A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Throughout the ages, humanity has used rituals as a means of substituting a moral commitment for an apparent gesture, but an evolved society does not need rituals but rather deeds. Primitive men did not understand that moral commitment only requires the sincere will and that is why they turned religious commitment into a theatrical act. But an evolved society does not need temples because the true temple must be in the soul of the people.

Rituals such as baptism, communion, church weddings, funerals, funeral homes, communion, will eventually disappear to give rise to a time when only facts count instead of appearances. The baptism of the body must be replaced by the baptism of the spirit in the form of a sincere commitment to the search for good and truth. Because applying a ritual to children in order to impose a religion on them by force represents a serious constraint on their right to freely choose a religion. But the church, in an act of supreme greed, does so, to prevent them from being able to refuse to accept yours if it waits until they are the right age to make their own decisions.

Communion proposed as a theatrical act of confirmation of religion applied to children is nothing more than the repetition of baptism and again it is done without waiting for the child to have the use of reason in order to impose religion. With all these theatrical representations they try to make the population consider religious ceremonies as something necessary and incidentally take the opportunity to make the corresponding money collection.

The religious wedding is another unnecessary ritual, because religion is a philosophical sentiment that does not need rituals but rather commitments, and since civil marriage already exists, the religious ceases to be useful. Funerals are not necessary either, because it does not make sense that religious are the ones who have the last word on our lives, especially if we take into account the past full of serious crimes that religious organizations often have. In addition, in these religious ceremonies often used phrase s made entirely superficial, which have little or nothing to do with the deceased.

The funeral homes do not seem necessary to me either, because the corpses made up as if they were fairground dolls are displayed for all to see. The logical thing is to see these people while they are still alive, and if that is not possible we will always have the last memory we had of them.

Nor is it logical to build cities for the dead full of pantheons and stones, because that is a way of denying the survival of the spirit separated from the body. This custom arose in Egypt because they did not conceive of the existence of eternal life without the preservation of the body, therefore, they invented embalming, believing that one day the body would revive. Surely, for this reason the church refused to include the book of Enoch in the Bible, because if we take into account the content of his writings it seems that he believed in reincarnation, instead, the Catholic church was inclined to defend the approach Egyptian that only raised the resurgence of the dead bodies.

This custom is the consequence of not understanding that the dead body must return to earth, and the only reasonable way for the spirit to return to human life is through reincarnation in a new body, because only when the spirit enters the body has life. It is necessary to understand that after death the body must return to the earth and the spirit must continue on its way, therefore, the best option is to opt for incineration and then scatter or bury the ashes in the bush. And if burial is chosen, the correct thing to do is to do it without putting external signs, as a way of recognizing that the body has returned to the earth and the spirit has separated from it to continue on its way.

Another thing that we must reject is to obsessively follow fashions, because those who behave in that way are as if they were hypnotized to follow a ritual marked by others, that is why, when they are shown that the arguments on which these are based Fashions are wrong, they feel confused and do not know what to do, because what they considered their opinion, in reality was nothing more than an attitude of condescension with the customs or opinions of others, but they continue not because they make sense, but because of fear of thinking differently from what is established in your social group. It is not bad to follow a custom when it is proven to be effective, what does not make sense is to do something just because others do it, because seeking the truth is also a way of defending freedom.