A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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For a philosopher, it is as if silence had sound, because it is at the precise moment of silence that the sound of meditation begins within his mind, because when the philosopher begins to meditate, all the secrets of the universe are opened before him and he can enjoy discovering everything that no man has seen before him. In reality, a philosopher is only a discoverer of what nature already had foreseen, because the technological or biological discoveries of humanity are only the consequence of applying the laws that nature created millions of years ago and that later evolved developing the first atoms and the laws of gravity. Therefore, the work of a philosopher or also of an inventor, consists of discovering that possible future and turning it into the present for the rest of their peers. I do not mean to say that everything is determined from the past, but what we now create is largely conditioned by those physical laws that have already existed for a long time. It is as if all the progress were part of a plan, in which we only need to deduce what we need to progress, we participate in that progress, but we only put the final part that it needs to be complete. A philosopher is a traveler of the mind and also a discoverer of the future, but when I say "philosopher" I do not mean those who qualify as such, because this ability to see between appearances is only available to those few who have intelligence. , intuition and the time necessary to be able to dedicate to it almost completely, because it is evident that the depth of a philosophical reflection is proportional to the degree of concentration that can be achieved. Furthermore, what is defined as intuition, surely derives from the knowledge possessed by the most evolved spirits and that gradually seeps down to our lower human mind. This means that only those philosophers who are at the same time advanced spirits can progress on these issues regardless of the time they can dedicate, therefore, an individual without talent will never be able to make a good book, or a good song, but he will be able to dedicate himself to tasks where talent is not important, as is the case of the misnamed “abstract art” because in that area, it is very easy to get mediocrity to be considered art. When a society has no direction, it does not understand that progress is derived from order, therefore, it calls the chaos and anarchy contained in those misnamed works of art art. The people should ask quié n le pu ede interest that promote work extolling the deformity and disorder, do you fear the order harm them? P ecause chaos and asymmetry represent evil and alienate people from the order, symmetry and light representing good. I do not mean to say that everything called abstract art is a fraud, but when people are not able to differentiate the true from the false, it shows that we live in an aimless society that calls art what is only degeneration. This is possible, because today's society is sustained by chaos, and those who have obtained benefits by promoting chaos, mediocrity and anarchy prefer to continue doing so, because if this system disappears their privileges will also disappear.

In reality, the progress of spirits is parallel to the progress of human science or biology, because, although it is true that in some things spirits have more knowledge than men, however, they evolve as they do as they reincarnate in genetically better bodies. Because inside every man there is a spirit that before having his body had to work to be able to have it, that means, that the knowledge that spirits have to create their bodies they learn as they go through life experiences, just like engineers do it in the development of machines. In this way, after the death of the body, the spirits apply the conclusions of everything learned during their life to improve their bodies and be able to benefit from those improvements when they are reincarnated again. It is true that the process of biological evolution is influenced by Darwin's theory, but it is also true that the spiritual world acts in the same proportion.

It is also true that at the moment of reincarnation, the knowledge that spirits have about the development of bodies is deactivated so as not to interfere with human life, but that momentary loss of knowledge is not very important, because if we have in It takes into account the long duration of the life of the universe, the time it takes man to complete his conclusion as a civilized being is comparatively very small and when that process is completed, human science will be able to equal or exceed the knowledge that we could harbor in the spirit. One could even say that evolution will be complete when the knowledge acquired by science equals or exceeds what we have in our spirit. Because man is nothing more than a project of nature, and in the process of evolution the gorilla only represents its crudest version. This means, that the spirits who more times have been reincarnated as human beings logic to are also the most advanced, as the man be more evolved biological nature.