A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In reality, we are not a body but a Soul, which is made up of particles that remain passive and only change for decision-making. These particles are surrounded by the spirit that is made of planetary matter modified to serve the mistress. This is necessary, so that the being can dedicate itself exclusively to human life, because if we had to deal with the movement and activity of all the particles that make up our spirit that would not be possible, therefore, these functions are transferred to that second soul artificial that forms the spirit. In this way, the control of the atoms of the spirit and their immense number of particles remains in the hands of the planetary being. Through a vibration at the speed of light, the spirit communicates to the soul all the information it contains to provide it with all its intellect, it also acts as a memory bank to be used in successive reincarnations, it is as if it were a second brain but with functions simpler. The soul also has information and complexity, but except in exceptional cases it saves it and uses that of the spirit so as not to lose its concentration. If we compare the soul and the spirit then the soul is white and the spirit is red, the soul is energy and the spirit is matter, the soul is passive and feminine and the spirit is active and masculine. When spirit and soul form a unit and then spirit is energy for the most part with a minimum of matter. But if we compare the spirit with the body, then the spirit assumes the spiritual and feminine qualities of the soul and the body represents the material and masculine values.

The soul acts passively, because the human mind needs to focus in only one direction, unlike a planetary being that can control all the atomic processes of a planet or the entire universe at the same time but in return, lacks the ability to attend a matter directly. That is, the behavior of a spirit and a planetary being is opposite, because the spirit of a man focuses on a frontal and defined plane, while a planetary being focuses on everyone in general, the spirit is direct and the being Indirect planetary being, the spirit is vertical and the planetary being horizontal, a spirit can have a conversation with another but a planetary being cannot because it is immersed in the innumerable processes of matter and that cannot be stopped because nature would stop. For this reason, the soul is put in a passive attitude in order to reduce the number of atomic processes to a minimum, which allows it to concentrate only on the attention to the outside, that is, to what we feel with our bodily senses. This attitude only changes when an active decision must be made or after death to make the changes that the spirit may need. With this system, the soul uses the spirit as a vehicle and the spirit in turn does the same with the body.

All the particles of the soul are directly connected to each other because they belong to the same being, on the other hand, the particles of the spirit are connected to the soul indirectly by vibration, this is necessary, because although the spirit serves the soul, its matter is not part of the soul but of the planetary being. In order to deal exclusively with human tasks, the soul needs to leave all the particles with which it is formed static and renounce to act at the atomic level, remaining in a passive situation. It could be said by comparison that if the spirit were an eye, the soul would be the retina dedicated to feeling, and it would only change its attitude when a decision had to be made. In the human body, the spirit is housed in the neurons of the brain as if it were an electric cloud with a little matter and the soul is in the nucleus of the atoms of the spirit. After the death of the body, the soul passes from its passive state to a more active one to make the necessary adjustments in the spirit, to repair it or adapt it to the needs of the soul. It could then be said that the soul is housed in the spirit as if it were a mechanical or electronic vehicle and in turn the spirit is housed in the body in the same way, and in turn the body, when it gets on a vehicle of transportation, does exactly the same. This means that although people consider that we are the body, in reality we are neither the body nor the spirit but only the soul, what happens is that both the body and the spirit are made to be an extension of the soul of the same so that a glove fits on one hand, so people often believe that they are the same thing. The difference between the spirit and the body is that the body dies and returns to earth, but instead the spirit accompanies the soul through all its reincarnations and evolves in each of them.

Regarding the relationship between the soul and energy, it must be said that the soul does not need external energy to live, because the particles that form it are matter and energy at the same time and matter, like energy, does not it creates or destroys it only transforms. In other words, the soul controls its energy but it is also that energy, because all the particles that form it belong to its own being. As the soul and its energy are the same thing, it cannot be consumed or dispersed and it always remains under your control. On the other hand, the spirit, if it needs external energy, because its matter has been extracted from the planetary being whose mass is in a process of permanent change from a high energy level to a low one. All the energy that the spirit needs can be extracted from the environment. To move, a spirit can use different methods, it can use the propulsion by reaction of its atomic particles, electric or magnetic repulsion, but it can also move for free by holding on to the particle streams that connect all the planets of the universe at the speed of light. In reality, the matter of the universe is also self-sufficient in energy if it is understood from a global point of view, but when the soul wishes to use the matter of that planetary being, it has to use its own rules, which consists of using the appropriate combination of matter and energy to produce force.