A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Many people think that when the processes of colonization of space begin, humanity will only inhabit those planets with organic life like ours, but that is because they have a mediocre vision of the future, because the most logical thing is to do precisely the opposite, because these planets are the only ones that should not be colonized as they already have a life of their own, especially when it is evident that their destiny is to develop superior forms like human. There are also those who think that in the event that planets inhabited by primitive humanoid forms are found, the genes of both civilizations could be mixed in order to accelerate their evolution, but I think this would be a big mistake, in the first place because it would be preventing them from having a normal evolutionary process, and secondly because their own nature would be deforming, therefore, the most reasonable thing to do is to help them but only indirectly.

I also find the hypothesis of transforming planets like Mars to be like Earth absurd, because the differences between the planets are too great for that to be possible. The solution is not to convert the planets to be like the earth, but to build hermetic cities where it is possible to create an ideal climate. Through the use of technology it will be possible to colonize almost any planet, because both oxygen and the rest of the elements necessary for life will be produced artificially and people will live in hermetic cities protected from the outside climate. Rocky planets like Earth that were similar in size to ours or smaller can be directly colonized, but giant planets like Jupiter or Saturn can only be colonized through their moons due to their excessive gravity and difficult-to-control climate. Ideally, the planets will be colonized according to the characteristics of each race, in this way Mercury and half of Venus could be colonized by the black race due to their better adaptation to the excessive heat that exists in these planets. Half of Venus and half of M art could be colonized p or brown race. Half of M art, the planetoids of the asteroid circle and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn could be colonized by the white race. The moons of Uranus and Neptune would be for the yellow race. Pluto and the most distant planetoids would also be for the yellow race. It may seem that according to this form of distribution, some races would correspond more worlds than others, but this would be compensated because those that colonize the planets directly could have many more inhabitants than those that only inhabit the moons, since the planets are larger than the moons.

Through climate control within cities, the races would become more and more similar until they all ended up belonging to the white race after several thousand years of evolution. Because what determines racial differences are extreme climates, but once technology eliminates those differences there will no longer be any factor that prevents all of them from becoming the same. Through the use of technology, those who inhabit the most distant planets will be able to provide themselves with the necessary energy by placing solar panels on their surface or in space using energy satellites. Another way can be to use the geothermal energy present in the underground layers and if that is not enough energy collecting satellites could be installed near the sun, that energy would be sent to the planets through the use of lasers. Another option would be to use nuclear energy, but taking into account its dangerousness, it would be best to use it only when the other methods were not usable, such as when traveling to other stars.

In interstellar space flights, the most important thing is not speed but quality of life because the distances are enormous and the times are long, it must be taken into account that even if a spacecraft were capable of reaching the speed of light it would take 4 2 years to reach the nearest star, so it would be necessary to use city ships prepared to live in them for a long time. These ships could measure between two hundred meters and five kilometers in size. To the ships be equipped to live there indefinitely distances or time would not be important, because it is to laugh prepared to offer the best quality of life for centuries if necessary. In those cases in which the trips were to go to explore inhabited worlds located many light years away, it would be best to carry out these trips in stages, because most likely these ships were not capable of exceeding 15% of the speed of the light. This is because only pure energy can reach this speed. The procedure would consist of making spaceflight expeditions with a duration not exceeding two hundred and fifty years and after that period a colony would be created on one of the uninhabited planets that they found along the way. Once that colony had reached a sufficient number of inhabitants, another expedition fleet would be built that would continue the journey until reaching the destination, but, if they were still far away, another new colony could be built. This system would serve on the one hand to reach the desired destination, but also to create new colonies and extend their civilization.

The hypothesis that it was possible to make trips to other stars by small spacecraft in very short times is quite absurd, because even if these spacecraft were capable of reaching high speeds, the risk of collision with meteorites would be excessive due to the fact that, probably, their hulls they would be too thin to withstand these collisions. It must be borne in mind that in the event of a collision with a one-centimeter-size meteorite at thirty or forty thousand kilometers per hour, it is most likely that only slight scratches would occur, but if that collision occurred at 15 % of the speed of light the impact would be the same as if a bullet were launched against the hull thousands of times faster than it would on the ground, if this happened, it is most likely that the meteorite would pass through the ship without any difficulty. On the other hand, if large ships are used to carry out these trips, it would be easier to protect the crew not only from meteorite impacts, but also from dangerous radiation from the stars. These motherships would be equipped with a thick outer hull several meters thick at the front, they could also prevent the risk of collision by projecting a laser beam or a gas jet from their forward axis that would disperse space dust and small meteorites creating a total void in its trajectory. To avoid collision with large meteorites they would use radar and once detected they would slightly modify the trajectory of the ship.

There are also those who think that in the future long trips through space may be avoided using methods such as going through the interior of black holes or through space folds, but in my opinion, they are just unfounded fantasies, because everything seems to indicate that A black hole is just a star with a mass so great that its intense gravity prevents most of its light from escaping, that means that if a ship fell into it it would be instantly destroyed. The hypothesis of space folds also seems absurd to me, because it is based on supposing that it was possible to fold space to reduce the distances between planets, but in my opinion, it is impossible to glue, fold or pierce what has no matter, because the space is only a neutral medium, as a result of it being immaterial. Space can be used to make comparisons with material objects, but space itself cannot have these properties but only the matter with which it relates.

Nowadays, there are also those who affirm that it is possible to measure the folding of space by means of gravitational waves caused by cosmic events such as the merger of black holes, but, these experiments, the only thing they have shown is that there has been a variation in the force of gravity when observing the separation between two mirrors illuminated by a laser beam, but with this, it is not shown that the cause is a folding of space, but a variation of gravity for an unknown cause. These experiments also show that black holes are not holes but masses similar to stars but much larger, because if the fusion of these objects causes a gravitational shock, it is because within them they retain the mass of the stars with which they were formed. , this would rule out that they are holes if end.

Sometimes the adoration of scientists is so great that they try to find evidence to prove lies, just because they consider it sacrilege to question the idealized opinions they have of them, with that attitude the only thing they do is stop the progress of science because they put dogma or fame before common sense. When society turns some of its scientists into idols, it forgets that they are only men with their successes and mistakes, it seems that with that attitude the only thing they try to do is elevate themselves, because they try to assume a level of development at the same time current science superior to that rea l mind belongs.