A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Poor humanity that believing to follow Jesus serves the devil, by trusting religious organizations, and poor those whom religious organizations call "demons", because they are very foolish demons, not realizing that those whom they consider representatives of God are actually beings given over to evil, it is evident that those whom the Catholic Church calls "demons" are nothing other than spirits that pretend to be demons, because they have deviated from the correct path and do not want anyone to bother them, but they are infinitely better than those religious organizations that these false demons consider representatives of God. Because deviant spirits are beings that after losing their bodies refuse to advance towards the spiritual world, because during their lives they have committed crimes for which they fear retaliation in the other world and therefore refuse to enter the afterlife, then they limit themselves to staying in the houses where they lived or they try to momentarily steal the bodies of the tenants to relive their previous life, and when someone tries to throw them out they pretend to be demons and act in accordance with the ideas they had about it before dying. There are also spirits who do not leave simply because they believe they have unresolved issues. But these spirits do not understand that those religious who are going to do the exorcisms represent organizations that, although in this case they are not going to do evil, nevertheless, there are many crimes that bear their responsibility and of which they have never shown evidence of sincere repentance. This means that more than a fight of good against evil, it is the fight of an evil organization against another evil being but for its own interest.

It can also happen that a person during an exorcism enters a hypnotic trance state and connects with his inner spirit, then, during this state, it can happen that the person acquires special abilities such as levitation or speaking in other languages, this is not necessarily impossible, because those qualities belong to your own spirit but are normally deactivated during the normal course of human life. In this case, the person can play the role of a demon even without being one and seem credible because the qualities of the spirit are confused with a diabolical entity. If this were true, then what at first would be a moral or psychological problem would become a problem in which the hidden qualities of your own spirit would also intervene.

All this shows us that on the vine appearances have for why be in line with reality and often we must strive to understand the truth behind it. The world is full of false prophets who offer their version of how to solve the problems of the world but unfortunately they are scammers who simply copy ideas of others or invent claims with little foundation, or as many religious organizations do that use the good ideas expressed in books religious to pretend a goodness that they do not have and thus be able to deceive people. Thus they end up becoming parasites of these books.

Those who confuse religion with religious organization are also worthy of pity, because they foolishly fall into the networks of communism and end up taking a political ideology as a substitute for religion, condemning themselves in this way to live in anarchy and materialism. They do not understand that religions are generally benign, for embracing the philosophical progress of humanity, while religious organizations are generally evil, for trying to obtain power and money at their expense. These organizations hide behind religion and use it as a Trojan horse to enter people's lives and hijack their freedom of thought and thus do whatever they want with them.

I do not pretend to affirm that everything that the Catholic Church has done throughout history is wrong, but the facts show that the profit motive has been its main engine, therefore, it is necessary that people understand, that by the simple just to say that God is represented does not mean that it is true, because the church has long used that argument to do evil.

In the past, these organizations have tried to have a monopoly on religious books by preventing them from being freely distributed with the perverse intention of forcing people to go to churches, they have also tried to have a monopoly on what religion alone is to get money and power, but in the future, the human being will understand that he does not need these organizations to seek God, because when a person seeks God for himself he understands that the only temple necessary is his own heart.

For a long time, I have struggled to find the truth, but without allowing religious organizations or political parties to tell me what it is, as a result I have created these books that I now share. I consider that the pleasure I felt when discovering the ideas shown in them is sufficient payment and that is why I give them free of charge, except for those publishers that do not accept the publication for free, in which case I put the minimum price.

The goal of life is to be happy, but we must not allow the interest in being happy to make us lose common sense, because there are many who, in order to obtain more money, destroyed the essence of happiness and ruined their lives. It is not bad to have money, but you have to get it without losing your dignity. Nor should we forget that in the world there are two forms of wealth, one is material and the other is spiritual and it is only possible to be happy when we give both the same value.