A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Existence and nonexistence or matter and emptiness are two aspects of the same thing and they must always exist because nothing can arise from nothing and what exists cannot cease to exist either because it is not possible that in the universe there is only matter or just empty. This means that the life that exists now is because it has always existed and the life that does not exist now cannot exist in the future either, because life, like matter, is not created or destroyed, it only transforms and is always the same, the Life is matter and matter is life. The only thing that is born or dies is the way in which life manifests itself, because time is based on the continuous change of forms but using the same life and the same matter. In other words, the life that does not exist cannot exist either and the life that exists cannot cease to exist either, what we call death or birth only refers to the cycles and changes of the ways in which life is shown and that they give place at time.

This means that in reality there are two beginnings in the universe, but only one is in time, the first is that of forms, which is done within time by renewing and changing the aspect of matter cyclically according to a harmonic process and it begins again every time time repeats itself, and another is the beginning of life, which is done outside of time in the dimension of logic, that is to say that the only thing that has a date to be born or die are the forms that it uses matter to manifest itself, but not the life of matter that builds those forms, because life and matter are the same thing and exist indefinitely outside of time. For this reason, you can try to explain why life or matter exists, but it is a mistake to look for their origin in time, because they never began in time but only in logic, that is why they are eternal.

Existence and time form a cross, in that cross the horizontal line represents time and the vertical line represents existence, this means that the creation of forms is subject to time and they are born and die cyclically, but instead, the life that intervenes in the creation of these forms is eternal, because it is outside of time on the plane of existence. Therefore, the concept of creation can only be applied to forms but not to the life that contains those forms because it is eternal and is outside of time.

Nothingness cannot exist by itself but only as a reflection of matter, this means that both have always existed. It is not possible that there has been a moment in which only nothingness has existed, because its existence can only be proven as a reflection of that something that matter represents, therefore, both must have always existed outside of the beginning cycles and final that represents time. The very word exist nothingness is a contradiction, since if there were only nothing, the word existence could not be used, because nothing is the opposite of existence, therefore, matter and nothing have always existed because they need each other to define what is existence or nonexistence. Nothingness, nonexistence and emptiness are the same, but considering the free emptiness of any material particle, in the same way life, existence or matter are also the same, as an opposite expression of the above.

The particles of the universe can come together to form a single one that is the minimum necessary to justify the existence of matter or a vacuum, but a particle of matter cannot cease to exist because there is no mechanism that makes it possible since matter and The vacuum is two parts of the same thing, therefore, it can only disappear by merging with another particle or dividing into others, but, in this case, neither the matter nor the life of the particle disappears, only the shape it had. All this means that to find the origin of life it is necessary to look for it in logic and not in time, because life from the point of view of time has always existed because the same time begins again when it ends. If, according to this, life is neither created nor destroyed, then we can only explain its origin by trying to understand its nature but not looking for that origin in time.

It can be said then that the universe has never been created if we refer to the matter or the life that contains that matter, but it has been created if we refer to the shape of the universe, because that continuous and harmonic change of matter constantly creating new forms is what time represents.

Existence or non-existence is within us continuously, because when we sleep we enter the plane of non-existence although our life continues to exist, the same happens when the body dies, because the form dies, but our life remains in the spirit. But there are many more ways to see the relationship between existence and nonexistence such as the sexes, rest or musical notes, because the silence between the notes represents the nonexistence and the crest of sound represents existence. This means that it is not possible to create sound without also using silence and it also shows that existence and non-existence are within us continuously, that is why it makes no sense to seek a beginning in time for our life because that life contains existence and nonexistence in equal parts and cannot exist separately, that is why they are eternal.

All things that exist in the universe and have life are eternal because they contain within them existence and nonexistence equally and cannot exist separately, therefore, the beginning of life can only be found in the plane of logic but not in time. Instead, time represents the wheel of repetitions that matter uses to seek its happiness through the creation and destruction of forms, and when that process ends then time will begin again. Also in this you can find multiple examples of this cyclical nature of the cosmos such as the continuous repetition of days or years, and all this will end with the repetition of the same universe.