A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In my opinion, the universe works by means of a continuous vertical chain of matter that connects everything from the poles of planets and stars, and serves as a guide for electrons to go to their destination at the speed of light. Spirits also use it as a means of transport, because by hooking up with them, they can travel without energy cost, leaving through the positive pole of one planet and entering through the negative pole of another. They do this through a circular path between the two stars. In reality, in the universe everything is circular, that means that what we consider a straight line is only part of a larger circle.

There may also be another network, which is the one formed by the energy particles. With these chains, the entire universe is synchronized from a high energy level to a low one and makes possible all the processes of change necessary to progress. Because the universe progresses through a cooling process by which disorder and energy are exchanged for order and evolution. Cooling is proportional to evolution, because with this cooling matter is organized into more complex structures. In this chain, all the particles of the same being would be linked directly by an indestructible filament, except if the being that controls it wanted to separate them, but if this happens, it would lead to the appearance of a new being provided with equal eternal life than its predecessor. This means that the entire universe formed by the planets and the stars could belong to the same being as they are directly connected, but the beings that make up the individual spirits would be different beings when they are separated, although they have also emerged from the same original particle.

In order to avoid the collision of the filaments of the network, these filaments of matter would oscillate, becoming material and immaterial phases, thus the filaments will only collide when they are in the same phase but not if they are different phases. This will be achieved with a rotating movement at the speed of light whereby the particles of matter would expand in a circular way before colliding and surrounding the other particle would rejoin after passing it. This means that the filaments would have on the one hand an expansion and contraction movement at the speed of light to allow the hidden filaments that connect the particles to pass without colliding, and on the other, they would have another movement at a different speed depending of the speed that they could have as a visible particle of matter. Because the filaments that connect the particles would be invisible, but the particles of matter would not. The detailed process so that a particle and a filament can be exceeded without colliding would be done by opening the particle up and down in a circular path and leaving the center of the right side behind, in the case of going to the left, once the filament of matter with which one wanted to avoid the collision, the two ends would come together again on the left side and then they would separate on the opposite side thus releasing the filament that would pass through it, this would be done in this way to avoid the breakage of direct connection of the particle that is necessary to maintain the union and conserve all its intellectual potential. This wave behavior of matter would not only occur when a collision with a filament was to occur, but it would be its normal behavior, in this way any filament of matter could cross another without colliding without having to foresee the possibility of a collision. The movement of expansion and contraction of the material could be the cause of the wavelength that occurs in all radiations and also explain q ué have a different wave and particle to the same t i empo.

With this system, the fundamental matter would stretch and contract even without being made up of other particles in order to surround the filaments of matter with which they intersect. Thus the particles of matter would have at the same time a wave and particle appearance. Zeri an as two opposite waves moving up and down and also rotating on its axis to the entire space. The elastic behavior of the original matter would be somewhat different from that of classical atoms, because the dilation or change of shape in them is usually related to the increase or decrease of the empty space present between two stable atoms or particles, in this case it is logical, because they are particles with a fixed behavior and surrounded by a vacuum that allows them to change their position to cover more volume, but the fact that this is true does not prevent an indivisible particle from modifying its shape by stretching or contracting according to its will, because they would be two real but different forms of elasticity. In the same way, the fact that a particle is not made up of any other particle does not have to prevent it from dividing into two. According to this hypothesis, in nature there would not be indivisible particles, but there would be particles that would not be made up of other particles. When a particle were to divide definitively to create another particle and therefore a different being, it would first take the shape of an eight before separating completely, which is very reminiscent of the way in which a cell divides to create a new one.

The reason that justifies the existence of the filaments that directly join the particles is the need that the universe has to provide each particle with enough intellect so that it can function in coordination with the others in a complex universe, because if each elementary particle were separated from the others by the vacuum, it could not gather inside the necessary knowledge for the cosmos to function, for that reason, the direct union of matter makes an elementary particle share everything they have with the others as if it were a network of neurons. In this way, the particles acquire a knowledge far superior to what they would have separated. Because, even if one particle tried to communicate with another by contact or vibration, that would not serve to promote progress, since that contact would be useless if within each particle there is nothing to accumulate that knowledge since an original particle is only matter on the outside but empty on the inside. Compared to computing, it is as if each original particle represented a single bit of information, but that bit cannot fulfill its function if there is no physical medium or hardware that connects it directly with the others. Therefore, progress is only possible when the particles that form the same being are directly connected by filaments of matter.

Although the universe is directly connected, however, for us it is shown to be formed by spheres of matter separated by the vacuum, this is because it is a dual universe, therefore, the connected version of matter is only the support of the version that we know. This behavior of matter could also be bought with a television, because people associate television with the images it broadcasts, but those images would not be possible without the electronics that it carries hidden behind. That is to say, that in the universe we know, the particles are shown as spherical structures separated by the vacuum, but at the same time there are filaments of matter that connect them but are invisible, this is so, because it is not useful to notice their presence for the normal development of life. Although the operation of the filaments of matter is normally carried out in a hidden way, however, it is possible that they leave a trace in the form of gravity, that is to say that the gravitational forces could be generated as a consequence of the friction of these filaments. If this were true, then gravity would be caused by the pressure that is produced every time two unbreakable filaments collide, this collision would not prevent each material body from continuing its trajectory, because the filaments that join them would be designed to exceed, expanding and contracting at the speed of light, that collision would only represent a casual and short-lived event but would also have its utility.

When the universe began, there was only one particle, but in that situation the life of the particle was simple and without intellect, therefore, it was necessary to separate into multiple particles, some directly connected to create complex beings and others separated to create different beings. In this way, by increasing the number of particles that belonged to each being, it was possible to create evolution, because it is necessary that each being have multiple particles in order to become more complex and intelligent, from there, the spirits were endowed with memory and their own intelligence, even though they are very simple in their essence. Then it was necessary to create the planets and bodies in which to reincarnate be done to make life complete.

Once the first beings were created, one or more than one were in charge of forming the planets and the stars by increasing and condensing the particles of their spirits, that is to say that they would not only administer the planets but would also be the planets. The rest of the spirits, which would be the majority, would reincarnate on those planets, which from that moment on will serve as the stage for developing their life experiences. However, once the cosmic cycle ends, other beings that now live as men will have the obligation to create and manage the planets, as this is a rotating function.

In the universe, there are no absolute straight lines, therefore, all the light particles will return after going around the universe in a circular way. This will coincide with the moment when the galaxies reunite, because all the matter in the cosmos is synchronized.

The description that I do here is only a simple and philosophical explanation of how atomic matter might work, but the detailed explanation is a job that only scientists can solve in the future.