A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Today, there are people who think that the progress of the spirit requires the necessary abandonment of the human body. These people say that once the spirit reaches a certain level of evolution, it will stop reincarnating in human form to live in a spiritual world similar in appearance to the one we know, that is to say that according to them these spirits would have a kind of virtual body similar to the that I had on earth. In my opinion, this idea is absurd, because what is the point of abandoning a wonderful body that has taken billions of years of evolution to exist and changing it for a virtual imitation of that body, it will always be better to have the authentic body before another of imitation. Because what they propose as the ideal spiritual life is nothing more than a simple imitation of human life adapted to their own fantasies. They don't understand that after death, spirits take on human form just to make the process of passing from one life to the next easier, but the true form of the spirit is a simple sphere of energy. Therefore, to have the human aspect permanently it is necessary to reincarnate in the form that gives it meaning that it is human. Because what the world needs is not to renounce the benefits that matter provides us, but to make material life in line with spiritual values. The perfect balance is only achieved when matter and spirit are equally important. Those who think like this do not understand that it is with the union of matter and spirit that full happiness is achieved. They imagine a spiritual world far from life on earth because they are unable to understand that the world will not always be as it is now, because when this planet finishes its evolution, it will reach perfection and there will be peace and happiness for everyone. Therefore, what humanity needs is not to live in a spiritual world, but to make the earth more spiritual.

When a person dies, their spirit remains for a transitory time in the spiritual world until they can reincarnate again and during that time they retain an apparent form of the body that we call a ghost, that virtual body only serves to make the passage of a life easier to the other, but it is infinitely less effective than possessing the material body, because in reality, the utility of the material body is to serve the spirit with its many functions. It could then be said that a spirit without the body is like a handicapped entity, because it is with the immense services that the body provides us that the spirit reaches its maximum potentials. For example, the spirit uses the brain as a data warehouse and as a powerful computer without which its capacities would be less, it also uses its feet and hands as a means to interact with matter from within it. Those who doubt that the human form is an end and not a means for the spirit, is because they do not understand the great efforts that nature had to make to create man. All the pessimistic myths that make living on earth a bad thing are the consequence of thinking that the evils of the world will inevitably last forever, and that life can only be improved by abandoning the body or the body world, but the progress of humanity does not require such a thing, but that everyone strives for the day to come when wars will no longer exist and the world will truly be an ideal place. When that day comes, the world will be evolved and material, but being in line with universal values it will also be a spiritual world.

There are also those who think that in order to evolve, spirits have to move from one planet to another, each one on a different evolutionary level, this belief, like the previous one, is based on a pessimistic approach to human evolution, because they do not understand that the existence of violence or natural catastrophes is common to all planets in their beginnings, as they are primitive worlds. Some day, the earth will finish its evolution process and will become a perfect planet, then all the beings who intervened in its progress and suffered to achieve it will be able to reap the harvest of having an ideal world and will be able to live and be happy in it. And even if there are spirits that at that time might find themselves more backward, that will not be an inconvenience for the planet, because they can always benefit from the culture that they will receive from the day of their birth and thus they will be able to be useful members of society. This is the most logical, because when the uninhabited planets and stars in our environment are colonized, most of the spirits that will reincarnate on those planets will come from the animal species of the earth, however, this will not change the evolutionary rhythm of these worlds, because due to the progress of science, ignorance and the violence that derives from it will have been banished forever.

According to the latest scientific discoveries, no material particle can exceed the speed of light, this means that spirits would have enormous difficulties to progress if they had to change planet to do so, because the distances between stars are enormous and are measured in years light. It is also not logical to affirm that spirits can move instantaneously, because they also have matter, although it is little and different from what we know, however, it is logical that they can move at the speed of light, because they are formed mainly of energy and energy normally travels at that speed. This on earth may seem like an instantaneous displacement, but in space it could take thousands of years just to reach the nearest inhabited planet. That means, that the only logical situation for a spirit to change planet is when its home planet begins to colonize the uninhabited worlds of its environment, then, all spirits that lived reincarnated into animals will be able to pass into human form once the colonies established in them have descendants. When that happens, it will most likely be that animals cease to exist, but not because the end of their species is caused, but because the spirits that inhabited them will be able to reincarnate into the human species, which is the true reason for evolution.

However, if there could be an exception to this rule that allows a spirit to leave a lower world to reincarnate in a higher one, that would be possible if it had previously left the upper planet to perform a messiah function on the lower planet, this could have happened with some philosophers of antiquity. In that case, this being would be in an extraterrestrial colony that came to earth to study its biology and would be based on one of the planets of the solar system close to earth. Another of the functions of this colony would be to provide moral guidance to the human being to help him in his evolution, therefore, it would not be ruled out that some of its members have been able to reincarnate on our planet to carry out a messianic work, however, once their work was finished, he would return to the planet from which he came where he would continue to live as one more member of that community.