A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In reality, all the progress of humanity has as its sole purpose the pursuit of happiness, but in every evolved planet, happiness is not obtained with violence, but through a balanced life together with the benefits of science, because they are science and the technique those that should be in charge of providing happiness, therefore, it is necessary that the trades are more oriented to the well-being of the workers and to enjoy the use of technology than to the simple fact of producing goods. For a society to evolve, it is necessary to understand that living with dignity is fundamental, because a civilized society can only emerge when humanity understands that justice must be the light that guides its path. Therefore, it is through the union of science and justice with which the mind must be completed in the mental aspect, that is, it is with the fruits of science, together with a just attitude, that the mind must be sought pleasure. In this way, from a metaphysical point of view, science gives us the warm and masculine aspect and justice gives us the sweet and feminine aspect, which are necessary to balance the spirit. In this context, tyranny, evil, or violence have no reason to exist and, therefore, the man of the future will only consider the search for happiness through science and in line with justice.

Most things in life are subject to the influence of the positive or negative poles also called masculine or feminine, although we should not confuse the negative pole with evil since both poles are benign. These poles act as scales and within our body we have many of them since each organ is like a machine that must find its balance to function properly, this means that only when they are all balanced can we be healthy and happy. Bad life habits unbalance these scales causing the appearance of diseases, therefore, it is important to try to live responsibly and understand that all our actions have consequences.

The key to happiness is also in trying to get the most of the minimum, that is, it is about achieving the maximum, but without ceasing to take advantage of all the value that each thing contains. Because from a metaphysical point of view happiness is governed by two poles, one is the one that represents wealth, instability and the red color located to the left of a hypothetical plane, and another is the one that represents dignity, stability and the blue color to the right of the plane. In reality, the color red represents the right side and blue the left, but seen from their point of view.

To be happy, it is necessary that we value both dimensional aspects equally, therefore, we must progress without ever losing humility because that is what gives stability to the soul. Humility is sweet and technique is salty and both are equally important, so only when we give each one the same value can we extract the maximum benefit from life. If we act in this way with everything that has polarity, we will achieve the balance of these two dimensions and the green color that represents life will emerge. In the same way, poverty is sweet and wealth is salty, and since sugar and salt are just as necessary for our health, the right thing to do is to find the balance between the two. This means, that there is nothing wrong with trying to improve our economic situation, but we must look without losing the co felt bad and dignity, because only people humble and down -to- earth know how to take the maximum value of each thing.

The desire to progress in the economic aspect does not have to be in contradiction with the fact of living with justice or being thrifty, because whoever lives without wasting is as if they earned the same salary twice. The path of progress has two directions, one is the one that leads us to have more goods, but the other is the one that leads us to know how to extract the maximum value from each thing and that is only achieved when we live with humility. If we want to progress, we must not forget that in order to enjoy wealth, it is necessary to understand poverty, that is, we have to learn to value the importance of small things. There is nothing wrong with trying to increase our wealth, but to be happy, you need to act with dignity and honesty.

Although it may seem surprising, poverty also has its usefulness, because if by wealth we mean having a lot of something, then we might think that by filling our clothes closet we will be better, but in reality that is not the case, because when filling it to the brim we will feel unhappy because we do not have enough space to store anything new , but, if to make space we throw away what we have while in good condition, then we will be wasting our money, therefore, we must find the balance between having a full closet and having what empty but without wasting our resources.

Symbolically, poverty is related to the blue dimension that represents stability and peace, therefore, it is more important than it seems. The same can be said about food, because eating is good, but only up to the right amount, but when we eat more than our body can accept, we enter the red dimension that represents instability and risk, then the diseases and obesity which is bad. Another example is temperature, because being cold is bad, but if heat is abused it is also bad.

People are also obsessed with complexity and start to mix food as if it were better for that, but they forget that the taste of a fruit or the one that has a piece of good bread can be the best delicacies they can exist without having to mix them with anything. They do not understand that both a fruit and bread already have multiple different components inside them. I do not mean to say that it is not useful to combine food to a certain point, but it is not necessary to do it until it reaches the absurd as it is done in some restaurants, because sometimes the pleasure is not given by complexity but by simplicity. And when we are thirsty, we do not think of any complicated drink, because at that moment there is no greater pleasure than a simple glass of water. All this shows that poverty also has its value just like wealth, therefore, the key to happiness is to find the balance of everything, because it is useless to have a lot if it is poorly managed.

Throughout history, many nations grew up with strong roots because they were founded on dignity and morals, and yet they sank when they had everything apparently won, because they allowed themselves to be dominated by arrogance and waste, that shows, that regardless of how well life may go, we must never forget that when we had nothing it was dignity and common sense that made us strong.