A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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What is the will? In principle, we all consider it to be the ability to do what we want. But can we really do whatever we want to do? Obviously not, but not only because of the money or power we have, but because in the universe there are physical laws that determine that only fifty percent as a maximum of what we want to do is really possible. Because we can decide if we leave the house or stay in it, but we cannot decide if we are going to have dinner in another galaxy or not. A universe, like a human life, cannot evolve except through the existence of immovable laws, these laws are the true foundations of the cosmos and even the cosmos itself has to comply with them, because unlike human laws they do not arise from occasional decisions but from the universal truth itself, that truth cannot be ignored and as a consequence of it universal laws arise. In other words, before the laws that create the beings that live in the universe exist, there are the fundamental truths that condition these later laws. These laws arise from natural physics, but at the same time physical laws are derived from the ultimate reality of matter that cannot be modified and lasts forever, truth has no beginning or end because it cannot contradict itself. Because, just as the rails of a train do, these universal truths determine which are the margins through which we can move and which things are possible to do and which are not. It is precisely the existence of constant laws that makes it possible to pass to another phase of evolution, they are like the foundations of the universe. Universal laws are also divided like many other things into two polarities, so that the crystalline and cold polarity determines which things must follow a rigid and immovable path and the solar and warm polarity determines which things can be variable at will. These two dimensions that govern the will are also divided into the vertical and horizontal planes as happens with many other things, so that the horizontal dimension would represent that which is variable at will and the vertical dimension would represent that which is fixed and immovable because it is connected with divine values. This means that even if a single being was responsible for organizing the physical evolution of the universe, however, he could not do everything he wanted, but only a part of it, because in the end his will, just like ours, would be conditioned by the fundamental universal laws that are derived from the immutable and eternal reality that is common to all beings but that also arises from them. The existence of those fundamental truths that are eternal and constant determines that it is only possible to create differences in the part that nature yields to the will of the beings that organize the cosmos, but not in what refers to the immutable part.

It is possible that the universe is coordinated by a multitude of planetary beings, these beings would control the planets but they would also be the planets, but it is also possible that there is a single being in charge of coordinating the entire material universe, that is, the universe that includes atoms, planets and stars but not the individual spirits that reincarnate as plants, animals, or people. This coordinating being would not be God, because God can only be considered that which is common to all. It could be said that God is made up of two parts, one is the set of laws that govern the universe and that emanate in turn from the eternal and immutable truths, and on the other hand God is the sum of all the beings that populate the universe and They come from a single being and a single particle that split when the universe began. This means that we all have the same qualities and the same eternal life in our essential soul and consequently we can all be creators, that is why, when we meditate or design something new at that moment we become the hand of God because we collaborate in the progress of nature.

On the other hand, being the coordinator of the universe would have a separate existence from the rest, as happens with all individual beings, and although in this case it performs a special function, it does not prevent it from being subject like the others to universal laws and to the rotation of positions. It must be borne in mind that we live in a cyclical universe in which everything is eternal, everything is renewed and everything is replaced, this means that all beings with time will go through all situations because no being is superior to another in its spiritual essence. In reality, all beings or rather life present in those beings has always existed, since the universe, like matter, is not created or destroyed, it is only transformed, that is why God cannot be something individual but only that that is common to all.

In reality, the concept of creation as such is something that is outside of time and is constant indefinitely, because time only determines the changes that eternal matter experiences and the creation of the forms that it makes in a cyclical and repetitive way until the moment comes when the same time begins again. Because in reality the forms do die, but not the life present in them, which is eternal, therefore, the concept of creation belongs to a different plane of time. It makes no sense to seek the beginning of the universe t i empo, because this has to be restarted every time a cosmic cycle ends because it is part of a wheel that is repeated indefinitely. Instead, the concept of creation is in a different dimension, the tempo in the horizontal and the creation in the vertical.

The universe begins and ends and repeats itself indefinitely because the same time begins again, but there is no time when nothing has existed as the supposed starting point of the universe, because matter and vacuum have always existed at the same time already that one cannot exist without the other. Therefore, to find the true beginning of the universe, it is necessary to look for it not in time but in logic and it could be defined as a constant value by which existence and nonexistence are two aspects of the same thing and the origin of all binary polarities that exist in the cosmos. This means that it is not possible that there has never been a moment in which only nothing has existed, before the universe was created, because nothing cannot exist by itself , but only as the reflection of something, therefore, matter as a representation of existence or something, and emptiness as a representation of nothing have always existed, because the existence of one of them separately does not make sense from a logical point of view since they are the same thing but seen from different approaches and need each other to justify their existence by comparison. Matter cannot arise from nothing, because just as a zero plus another zero is equal to zero, in the same way from nothing or emptiness or matter cannot arise, but nothing cannot exist by itself, because it needs of matter as an expression of existence to be compared with it, this means that both have to always exist, because they are two different versions of the same thing that exist outside of time.

This coordinating being that would govern and would be the material universe could not communicate directly with people either, because its scope of action would only be the world of atomic and mineral matter. This being would not be the creator of the universe either, but only its organizer, because all beings in their spiritual essence have eternal life just like him and rotate in all functions. This being or planetary beings would not only rule the planets but they themselves would be the planets, because these would be at the same time their spirit and their body. For this reason, it is more likely that the entire material universe belongs to and is governed by a single being, because in the event of a collision between two worlds these could be divided into multiple pieces that in case of corresponding to different beings would be difficult to control. If everything in the material universe belongs to a single being, all the processes of collisions or mergers of matter would occur and would be controlled within the same being. In each new cosmic cycle this coordination function of the planets would pass to other beings in a rotating way, therefore, the concept of God can only be applied to that which is common to all.

This being the coordinator of matter would not be superior to us either, because his knowledge would only cover atomic matter with all its reactions, but from an evolutionary point of view, plants or animals would be on a scale greater than his. It must be borne in mind that when I refer to plants or animals I am not referring only to their material bodies but also to their immortal spirits that, like this planetary being, have eternal life and great structural complexity within. It should be borne in mind that the evolutionary level of human civilization is only in its beginnings, but the evolutionary level of the human body or the spirit that built it is as high as that of atomic matter. Because a human being is not just a sum of material particles since inside they have a spirit that at the beginning of creation was the same as the being or beings that organize the planets, but over time it became superior to them, because at progressing first in the vegetable field, then in the animal and then in the human, acquired a higher level, because reaching the human form this is the reason for all evolution. It is true that at this time human civilization is primitive, this is because it is part of a plane of existence that has not yet finished its cycle of evolution, but instead, the spirit that is inside has superior knowledge that he used to build his body and reincarnate himself in it. When we live as men, we cannot remember those spiritual knowledge so that the two planes of existence do not interfere. This means that when the level of science reaches that of the body or the spirit, then the whole being will be at the same evolutionary level in body, soul and spirit. For this reason, we must not confuse the evolutionary level of human civilization with that of our spirit, because they are different planes and only when we detach ourselves from our human personality after the death of the body can we remember all the knowledge that we have stored in the spirit and become aware of our immortal nature.

This coordinating being could not cause what is commonly called, "divine punishment", because it does not make sense that in the universe there is a being dedicated to watching what each person does to, according to his own criteria, punish or reward him, The true meaning of this concept is that when we act ignoring or disregarding the laws of nature, in the end we harm ourselves, but not because there is a higher being in charge of doing it or because nature follows its course whether we we take it into account as if not.

An example of this we have in natural disasters, because people blame God for the victims of earthquakes, but they do not make any self-criticism regarding the fact that time after time they continue to build buildings of unsuitable materials resist earthquakes without thinking about the consequences, as if that earthquake was the last. Nor can it be said that it is an economic question, because canvas tents or wooden huts resist earthquakes and brick buildings do not, this shows that the main problem is the lack of will to change the construction systems to make buildings provided with flexible anchors.

On other occasions, floods destroy the houses located on the banks of the rivers and again we blame God for that calamity, but we do not take into account that if the water has destroyed our house it is because we have stolen the river or its channel natural. Another stupid act is to build wooden houses in hurricane areas, because many people act this way not for lack of money, but because if they are made of wood they can build them larger than if they are of concrete, in this case it is not the lack of money which leads to disaster but their own vanity. In those areas, the ideal would be to build the houses in the shape of an egg so that the air could flow through in an aerodynamic way, in this case the lack of imagination of the engineers together with a too rigid taste on the part of the citizens is disastrous.

Another example is the mass deaths caused by viral epidemics, because people often have more children than they can support and when the relationship between food resources collides with the number of inhabitants, mass deaths occur, this It does not happen because viruses are evil and have proposed to attack the population on a whim, but because when you have children but no food to feed them, your immune system weakens, this means that when people are well fed it is more difficult that viruses harm them than when they do not. It could be said then, that in this case the viruses are limited to correcting the excess population. In this as in the other examples it is our own misdirected will that causes us problems. It is like blaming God because it is day when we are interested in it being night, it is an act of arrogance to pretend that nature does what we are interested in when we know that we can live better if we do not ignore its existence.

These laws of nature have not been generated either by this being or beings that govern the planets, because in the universe, we are all creators and we all have eternal life and we all participate in the creation of these universal laws at any given time, although after reincarnating we do not we can remember it. For this reason, God can only be that which is common to all, because that function that they perform one day will also be our turn to perform when it corresponds to us by rotation, because all beings in the universe are equal in their spiritual essence.

It is possible that each planet or each star is actually an individual being, but I consider it more likely that the entire material universe forms a single being, that is, the universe formed by planets and stars but not including the millions of individual spirits that populate it and that are reincarnated as people or animals. Because what differentiates the different beings is that each one of them forms a different entity without direct connection to each other, when I say without direct connection I mean that the particles of their spirits are not connected materially and continuously with other beings but only with those that belong to the same being, that is why they are different beings. With this system, each being can exist in a different way and live different experiences. This means that communication within the same being is made by direct contact between its particles that form a continuous material connection, but communication between different beings can be done by electromagnetic waves or by another discontinuous method, because there is space between the particles of different beings it is necessary to use a gravitational, magnetic or electromagnetic method to communicate them.

To achieve this communication between the different individual beings, the particles of this intermediate being that coordinates universal matter would be used, in this way, the particles of each being can remain in a passive state within their spirits, which allows them to dedicate themselves completely to a Defined task rather than controlling the multiple particles that make up your spirit. This is very useful after reincarnation, so first the soul would communicate with the spirit and then the spirit would communicate with the rest of the spirits. This means that the only particles that are part of each individual spirit are those that correspond to the soul and would remain in a passive attitude dedicating themselves to feeling except when decisions had to be made, at that time they would have a more active attitude. On the other hand, the particles of the spirit, although they would accompany the soul in its different reincarnations, would nevertheless belong to the planetary being. The soul and the spirit would form a single unit as if they were the same thing throughout the cosmic cycle, although part of its particles belong to different beings, as it happens with our body, the difference is that the spirit continues with the soul indefinitely and continuously change the body separates from the spirit in each new reincarnation. The soul uses the matter of the planetary being to form the spirit and the body because individual spirits need to dedicate themselves to a single definite thing that could also be considered to belong to the vertical plane, while the planetary being or beings that control matter must dedicate themselves to Millions of functions at the same time which corresponds to the horizontal dimension. The fact of acting with this dispersion of functions would determine that this being could not dedicate itself to a single differentiated and exclusive task as people do, but it could control and be aware of all the atomic processes in the universe. When the soul uses matter to form its body and part of the spirit, it can better focus on a single task, because although people do not understand it, all the matter in our body or in the universe is alive and needs to be controlled and organized, and yes We do not know it is because another being takes care of that function.

Each being in its spiritual form is separated from the others by the void, because if all beings were directly connected they would no longer be different beings but different particles of a single being and this would prevent them from having individual experiences. For this reason, it seems to me more likely that the entire universe, except for individual spirits, is part of a single being, because if all the matter on each planet belonged to a different soul, it would be a problem if it disintegrates as a result of a collision with another space object. In smaller pieces that go in different directions, this would be an inconvenience for their coordination as they belong to the same being. The problem that the destruction of a world that is divided into a thousand pieces would imply is not that the being that governed them lost its world, but that all those pieces would be its body, because the fact that a planet disintegrates does not imply its death as being alive, but only the end of its form as a planet, because unlike a man all the matter of a planet belongs to a single being and instead a human body is made up of a spirit that is an individual being and the body in the one that is reincarnated that belongs to the being that administers the terrestrial matter. On the other hand, if all the matter of the cosmos belongs to the same coordinating being, then all the processes of collision, separation, or fusion of planets, stars or galaxies would be routine processes that would occur within the same being, which would make their control easier. It could be said that time is a succession of changes of forms that are born and die as forms in a harmonious process of evolution, but instead the life that is present in the matter with which those forms are built is eternal and neutral to the Time, therefore, the changes of matter do not annul the existence of eternal life present in its particles, nor do they annul the existence of the soul that is found within our own spirit.

Even if a single being had to take care of organizing the material universe in each new cosmic cycle, however, this would not be a disadvantage for him, because in the next cosmic cycle another being would have to take care of that function, because size does not It is in contradiction with the importance and in reality all beings have eternal life and they all came out of the same particle when the universe began, and it was later when the functions to be carried out by each one in a rotating way were decided, in the universe everything is recycled and what is now above will be below, because in the universe all beings are equal, all beings are eternal and all beings are creators, the difference is that the task and the degree of responsibility change at every moment. When I say "beings" I do not mean the human body, because the body is made up of matter that belongs to the earth, I mean the eternal spirit that we all carry inside and that is the only thing that is truly ours. So when two people communicate, they are actually doing so on behalf of the spirit they carry within.

At the beginning of the cosmos there was only one particle, then that particle divided and created the universe, but the entire universe remained coordinated because all the particles were directly connected as they were part of a single being. Later, many particles separated from the original being and formed the individual spirits, these spirits also had different particles, but they were directly connected with each other and not with the other spirits or the organizing being of the cosmos, because when the particles are definitively separated individual beings are created, this is useful to create different consciousness and experiences.

The fact that all the particles of each being are directly connected makes it appear that there are two universes. One would be the real universe formed by particles connected directly to each other by material filaments and another would be the universe that we know formed apparently by particles surrounded on all sides by vacuum. This is so, because in reality, all the particles that belong to a single being would be directly and continuously connected even if it does not seem like it. In this way, the first universe supports the second. This is possible, because the universe would use two dimensions that would intermittently interchange at the speed of light, alternately becoming material and immaterial so as not to collide with each other.

All the beings that make up the universe have eternal life and are equal in their essential soul, therefore, they must take turns in the universal functions since this is a cyclical universe in which everything is renewed and everything is recycled. All these beings arose from a first particle that divided into multiple particles, some joined and others separated to create different beings, but that does not mean that those particles that were derived from the first begin to exist at that moment, because the only thing that begins it is their existence differentiated from the other, but they share the same qualities, the same importance and the same eternal life. But the question is, if all beings in the universe have to submit to universal laws, then what space is left for the will of this being that is and controls the universe formed by the stars and planets? In my opinion, its will would be expressed in the way of organizing the progress of the cosmos, that is to say that from the very moment of the beginning of the current cosmic cycle the will of this being would be dedicated to designing atoms, stars and planets to create an ideal world for beings that would reincarnate in human form, because this is the reason for all evolution. But then what reason would this being have to create a universe made up of millions of planets so that spirits could live in them after reincarnating? The answer is simple, because this function would be rotating, this means that in the next cosmic cycle another being would take care of that function and thus he could reincarnate and live on the planets as we do now. Because in reality the universe is a great stage, and it is populated by billions of beings so that the effort of those few who are dedicated to making it work is more profitable. By constantly and automatically establishing all the physical processes of the cosmos, the intellectual capacity of this coordinating being could be dedicated exclusively to the analysis and development of all new processes that were not yet subject to universal laws, because unlike people, this being could be conscious and control millions of functions at the same time, although most of them follow a previously established process. This being would not only be the coordinator of the universe, but the universe would actually be its body, because while spirits would reincarnate into bodies of matter belonging to the earth, on the other hand, for this being all universal matter would be its own spirit, but it would also be his body. It can be said then that the universe is a condensed spirit that feels and thinks the same as us, although it would act only in the mineral world and its time would be dedicated to the general affairs of the cosmos, therefore, it would never communicate directly with people, but only indirectly through our contact with nature. This is so, because in reality this being would use its own language different from the human one and would not be able to understand people because the human world corresponds to a dimension higher than its own, since its function would be limited to the mineral world. This dimension, although enormous and complex, is nevertheless evolutionarily inferior to the human one, because in evolution, we first go through the mineral world, then through the vegetable world, then through the animal and finally through the human, where we remain until the end of the cosmic cycle. All this process of evolution we have done ourselves during millions of years of work, beginning with the design of our spirit and ending with the design of our body, because in reality we all have eternal life and we are all part of God. This means that this being that forms the material universe, even though it is enormous compared to the size of our spirit, is nevertheless evolutionarily inferior to us, because it is located in the mineral plane, which is the first through which we must pass in the complex path of evolution.

This being would begin its work by creating the first particles and would end by creating the galaxies, but it would not create the individual spirits or the bodies in which they would reincarnate, even though the matter of those bodies did belong to it. Once each thing was finished, it would simply continue its operation automatically without it being necessary to dedicate itself directly to deciding the reaction or movement of each particle, even if it is aware of it, because we must not forget that everything in the universe has life, even the smallest particle little. What we call organic life is the consequence of the reincarnation of an individual spirit in a material body, but the matter of that body also has its own mineral life and belongs to that being we call the universe. When I refer to creating, I really mean transform, because in the universe nothing is created or destroyed in an absolute way, but only transformed, therefore, the development of the first particles and then of the planets and galaxies was the consequence of the division of a first particle, that although it was not formed by other particles, it was divisible. This was done by converting a circle into an eight to form two particles. Later, this system evolved until reaching cell excision. This is possible because the only principle there were two realities, one is represented by matter (Existence) and the other is represented by empty (None) but are actually two parts of the same thing and may not be the one without the other. Once the current cosmic cycle ends, all beings will come together to form a single particle again and the process of cosmic creation will begin again, but, this time, another being will take care of organizing the material universe, thus allowing the Being who did this task the last time can also reincarnate in human form, because this is the most evolved form of the cosmos and therefore the ideal way to live.

When the universe finishes its current cosmic cycle, all the particles will come together to form a single particle, even the photons from space will return in a circular path. This final particle cannot disappear, because as I have explained previously, the vacuum cannot exist without matter or matter without a vacuum since they are two versions of the same thing, therefore, its existence is outside the process of change to which we call time. From that moment on, this first particle will divide again and a new cosmic cycle will begin and then time will begin again, but, this time, all beings will live a different life than the one they lived in the previous cosmic cycle, and This will be repeated over and over again until all beings live all the lives and all the possible events and when that happens time will start again definitively and then we will live the life we have at this moment. The duration of a cosmic cycle may seem like a long time to us, but keep in mind that for eternity any amount of time means nothing.