A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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It is not that it is wrong to try to feel pleasure, but it is a serious mistake to use drugs to achieve it, because the great problem that drugs represent is that they act by circumventing the mechanisms that the brain has to regulate its stimulation. This causes a deterioration in the brain that makes the addict feel less and less stimulating sensations, which leads him to seek more drugs and higher doses to try to compensate, and he does not understand that the more he consumes the greater the damage caused in the brain, because being unnatural stimulation methods they do not respect the regulation system that the brain has and therefore force it until it ends up unbalanced. Because happiness is not derived from a chemical process as drug addicts think but is the consequence of living with dignity and common sense. It is true that in the sensations of pleasure there are also chemical substances that the brain is capable of producing according to its needs, but these substances are only released according to the biological rules that the brain itself has. But trying to elicit those reactions by force as drug addicts claim only serves to destroy health.

People who get into drug use do not understand that they destroy the mechanisms that regulate pleasure in the brain, which causes them to receive less and less stimuli, with the consumption of these substances the brain loses its sensitivity, becoming Like a stone, it is as if the soul were like a glass lens and the drug was a handful of earth thrown on that lens, which prevents the passage of light and feelings of happiness. This immerses the soul in bitterness, which leads the drug addict to believe that stealing to get more money or more drugs can solve it, but he does not understand that his greatest enemy is his own vanity, because it was his dedication to vice and not the lack of money which made him unhappy. To resolve this situation, it is necessary to return to humility, because the brain can only regain its sensitivity when drugs are rejected and one lives in harmony with nature. The universe has so many wonders that it is absurd to get carried away by the false path that drugs represent, therefore, it is necessary that humanity reject them completely and use natural forms of stimulus so that it is possible to start an era in which common sense and living in harmony with nature are two of its fundamental pillars.

It is necessary to always reject drugs as a means of stimulation, because among the many damages they cause they also break family cohesion, because once the addiction is acquired and the brain is damaged, the drug addict stops feeling the sensations of pleasure that life offers When you live in harmony with nature, then you stop valuing all those things that make normal people like your family happy, and your only goal is to get more drugs that in turn will cause you more harm.

It is impressive how many doctors or pharmaceutical companies have agreed to turn their patients into drug addicts in order to get the most money out of them, that would not have happened if society did not mythologize drugs as it does so, because to combat pain resulting from injuries or accidents it is always possible to use medications that suppress pain but without having a stimulating or addictive effect.

Although it is surprising, many pharmaceutical companies do not seek to cure patients but to achieve a world full of drug addicts in order to ensure a constant flow of money, that is why, when treatments are considered, they only refer to consuming chemical substances, but they never ask patients to give up the bad habits of life that cause most diseases. Doctors generally do not take enough interest in explaining to patients what the true cause of their ailments is and they limit themselves to prescribing chemical substances that are sure to cause new diseases. Because the drugs they prescribe, although they cure some diseases at the same time cause other new ones, if they really cared about their patients they would tell them to stop those unhealthy behaviors that cause their diseases rather than prescribe harmful substances.

The truth is that there are many natural remedies that without using medicines serve to cure disorders or diseases, an example of this is in the case of simple abrasions, because in this case instead of using medicines it is enough to wash the wound with Tap water, which in most cities is chlorinated, which is used to clean and disinfect wounds for free, then nature itself produces a scab that acts as a bandage until the wound is healed. Another example is insomnia, because many people turn to chemical products to combat it without realizing that their body will generate an addition that will prevent them from sleeping when the cause that caused the insomnia disappears, thus becoming dependent. . It is better in this case to sit on a sofa and try to rest on it until the insomnia passes without taking any medicine, because sometimes the cause of insomnia is a problem that needs reflection, and other times it may be the effect of the south wind or the heat on our body that also cause these effects, in this case insomnia can go just like it came in a short period of time.

Nor should we take anti-inflammatory drugs every time we have pain, because sometimes, especially with colds, our body uses inflammation to increase the diameter of the veins to make it easier for antibodies and nutrients to reach the infected areas and thus prevent them from the infection spreads, because when that inflammation is mild it is better to let it continue rather than eliminate it with aggressive methods. On the other hand, when the inflammation is severe, it is necessary to use methods to control it, because otherwise this inflammation can cause the rupture of the blood vessels. People have to understand that the human body has its own self-healing system that helps us in most health problems and the only thing it needs from us is that we respect its own limitations and live without abusing fats and rest of the elements that intervene in our life, therefore, when we have a health problem, the first thing we have to do before looking for medicines is to try to understand our body and find out if the cause of these problems is our own wrong behavior. Because just as we do not fill the tank of our vehicles with fuel every day if we plan to travel a few kilometers, in the same way, we do not have to fill our stomach with food and our body with fat if we are not going to burn that fat.

To be healthy, we must respect the limitations of our body and always reject stimulant drugs, with the sole exception of those that are for use with terminally ill patients, because, although pharmaceutical companies do not want to recognize it, there are many remedies that the Nature has to avoid depression without the need to resort to chemicals. In addition, when patients have chronic pain, it is best to eliminate the cause of these pain through surgery or using medications that act by overriding the mechanism that causes pain rather than using stimulant drugs, because these substances disturb the sensory mechanisms and consequently can deteriorate seriously the quality of life of patients.

It is unfortunate to see so many young people wanting to give moral lessons to adults, but when the weekend arrives they load up on drugs such as alcohol or tobacco, this is undoubtedly an act of hypocrisy, because the lessons they have for others they don't apply them to themselves. It is necessary for people to understand that vital degeneration is often the consequence of moral degeneration and that is what happens with drugs, that is why society should not allow those who commit crimes while intoxicated to be rewarded with criminal mitigations, because the damage caused to the victims does not change according to the state of their executioner. Nor is it logical that addicts are called "sick", because many of those who are in that situation do not find themselves that way by chance but because they are scoundrels, because first came the loss of moral values and then the addition did, and no one has become addicted in one day but many of vice and depraved behavior. This is the same thing that happens with gamblers, because it is their own vanity that leads them to that situation, and they do not hesitate to steal or betray their friends to get more money to spend on gambling, and all because their vanity prevents them accept defeat. They think they are so smart, that they think that if they continue betting they will be able to recover the money invested, but they are not able to understand, that with the game it is impossible to win money, because it is designed so that the client always loses, except for the prizes that are They give only as bait so that people fall for the deception.

Something similar happens with some cult followers, because they are so arrogant that they prefer to continue in a cult that hurts them, rather than endure the trauma of admitting that it was a lie when they were told that they were better than others just because they belonged to the sect. That is, the leaders of the sects flatter the followers to rob them, but many of these followers after losing their life and their money prefer to continue believing in their lies rather than admit that they have been deceived and that they were no better than others but worse than them It could be said that then that the sect uses the own evil of the adepts to deceive them, because they pay money in exchange for flattery. It is clear that in both cases they are not only deceived by the scammers, but above all by their own vanity. These people do not understand that a superior society is defined by its humility, but the vanity that is common in the sects is in contradiction with it.

We must not forget that although a drug addict may be influenced by the effects of the addiction when he commits a crime, however, that does not prevent him from knowing that what he is doing is wrong, in addition, that addition did not appear suddenly, but was the a consequence of their voluntary desire to take drugs for a long time, therefore, the best way to demotivate anyone who is tempted to resort to drugs is not the police persecution of traffickers or users, because then, they should also imprison those who they consume, produce or sell tobacco or alcoholic beverages, which would land half the population in jail. The best thing is to promote education in moral values and encourage citizens to reject drugs completely. We must also demand that the law stop protecting drug use, because that is what it does when it applies mitigating measures for crimes committed under its influence. In other words, the law must stop punishing drug trade or consumption because it only serves to create mafias and fill prisons with people who have not harmed anyone, and punish only those who commit crimes regardless of whether those crimes are committed. They have committed drugged or not, because the freedom to decide must have a price. On the other hand, it is fair to persecute those who try to sell drugs to minors, because they do not have the capacity to reason.

Society needs to reject the false path that drugs represent, and understand that happiness must be achieved through science, technology, and life based on order and justice.