A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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What is time? In principle it could be defined in different ways. In the first place, it is the consequence of the movement of matter, but not just any form of movement but rather an organized movement that advances from an energetically high position to another energetically low position, but in this process the universe changes energy through evolution, instability for stability or heat from cold. It could then be said that progress from a certain point of view is the result of the cooling of the universe, because life present in matter uses the energy of the stars to generate progress and that progress is proportional to the cooling of the cosmos. What we call the past is not something that exists at this time, but only the memory of the position that matter previously occupied, for that reason, time travel is not possible directly, because for this it would be necessary to force all matter of the universe to go backwards and that is absurd, because time is not only movement, but above all change from a high energy level to a low one to occupy a more stable position but with a higher level of evolution. To return to the previous situation it would be necessary to gather all the lost energy again and put it in the place from which it came, but that can only be done by moving towards the future until all matter and energy are reunited. This means that the past no longer exists and that is why time travel is only possible indirectly, that is, assuming that we could go to planets that were at a level of evolution similar to that of our world in the past. However, this does not prevent that one day we can relive the events already experienced, but that would only be possible moving forward, until the universe restarts and events repeat themselves. But why is there time? The reason for time is the need for the universe to continuously regenerate, because it is through regeneration and perpetual change that the beings that populate the cosmos feel the happiness of living. It is through forgetting that you can start over and it is through that beginning that each feeling is more intense, because not only does the final result obtained when traveling a path matter, the emotion that is felt and the expectations that are formed are also important while walking the road, because what gives intensity to life is permanent change. That's why when we hear a song or watch a movie that we've seen before, we always like it better if we haven't seen it for a long time, because when we forget it we see it as if it were the first time and then it is more exciting. The beauty of life is finding something new every day, that is the usefulness of forgetting.

It is useful to remember, but only during the time for which that memory serves, because it is also useful to forget to be able to live the emotion of the new again, therefore, there must be a balance between both concepts. Reaching the goal is good, but when you stay for a long time at that goal apathy begins and only regeneration creates emotion again. The emotion arises from the new but when all the progress is completed and it is no longer possible to advance, then after a suitable period it becomes necessary to start the evolutionary process again. Because the time spent at the highest or adult level of evolution of an evolutionary process must be in proportion to the time spent reaching that goal. For this reason, the peak or goal period of an evolutionary cycle should not exceed five times the time spent reaching that goal, the same as the ratio of childhood to adulthood in a human lifetime. While the universe evolves the emotion of the new is created, then it goes through a long period in which the achievements are enjoyed, although there is still evolution on a small scale, but afterwards, the universe needs to die and start again, because There comes a time when nature is no longer capable of generating happiness except through regeneration. Therefore, it is necessary to die and reincarnate again, so that our spirit relives the emotion of the experiences already lived previously as if it were the first time they are experienced. This means that if the universe has needed 15,000 billion years of evolution to achieve the goal that is the creation of the human species, then the logical thing is that it lasts at least another 75,000 million years in which man can enjoy the achievements of its long period of evolution. In this way, those planets that manage to complete their technological development will be able to enjoy the fruit of their evolutionary effort until the universe ends its current cosmic cycle.

Before that happens, the stars like the sun will change until they first adopt the form of a red giant, there are those who think that when this happens the planets closest to the sun will be destroyed by the dilation of the star, but in my opinion, this It does not have to happen, taking into account that the greater the dilation, the lower its density, this means that even assuming that the outermost layer of the star could exceed the orbit of Mercury or Venus, its density would be so low that would probably not be enough to destroy these planets. It is also possible that the pressure of the solar wind generates a bubble formed by gases and particles very far from its surface, this bubble seen from afar could be confused with the surface of the star giving it an appearance apparently larger than the real one. After this expansive phase the sun will cool down to take the form of a white dwarf, that does not necessarily mean the end for civilization, because technology can always be used to extract the energy that remains from the sun by installing photovoltaic satellites in an orbit close to it and then send that energy to the planets using laser rays. With this system, it would go from a period of high amount of solar energy but low use in the past, to another period of low amount of energy but high use in the future. In this way, what apparently may seem like the end of a star through technology can be converted into a new period of life that is much longer, that is, the white dwarf phase could actually represent its adult stage and not its stage final as is thought now, but, if that were not possible, you can always migrate to other young stars that lack inhabited planets.