A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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What is it that differentiates a spiritual master from one who is not? In my opinion, the difference is in being able to understand that we are all eternal and we are all creators, because we are all part of God. That means we can all design the world around us to make it better.

The next step that every person must take to become a spiritual teacher is to reject the dogma that religious organizations have instituted to chain the human mind and try to make it bend to their interests. They stand between God and men by trying to stop them from thinking freely, so the key to being a teacher is trying to communicate with God directly by seeking the truth. Because the dogma is based on posing religious principles as something immovable or that only they can change, which is a brake on progress and creativity.

It is also necessary to reject faith without judgment, because it is not bad to believe, what does not make sense is to believe giving up the ability to doubt and improve what already exists, because spiritual teachers are also wrong.

The next step is to reject prejudice, but not what the mass calls prejudice. Because the masses do everything in a group and also think in a group to feel more secure, but paying the high price of sacrificing the truth. The masses call prejudice to any way of thinking that deviates from what is established as official truth by their group or political party, for this reason, their way of thinking often turns upside down, when putting itself in line with the dominant beliefs among who win wars.

To be a spiritual master it is necessary to believe in oneself, that is, to believe in the creative capacity that we all have. It is necessary to understand that in reality we are all God and he expresses himself through us and the progress of humanity is the consequence of all those who have made an effort on this path and through them the work of creation is accomplished. God is also the universal laws, and when we do something that is well done we become God's instrument.

To be a teacher, it is necessary to understand that in religious organizations there is a great contradiction, because religion is benign in its essence, because it reflects the philosophical progress of humanity. But on the other hand, religious organizations are generally evil, because they try to obtain power and money using religion, therefore, they create dogma, to have a monopoly whereby only they can say what is true or false.

Ultimately, to be a spiritual master, it is necessary to be willing to seek the truth by inquiring more into the very nature of the cosmos and less into human beliefs that are unfortunately too influenced by the lies spread by manipulators. In other words, we must not limit ourselves to reading or learning what others say or write, but we must go directly to the source using our own creative capacity to find the truth.

But what good is being a spiritual master? First of all it serves to improve our own life and if possible improve that of others better. Algú n day everyone will na be spiritual teachers, when the truth is spread throughout the land and can make everyone understand the core values of the universe, because technological progress as we know it in the form of rapid and continuous changes will come A moment when it will end Then humanity will become one of the evolved worlds of the cosmos and everyone can benefit from that knowledge, but until that time comes there will always be people more advanced than others. But could anyone be a spiritual master like Buddha or Jesus? The answer is yes, but as long as a series of circumstances are met that rarely occur, in fact, only one in a hundred people with the qualities that they had actually achieves it, because even having those qualities there are many circumstances in life that interfere with the work of a philosopher. Because in order to deepen this task, a spiritual teacher needs to pursue it almost exclusively to the least in its initial phase, and any other interference like having family or work hard you pu and to prevent reaching the level of concentration required to achieve become a true precursor of philosophy, because authentic philosophers are not characterized by accepting existing beliefs but by innovating and contributing their own discoveries. When a spiritual master reaches the level necessary to be innovative, at that moment the qualification of Christ can be applied to him, because from that moment he becomes a representative of God, due to his ability to open new paths in the world of the intellect. For this, in addition to needing great intelligence, you also need to have intuition, to be able to find the truth that is hidden behind appearances, because it is impossible to progress in the world of metaphysics without knowing that conclusions can never be drawn in advance or discard anything beforehand.

But if I get to be a spiritual master like Buddha or Jesus, will I have the recognition that they had? The answer is no, probably only a small part of the people who reach that situation get recognized, because let's not forget that they are the teachers and therefore the rest of society does not have to understand their teachings. In fact, Christianity became an official religion in the Roman Empire but not because the merit of Christian philosophy had been recognized, but because it tried to use religion as an element of cohesion to avoid the decomposition of the empire. From that moment on, the Catholic Church went from being a religious organization to being a political organization, which was far from its true function. It can also happen that society considers a spiritual teacher who is not, this is what happens frequently with the leaders of religious organizations or destructive sects, because people often confuse an important position with an important spiritual level and are totally different things. For this reason, it is necessary to reject the dogma that tyrants use to deny us the right to have an opinion and understand that we can all be creators, because the progress of humanity and the development of ideas is not owned by anyone.

Unfortunately, the path of a spiritual master is usually lonely and rarely recognized, so those who seek to delve into the fundamentals of metaphysics must weigh how well it is worth their effort if it leads to loneliness. The solution could be to divide the social and family relationship with philosophy equally, so that there are more possibilities of having a complete life.