information about the suits.  It would be helpful if you could find a tailor who has a catalog that shows colors and prices.

Well, I'm off to Tucson to hopefully find a good job and start us on the road.  Wish me luck.

Lots of Love, Jeff

January 29, 1983

Dear Judy,

Finally, I have some good news to share with you.  I have myself a job and a good one.  I've been hired by the Army Audit Agency, part of the US Government.  I'll start work in about a month.  I'll have to move to Warren, Michigan (next to Detroit).  It's a great opportunity, with a very good future.  I'll start at a salary of $13,400 year but in addition I'll be doing some traveling and when I travel the government pays the expenses of lodging and food.  The Army will train me and send me to schools to learn their procedures.  The job will involve auditing all types of activities.  Within a few years, I'll get a tour in Europe and possibly the Far East.  I'm very excited.  I just mailed a bunch of forms to Army Audit Agency and should get my definite departure date in a couple of weeks.  The Army is even nice enough to pay for my move from Las Vegas to Warren, Michigan.

I had a nice visit with my parents over Christmas.  Both are in good health and told me to wish you a happy new year.

Right after I got back from North Carolina, I had to drive to Barstow, California (300 mile round-trip) to interview with the Army.  Then two days later, I went to Tucson (800 mile round-trip) to interview for a couple of jobs and visit friends.  I had a great time, really enjoyed myself.  And when I came back he found a job waiting in my mailbox.  So far it's been a great 1983 and it will continue.

Lots of love and kisses, Love, Jeff

February 5, 1983

Dear Jeff,

Sorry, I really have no time to write for these past few weeks.  I'll write to you as soon as I have time.  Okay?

Do accept my open "congratulations" and good luck to you for your new job.  I'm so glad and very happy for you.  All the best and more power!

Remember "I love you and miss you very much".

Give my best to your mom and dad.

Kisses and Love, Judy

February 12, 1983

Wow!  This letter is written on embossed stationery from the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Hotel looks very nice.

Dear Jeff,

I must apologize for not writing back so soon.  I was quite busy since January 10, 1983 because they had released the other Filipina who used to do the housework earlier than expected.  So I am doing it all alone since then.  I find it hard adjusting myself because you know, I had never done this before.  I been doing all alone by myself.  Imagine, before I used to get up from bed at 8 AM but, now whether I like it or not I have to get up at 6:30 AM to prepare breakfast and to change the older son was going to school at eight o'clock in the morning.  I feel like giving up this type of job and go back to my career which I guess I have forgotten already.  But my problem is as no enough savings and of course I need money to re–study.

Well, I was so glad and very happy for you that you got your new job and a very good one.  Hoping and looking forward to something good comes for us

I'm leaving to Bangkok on Wednesday (February 9, 1983) for a week holiday with the family.  And we won't be home until 15 February, 1983 so through this letter I wish you a very "happy Valentine's Day".  Hope you have fun.  To think of me ’coz I'll be thinking about you.  I miss you a lot!  I really do!!

Don't forget to give my best and love to your mom and dad.  And of course keep the most!

Please do write very soon!

Much Love, Judy

February 16, 1983

I was a good boy this Valentine's Day because again I'm looking at a large envelope that Judy received around February 18 that shows I enclosed a nice Valentine's Day card.  I have the envelope but not the card but again the card would not have gotten to Judy except for the fact that I put it in an envelope.

March 4, 1983

Dear Judy,

I heard from the Army Audit Agency last week.  I'll start March 21, the first day of spring in Warren, Michigan.  I'll leave Las Vegas in about a week.  Right now I'm busy packing everything and getting ready to leave.  I'm really looking forward to having a meaningful job with a good future.

I sympathize with the problems you're having at your job.  But I asked you to hang in there.  Baby you can ask for a raise, explain to your employers you should get more money.  Then try to save as much as you can.

I hope my job will give me a good chance to save.  In addition to salary, I'll get expense money when I travel and I live pretty cheap.

So it will be soon I'm sure and will be together.  Keep the faith.

One depressing thing I saw today was the way two of my friends treated their wives.  Yell and scream, it was disgusting.  I would never do that.  I'm into love, romance, tenderness, peace and happiness.

I'll send you my new address as soon as I get it.

Love, Jeff

March 22, 1983

Dear Judy,

I got to Warren, Michigan safe and sound.  It was a nice drive across America with good weather and no snow.  Michigan was not my first choice as a place to live and work.  Michigan is probably the state that is suffering the worst unemployment in America.  (A little case of déjà vu, I wrote this in 1983 and unfortunately is still very true in 2011).  Also for me Michigan is a depressing place.  It's full of all factories, bad weather and very little of interest.  I'll make the best of it and get out and back to warmer weather as soon as possible.

One nice thing here is cheap housing.  Michigan is one of the few states that has lost population (over 1 75,000) in the last 10 years.  I rented a very nice two bedroom house with a garage.  I'll send you some pictures.  (Turns out this is the first permanent place, Judy lives with me in America).

But the good outweighs the bad, now I can start earning money, pay off my bills and see you soon.  I'm moving tomorrow.  My new address is:  7028 Rivard, Warren Michigan.   And here is my phone number 313 757– 2746.

Lots of love, I miss you and look forward to a letter.  I start work on March 21.

Love, Jeff

 April 1, 1983

Dearest Jeff,

I just received your letter which I had been waiting for so long.  When I got hold the previous one I intentionally not to reply because you said you'll be moving the following week.  Tried to reach you out by phone that next day there was a voice on the phone saying that the number I was calling has been disconnected.  Also today I tried calling you twice at your new numbers.  The first call I made was around 10 AM (Hong Kong time), I think about 7 PM there at USA but your line was busy.  Then I tried again at to it at 2 PM and nobody answered the phone.  Probably you went to bed early and that you were sleep so soundly.

Well, I hope you're everything settled now at your new house.  I wish I could be there with you to help out.

I feel okay now with my works.  I've been adjusted and getting used to it.  By next month my little boy will be going to a play groove every morning from 9 AM to 12 noon Monday through Friday, so I'll be all alone in the house the whole morning.

Well, I did what you've been asked me to do.  I did sign the new contract with them within Hong Kong 1,800 a month salary per month.  We have a verbal agreement to make just one year instead of two years and she agreed.  There's no problem.

How about your job? How did you find your first day in your work?  Was everything all right??  Hope so!  Tell me about it I'd like to hear from you.

About the pictures you mentioned in the letter to Cindy, please send them.  I'd like very much to see and yourself to.  I miss you so very much!

Till then, keep my Love and warmest regards. Take care and also give my best and love to your mom and dad. Okay?

Sweeter, please do write soon and enclose your pictures.

Much love and kisses, Judy

April 4, 1983

Dear Judy,

It was very nice of you to call on Sunday.  Lately I haven't had a lot to cheer about.  Moving to Michigan put me deep in the financial hole and I still haven't climbed out yet.  My parents were very nice to advance me the money to pay the moving company to move me from Las Vegas to Warren, Michigan.   Will take me a couple of months to pay them back but then I can start to save our future visit.

This is going to be a short note.  I'll find a place that Xeroxes and I'll send you what I've typed which is now 14 pages.  Take care and keep the faith.

Love, Jeff

April 25, 1983

Dear Judy,

Thank you for the nice garden photos.  You look very beautiful.  You always look very elegant and beautiful.  I got to tell you I am quite casual – I'm usually wearing old faded blue jeans and a T-shirt.  But since I got my job and wear a suit every day – I'm getting more into clothes.  There's hope for me yet.

I now have worked the month and like the job and my fellow workers very much.  The weather here still stinks.  I took lots of pictures of my house and I’ll get a few at work soon.  I can't bring a camera onto the base but I get some photos outside the gate.  Next time I have a friend over I'll have him take some pictures of me.

My first day on the job found me driving through a snowstorm to work, about 6 inches of snow fell on the first day of spring.  I spent the day filling out health, life insurance, and other forms.  Most of my first months work was spent on interviewing contract officers (the guys that decide who gets the contract from the Army).  The contract winners are the firms the Army buys all their supplies from.  I was asking them questions to see if they were doing all in their power to increase competition, to buy cheaply and to give as many contracts as possible to the small businesses.

Today, April 17 had another snowstorm – I don't like snow.  I'm glad my house has a garage, to store my car.

I wish my house had a stove and refrigerator.  My landlord and his wife are very nice people.  They told me the last people who rented this house had their own stove and refrigerator. Oh well.

I found I found out I'm going to be going to Cincinnati, Ohio on June 1 for temporary duty on the job.  Four of us will be there for three months.  It's what is called TDY, (temporary duty).  It's a very good deal.  In addition to my salary, the Army will pay me $70 a day for room and meals.  I should be able to save some money out of this trip.  Also the Army gives a free airplane ticket every two weeks.  Cincinnati is a lot closer to my parents , it will give me a chance to visit them this summer. 

So things are going well for me, I miss you and I'll send the photos soon.

Lots of love, Jeff

May 11, 1983

Dearest Jeff,

Thanks for your nice letter.  I'm glad you like your new job.

Well, such a pity that you have no stove and refrigerator for yourself in your new house.  So how do you cook for your daily meals??

I tried to get a catalog of suits from the tailor shops but I couldn't get any.  Because they don't give and they don't have that catalogs with respective prices.  I had visited two (2) tailor shops and prices are depending on the materials.  One suit without the vast it costs about thousand Hong Kong dollars.  Maybe Jeff we can try to do this way, why not sending me your catalog with your selected styles and materials, then I'll show to the tellers to ask their prices.

You said you'll be going to Cincinnati on June 1, 1983.  In that case you won't be home by June 13??  Well, I'm going to miss you!!

If you will have a chance to visit your parents while you are in Cincinnati, please you do it for me to give my best and love to them.  Okay??  Thanks!

I'm looking forward to seeing your photos you had mentioned.  Hope you'll send them soon.

Bye for now and hope to hear from you.  Do take care of your health.  I'm sorry I'm getting a terrible correspondence lately.  But always remember "I love you very much".

 Love and kisses, Judy

The critters my daughter has given me have an interesting working relationship.  My little granddaughter Malia takes pencils out of this box that I've had for many years and leaves them on the floor.  Then one of the two – sounds that my daughter also gave me the dog comes along and chews one pencil into many very very tiny pencils I just spent the last 5 minutes. Cleaning up the latest pencil explosion from granddaughter to doggie.

May 14, 1983

Dear Judy,

I finally have a new picture of me to send you.  And I have some pictures of the house I'm renting.  I haven't used my camera in years.  I'm going to use it more often.

Things are going pretty well for me.  I’ve been working seven weeks and like my job and fellow workers.  It looks very definite that I'll be going to Cincinnati for three months, June, July, and August.  You can still write to me at my address here in Warren, I'm going to have the Post Office forward my mail to Cincinnati.

I'm happy I'm going to Cincinnati because I will get $72 a day for living expenses.  I figure to save enough money to buy a stove and refrigerator.  Unfortunately the house I'm renting doesn't have a stove or refrigerator.  My cooking isn't the greatest but it's a lot cheaper and more convenient to fix my own meals.

I hope everything is going well for you.  I talked to a couple of fellow workers who have been to Hong Kong and they tell me it's a fabulous.  Army Audit Agency has an office in South Korea.  One of the auditors here spent a couple of years over in Korea; he liked it and married a Korean girl.

I noticed I'm a bit slow in keeping my promises like I promised you pictures a long time ago.  I get you more and better one soon and I'll get you a copy of my notes to you soon.  I miss you and the more I think about it, I feel the easiest way for us to be together would be for me to put a request to go to Korea.  I have to stay here in Warren one year till March of 1984.  My friend, an expert in doing things with the agency, told me to put in the request after I've been here 10 months or so.  I don't know how easy it is to get a Korean assignment.  As soon as I find out any definite information about Korea I'll let you know.

Recently the agency sent around a notice saying there were looking for people to go to Europe so I know if any vacancies occur in Korea, the agency will send a notice.  Also I filled out a general travel form telling Army Audit that I like to travel and put Korea on my list of places I'd like to go. I send you my love and hope to see you very soon.  Things are definitely brighter for us since I got the job.  I take it as a good omen that will be together soon.

Lots of love, Jeff

June 4, 1983

Dearest Jeff,

A million thanks for the lovely pictures.  Looks like you put on some weights.  Don't you?  That's nice!

Well, hope and pray for good trip to Cincinnati.  I know you'll be doing fine out there as you're enjoying with your job.  Just don't work too hard, get some enjoyment for yourself.  Okay?  But not with ladies "Sir", because I'll be jealous.  Ha! Ha!!

It would be nice if you will be posted to Korea, quite near in Hong Kong.  But do you think I still have be able to wait for another more year or so? They spar sometimes things puzzles into my mind.  Because I'm not so sure if you're really serious on our relationships to become Mr. and Mrs. one day soon when will be together.

When you say so, of course I am still very much willing to wait for one more year.  I guess you feel how I feel about you –.

By myself, well I am just doing fine.  Though no much from on my day off because it has been raining for a week now.  But for these last three nights I've been out for dinner with my boss and the children at the big hotels.  It was a very nice dinner we had.

Well, take care of yourself and have a nice time.  Please give my love and best of regards to your mom and dad.  Keep the most of it.

Hope to hear from you soon. 

Love, Judy

P.S. Wish you a very happy birthday!!  So you going to have your celebration at Cincinnati?

June 14, 1983

Dear Judy,

It was nice hearing from you, a letter from you always brightens my day.  I have put on a few pounds, that picture I sent you is not all me.  On that day, knowing I was going to be out in the cold Detroit weather for five hours, I dressed warm.  I had extra shirts and pants on.  But it wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds either.  I don't burn off any calories at work and haven't been exercising much of my own.  I play racquetball with the guys from work once a week but haven't been doing much else.  I haven't had the money to join a health club yet.  I been eating better and healthier since I got a refrigerator.

When I moved in here, I didn't have a stove or refrigerator and went out to eat which was both expensive and fattening.  Now I save money and calories.

Oh, I'm not in Cincinnati.  At the last minute, Army Audit Agency canceled the audit because of low funds so I stay in Warren.

The only travel I'll have in the near future is a week in Washington, D. C. for a training school.  After the week in school, I'm taking two days vacation driving down to visit my parents in Charlotte.  I'm leaving this Sunday, the 12th.

I want you to know I'm serious about us getting together.  The biggest problem is money and distance – we are about as far apart as two people can be.  Plus I'm poor right now and can't afford a trip there.  Getting this job is fortunate because it gives me a chance to work near to you but when I can get over there I can't be sure.  And I don't think we can seriously contemplate marriage until we meet each other in person.  It wouldn't be fair or right for either of us.

So you just have to be patient a while longer.  I really believe that something was meant to be it will be so hang in there.  We individually have it better than most people do, so let's look on the positive.

I'll be doing all I can so we can meet as soon as possible.  I'm serious about us but also realistic.  If I win a sweepstakes or make lots of money some other way, I'll be there sooner but those things don't happen to me so it'll take me a little longer but I'll get there when I can.

Love, love, love, Jeff

July 5, 1983

Hi sweetheart,

How's everything going on with you?  How did you celebrate your 36th birthday, where and with whom??  I hope you had a good time.  Did you get my greetings card?  I'm sorry about not sending you any presence.  I'll send it as soon as I can get into the Post Office.

I'm just doing time though I get some depression sometimes.  I've been thinking about going back home for good but every time I think about you and your letter, all the things in my mind just vanished.  I'm not so sure but, I'm a little mixed up and confuse.  The feelings I feel about you is something that holds me.  I believe in you and so I leave it all to you with hope and prayer that very soon we could be together.  Getting together would give me peace and make me feel better.

Well, the weather is getting more warmer and sticky.  I think it will be very warm and sunny on July and August, the summer season.

Beginning this week, will probably be spending our weekend at discovery Bay, but 20 min. trip by boat.  And I think we'll be staying there every weekend because they bought a small flat to stay in on weekends and holidays.  And the flat will be ready this coming weekend.

If you don't mind sweetheart, can you make a new voice tape again for me?  Only if you have some free times.  Okay?

Well, God bless you and hope to hear from you soon.  Give my best and Love to your mom and dad.

Lots of Love, Judy

July 30, 1983

Dear Judy,

Everything is going pretty well.  I celebrated my birthday at Auditor Trainee School in Washington, DC.  I was there for a week and had a nice time meeting lots of nice people from all over the world.  After a week at school I drove down to Charlotte and visited my parents for couple of days.

And in September I'm going to Maine and visit my sister and brother-in-law and nieces and nephews.  I haven't seen them in seven years and I'm looking forward to it.

There are a lot of people I want to see and haven't (know anybody who fits that description?) And eventually I do.  So keep the faith.

A fellow auditor I met here and now works in another district is flying to Hong Kong and Macau sometime in October.  Maybe if possible you could meet him at the airport and he will have a present or two for you for me.  I don't know any of the actual details but when I do, I'll let you know.

Work goes well; I like it, and good people and conditions.  The weather has been hot and humid.

I'm a lot like you; I suffer from depression a lot too, especially when I'm alone.  I think you're a lot better off where you are than back in the Philippines – that country is too unstable, Marcos too dictatorial, too many fights and unrest.  Decides when I get over there I want you to show me all the sites.  A tape will come soon.   

 Lots of love, Jeff.

August 10, 1983

Dearest Jeff,

It has been a very busy summer season for me.  Looking after two little boys and working some house works at the same time makes the very tired at the end of the days.  Says the beginning of the summer I was running after one to another.  Taking them to their swimming lessons in the morning twice a week and do my works in the afternoon is too tiring for me.  Then taking them out by myself all alone and often every last day of their swimming every week we go straight to discovery Bay for a weekend holidays.  Just pass by at McDonald's for a hamburger for lunch.  My boss are coming over to join with us every Saturday's afternoon.  Riding bicycle, going to the beach or to the clubhouse for swimming are what we are doing there.

You mentioned about your friend who will be coming to Hong Kong around October.  Well, if we will arrive at weekdays surely I can't meet him at the airport.  Probably when he will come on Sundays.  In case I can't make it to meet him on his arrival time, just tell him to give me a ring at these numbers; number five – 876 – 346 or five – 9877 – 026 (Discovery Bay phone number) during weekends.  So I can meet and see him.

Well, I'm looking forward to your voice tape.  Hope you'll send it soon.

I didn't know that your nieces and nephews from your sister.  I wish I could see them in pictures.  They must be cute and good looking like their uncle Jeff.

Until then, hope you're always in good shape.  I love you – and – I miss you a lot.

Give my love and best to your mom and dad!!

Lots of love, Judy

August 13, 1983

Dearest Judy,

I sent you the three lovely postcards of my visit to Frankenmuth, Michigan which is a beautiful old-style German type town with beautiful buildings that look exactly like the nice buildings in Germany I got to see years later when I actually got to visit Germany.

On one postcard I wrote on which is Zehnder’s Frankenmuth Chicken Dinners Restaurant – very nice place – except I got a terrible headache and couldn't enjoy the great food – whole area modeled after Germany's Bavarian Alps architecture.

Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn glockenspiel  tower – this is a beautiful photograph of a very large cuckoo clock light tower with about 50 bells at the top and revolving Bavarian scene with lots of figurines and below it is a large clock – I saw the show and it was very enjoyable – I wonder how they do it?

Dear Judy,

My friend Sal called me and said he'll be going to Hong Kong and Macau around the end of September.  He asked me for your phone number and hope you could give him a tour and show him good places to shop.

Sal got points from Holiday Inns for staying there.  He was lucky because he got to do a lot of traveling for Army Audit Agency, well I didn't.  Hopefully soon I'll get to do more traveling and I can accumulate enough for trip. 

I figure I can’t make it yet; I'll do the next best thing and send a good friend.  I'll make up a couple of tapes and send them to you with Sal as my deliveryman.  Please ask any questions about me you'd like to know.

I will really appreciate you doing me this favor and hope this shows you another good omen for us – soon will be me stepping off the plane.

I've been doing lots of fun things – on Friday went to a fantastic old-style Germantown – very interesting, lots of crafts.  On Monday six of us from the office are going to a Detroit Tiger baseball game should be lots of fun.  Also gots lots of pictures to send you some when I get them developed.

Lots of Love, Jeff

P.S. please send me your phone number.

September 2, 1983

Dearest Jeff,

Thanks for the postcards, such a beautiful places.  Too bad you didn't enjoy it with their great  food.  You had wasted your trip for that.

Well, probably you've received already my previous letter wherein I mentioned my telephone numbers.  Right now I'm here in Discovery Bay.  We used to come here every Thursday afternoon together with the two (2) boys and going back home on Tuesdays or Mondays.  Just don't know if we still keep coming in during weekends when the school opened next month.

Sweetheart, about your friend, how long he'll be staying in Hong Kong?  Is he married or still single?  Please tell me a little about him so that I know how or what to do for him.  Tell me his full name and if you have any picture, of him could you send it to me.  Please!!

I can only offer myself to tour him and go with them for shopping at Sundays if he needs or maybe I'll try if I can taking two days off (Saturday and Sunday) during his stays.  I'll do my best just for you.

It's good to be heard that you're doing a lots of funds and enjoying with your job.  Well, keeps doing well.

Seems I am getting old waiting for you.  Next month another you year will add again into my age and yet you still not ready.  Oh poor me!!  Anyway, I'm looking forward very much that they to see you.  I wish it will be you who is coming next month.

Till then, give my best and Love to your mom and dad.  See you soon!!

Lots of love, Judy

September 6, 1983

Dear Judy,

I just talked to my friend Sal and he said he has set the date for his trip to Hong Kong.  He will arrive on September 25.  Don't worry about meeting him.  Sal said he will give you a call after he arrives.  He said he wants to find a good shop that sells porcelain (I know that's not spelled correctly) I think he is bringing his girlfriend also.

I tried a bunch of times to make a tape but I just can't think of how to say what I want.  I promise I'll get a tape off you the first chance that feels right.  I guess I want to say serious, more intimate type things and my lifelong shyness and introverted nature make it very hard for me to share my feelings, to tell others what I want.  Maybe if you reassure me that you want to hear my fantasies, inner thoughts, desires, I'll work up the courage to do it.

I don't want to make a tape of only casual, trite stuff.  So hope you understand and think you do because I think you're on the shy side also.

Well in today's I'm off to visit my sister and brother-in-law and nieces and nephews.  All take some nice pictures and sent you some.

Before summer ends, send me some more sexy pictures of you especially in bikinis! You have a beautiful body to go with a beautiful personality.  Don't let anyone or anything get you depressed.

Lots of love, Jeff

September 16, 1983

I sent Judy a nice postcard from Kennebunkport, Maine while I was visiting my sister.

Dear Judy,

I'm having a nice time on my vacation.  I spent three days in Boston visiting a friend and now I'm at my sister’s house in Maine.  My nieces and nephews are adorable, bright and lots of fun.  Keep smiling and stay happy.

Love, Jeff

September 20, 1983