Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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(Q)  Do our sinus cavities serve a purpose in psychic or medium skills and abilities?  If so, what do they do?  Does being congested, having a cold, or having allergies change this in any way?


(A)  These areas are intensely sensitive to energies.  It is also important to know that the energy and light from the sun directly affects these areas.  These were placed within the physical body in these areas because of their ability to be in the sun as it relates to the sleep and waking cycles of a person and therefore receive more energy through these areas because they are in direct light while the person is waking.  It is important to say that these areas are receptors and antennas.  They are not simply a method of filtering your breathing air.  They serve the function of a reservoir of energy while the skills is needing it for interpretation or as a full reserve to experience the sensations and to use the qualities of a particular skill that has been developed in a medium or person that is able to sense and perceive beyond that of which is widely acceptable on your plane.  They do not receive information that is harmful, though they are able to interpret the energy of others and may act as a warning.  Negative energy and information is not supplanted in these areas and you do not need to worry about harm.  You cannot be harmed in these areas. That is why it is important to know that when you experience certain energy or emotions, that is to say, when your mind experiences them, they are not yours.  You often can experience the energy, vibration, or emotional state of those near you, as well as those at a distance, those not directly in your presence because of an ability to connect through the many forms of energy and medium skills and healing.  It is important to notice their placement, they are directly over the brain and are direct receptors, as are the eyes, of that which is being seen and experienced by the body.  On a much deeper level they interpret data and energy much more than what is on the surface and visible to the eyes.  These areas are unaffected by hate and anger, they are only able to sense them.  They are able to sense many things and often bring this energy in the form of an emotional or physical response process within the brain.  Please know that there is much focus that should be paid to these areas.  Many parts of the body were only discovered prior too many beliefs held by current society but current society has not reexamined much of the body in order to understand its purpose and function by today’s methods and interpretations.  Today’s understanding is still that of prior misunderstanding.  These areas serve the same purpose as many might consider the antennae of insects.  They can be filled with energy by that of spirit; we can bring energy and gas, and chemicals, to these areas for your development, to balance the body, to develop an ability in you.  To bring about a deeper level of trance. Often there will be a sensation in these areas as though one has experienced a sun burn or has been in the sun though they were only in an apartment or dwelling.  This experience is because of the energy that was used and is similar to that energy that is delivered by the sun.  There is much manipulation here, not for negative or personal gains, but there is much here that the human existence does not know and takes for granted, and therefore much intervention is needed by those with the knowledge, those in the spirit realm, to balance and correct these areas.  It is possible at times that these areas succumb to sickness because of sensory overload within a body or existence that has not yet adjusted to the sensory perceptions of these areas.  It is also simply just a matter of physical imbalance that causes these areas to be irritated and filed with mucus.  In most cases these areas being infected do not impact your ability to conduct your usual routine, your practice and utilization of your skills, only when they restrict, prevent, or change your breathing, which also changes the blood flow and rhythm of the body – that is when these areas can be impacted.  Many can experience some degree of all those possible interferences that you have mentioned and never suffer a need for rest from spirit while resting the physical body in order to recuperate.  When you do experience the need for rest it is important that your use of mediumship abilities do not interfere with your physical rest and wellbeing.  Simply because the skills and qualities and senses that you are using do not appear physical they still impact the body in much the same way as any physical activity.  They can change the energy levels in the body and this may pose problems when healing is required or


rebalancing to allow health to return to the body. As chakras dispense energy, they serve as possibly you could call them miniature heart centers for the manner that they spread and dispense the energy through the body as the heart does with blood – that is the manner in which your sinus cavities, those contained within the structure of the skull, spread the energy to the brain and pass messages back and forth from internal to external and vice versa.  Do not worry that an infection has made these areas less able to interpret data or less functional.  There is little that is stopped in an energetic process because of physical mucus.  Some energy will always flow through any physical form and much more energy can be supplied if it is something that is hampered by a physical passing through in order to reach an area.  The breath is what should be focused on when one is concerned if their health may contribute their communication or other skill negatively.  The breath has the most direct impact on your physical health.  Diet is second, but as the natural process are concerned, the breath affects many rhythms and cycles, all must breathe, no matter their diet or other variables, the breath is always required and respiration is the beginning process of the cycle within the body that regulates many things.  These things being in top physical order should dictate your use of your perceptions, skills, senses, and other abilities when considering actions to take while you may be in an imbalanced stage of physical or energetic health. Sinus cavities can be cleaned using water; they can also be aided by hands on healing, the healing of mind, or the healing of distance healing.  These also serve to balance the areas and empty them from any cause of inflammation and empty them from any excessive substance.  Much of a person’s perception of another is by sending and receiving information that is expressed through these areas.  It is not always the expression, the physical outward view of the emotion that a person perceives in another that makes them react in a certain manner or behavior, it is the energy being expressed through these areas in that one person that are being received and interpreted by the viewer that have the greatest impact.  Much is connected within the human body and within the human head. There is much that is known about the body and how all processes relate to one another. There is less known at this time about all ducts, glands, and connectedness and passageways are all interrelated within the skull, the brain, and the head.  There are many physical secretions that use these areas but there is much for energy exchange within these forms.  Expression on many levels and receiving information takes place within these areas.  It is only by experiencing the exchange that occurs between all senses, their merging through connectedness in these passageways, that an experience is truly felt.  The true nature may be missed because it is only felt by what is directly and immediately available to the degree that a person is aware of their senses.  Most often these are only the physical sense.  Records are maintained of these experiences so that they may be understood later should they have been missed while in the physical existence.  Do not use any drying substance on the glands or ducts within these areas or within the body.  Let excess be expressed naturally when there is an imbalance.  The excess must be passed in order for balance to again be achieved.  Balance cannot be forced, though much is not done by medicine to balance, it only masks.  Masking these problems does not help them to alleviate the imbalance in the body.  It is true, the body must now work physically more in order to bring forth a change because it is now working through tougher conditions, not just walking up hill, but now scaling a mountain because of the medicinal interference.  It is possible to take a natural plant substance to prevent further infection, however, if there was balance in fluids within the body, balance within the diet, these substances would not have to be taken and an infection would not be a concern.  In that situation the fluids could pass freely if other areas of balance were maintained.  There is also fluid exchange to and from the body with these cavities; energy is exchanged which also gives the impression of fluid exchange because of it.  Dryness occurs because of this. Fluid, water, it is important to maintain a high quantity of this with regularity, within the body.




(Q)  What is the reason some experience what we call ‘Near Death Experience’ or NDE?


(A)  There is an experience for them that entail their belief in the afterlife.  It is important that some be broken from this or


be righted on their path away from what they were currently pursuing.  Some merely attempt to break from their physical existence prior to their scheduled departure, not that it is to be understood that there is often a specific date or time.  There is a set of goals, a loose configuration of what should be accomplished, once it is so, or it is seen that only so much can be accomplished and you are ready to make an exit, then you shall.  Near death experiences are bodies that are being kept alive, usually through spirit intervention, so that the spirit can be counseled or consoled in our higher dimension.  It is important to know that there is not always physical trauma that needs to be experienced in order to bring this to a spirit’s existence.  The trauma, usually interpreted by the mind, is often a catalyst for such behaviors to be understood.  There is a clear break.  This is merely an intermission allowing a break so that counsel of the soul can take place.  This often brings about development of skills or abilities that use other senses of the mind to produce psychic perceptions or a stronger spirit connection so that communication in some or all forms is much more possible.  It is necessary to understand that there are many who experience this but never return with the information they were given.  Often, in subtle ways, their conversations while out of their body, will affect their life subconsciously.  Others may not change.  Others experience this information and retain the memory of such.  Partially this is dependent on the person; partially this is dependent on the situation.  There are many who have observed their body while on the operating room table or after a severe trauma has taken place.  There is much that you do not understand about the mind’s perception and relation and connectedness to all things. Yes, your mind can give you the perception that your energy body is leaving, though still connected, to your physical body.  But there is awareness of all things that is available to all who exist.  This experience is often that awareness being freed from the confines and shackles of the mind; it is being freed from the cell and therefore can perceive all that is taking place.  Because the last moments before unconsciousness were focused on the impending injury there is the ability to experience the areas associated with this energy, therefore remaining in close conscious thought proximity to that which is taking place to your body.  The others that experience this will also remove their entire being from the physical body though the physical body has not yet completely been used or expired. This is, again, experience that which is completely able to be experienced now.  It is often trauma which unleashes the full mind’s potential and ability to see what is always readily available to it.  It is not some trauma which makes it or awakens it for you.  It was there all along.  It is the ability to access this information which is realized after the incident.  You can do this, you can awaken or focus on these areas prior to having your awakening through a car accident, a motorcycle accident, a fall, something that incapacitates the physical, leaving the mind to not be fully controlled or encompassed and governed by the physical senses.  Spirit workers can do many things to sustain your body while you are away, though extended absence results in death.  There are specific incidents where other activity is taking place, where the entity never leaves the body but is counseled within; there are others where they meet with their guides and higher masters in order to alleviate some confusion which has possibly brought this being to a point of neglect and destruction.  Others may have come to this point through no direct fault of their own but again, the mind is freed from the control the senses may exercise over it.  It is freer.  Your mind does not, and its awareness, does not take up only that which fills the empty space within your skull or that knowledge which you choose to read and surrounding yourself with.  The expanse which your mind covers and can assimilate and acquire and is currently aware of covers all the known stars, planets, universes, and galaxies known to men on your plane.  It is becoming aware through subtle hints, or what you perceive has subtle indications, that will awaken this.  Many need to be told of the greatness beyond this current life you are in, in order to understand the scope of themselves and those they encounter.  It is not necessary to always directly consult spirit guides or workers for assistance and guidance, it can be lived, a life without mediumship ability, and live a productive life spiritually speaking, but to know of the vastness of all creation, in your knowing and beyond it, this is why and the purpose for some needing to see the greatness that is truly all of the known existence.  There is much that is needed to be shared in order to awaken focus into other areas.  Realms are not limited to only those inhabitants that currently reside in them, and in order to fully grasp the complexity and yet


simplicity and of the purpose of this lifetime it is important to understand this.  Many are serious on the wrong tasks; many are on the right and true tasks but not in a focus effort.  Many are urged.  You may not have a connection to spirit which you consciously use or call for information for yourself or others but this is still present, the ability to communicate, for there is always information sent, there is the ability for information to always to be sent to you to assist you.  It is your will that exercises the judgment and ability to carry it out, acknowledge it, or to completely ignore it.  You may decide what to do.




(Q)  How does one say or bring forth true prayer so that it can have an impact on their life, family, mother earth and all those we share the universe with?


(A)  This is a matter of your intent.  Select your outcome; envision it as you would enjoy it coming to fruition.  Ask that energy be sent so that it is done.  This is the same manner by which healing or other energy is transferred.  You can send energy to it.  You can repeat your statement of intent in your mind as often as you wish.  This will radiate out from your body and deliver the energy into the universe.  The fact that your mind is power that constructs the universe around you, this is doing the same.  Your energy emanates from all around you.  Know that some things will not be interfered with and there are some that may ultimately change because of the energy directed by you and others towards it.  It is only necessary to speak the positive outcome you wish.  It is possible that you ask your guides questions and receive answers directly or in some physical manifestation on your plane.  It is only necessary to have in your mind the vision of the completed outcome that you wish to achieve.  The asking of prayers for others is as simple as asking for prayers or positive outcome for you in some certain situations. Simply settle your thoughts on the outcome or action you would like to see and visualizing this energy leaving your body and affecting the universe for the positive development of this event, action, feeling, will contribute greatly to it.  This act is done with all thoughts that you hold true and visualization helps the physical body and the physical mind perceive the true nature of what is attempting to be created.  It is not always necessary to visualize, simply settle on your intention, your desired actions and outcomes.  The energy will be released simply by your repetitive thought energy or words spoken.  It matters not how this outcome is affected by your energy if it was never meant to be.  There is much that relates to some general and basic plan; and goals can be met no matter what path you take, they can be received in many forms, so fear nothing of skewing your original purpose in this lifetime by altering an event through your power of thoughts and energy.  There are some that will not be changed and others that can be changed.  Realize that for some, no matter what energy you wish upon them, there will not be change until they are ready for this and accept it and desire it.  It should be known that there are many who are positively impacted by your energy even though the desired outcome is not presently visible or measurable.  There is power in numbers.  There is great power in groups of spirits who wish the same positive outcome, though in some cases, it is not possible to intervene, because the will of so many, is that someone be saved from some act or timeline of events.  Simply see yourself as you wish the events to take place.  Radiate love into the event; radiate the vision from your body into the world. Allow these things to be expressed by you and they will flow more easily into others when the situation is desired.  Appreciation of those things which have manifested only serves the higher self as it is seen that you are not dabbling for the surface’s sake, not addressing a cause or issue simply for vanity or other impermanent reasons.  To appreciate an outcome or situation is to be able to rely on this in the future.  Thoughts are no less ignored simply because gratitude is not shared, but the appreciation of such gifts is important.  This is much in the same way that one should appreciate the senses and everything in their present world.  Allowing full appreciation allows deeper understanding of the true nature of that which is appreciated and the reasons and purposes for it.  You now know the reasons for your existence but there are many intricacies of this.  Appreciating each aspect of yourself only shares into it the greater energy and understanding that has come with your full awareness of this.  Appreciating something, an aspect, an emotion, appreciating this in another person only serves to amplify this in yourself and within that


person.  Simply by your perception it is amplified and through the energy exchange process.  It is important to learn all things that relate to the senses and the body and allow them to be experienced.  Do not become a mind on ‘autopilot’ for this process may lead to deterioration in these areas when attention is not paid to them. The correct prayer is the one full of universal positive creation, that which is done without vanity, without attempting to change the events for personal gain and selfish interests.  When those reasons are the motivations the desired outcome may be reached but there are other areas that will need to be addressed.  This is often why it may appear that bad luck befalls many people only to have one problem after another after another.  They may also give you the impression that their life is running smoothly and you may view them as being very fortunate.  You are all fortunate, but there are some who hide the strain that is present in their life because of the ‘ill gotten reward’ lessons for each individual appear in many forms.  Each has free will and often the lesson or teaching situation is tailored to that specific lifetime and specific event.  Simply because you choose a differing job than what you first intended does not mean that you will have missed on some opportunity or lesson.  The style can be changed so that it can still be implemented.  Some feel they are trapped and this is not the case.  Free will dictates many things that you do, many situations are still present because of the purpose of your lifetime, but many events take shape based on the decisions and actions and energy of the person living that life.  It is important that if you are asking for the protection of another, for the healing of the earth, that you simply send that energy with your mind, with your thoughts, your works, you can send this same energy as you would send healing to any person, thing, object, or situation.  Healing energy is not the only type of energy which is channeled by man.  Know that each emotion is energy and each emotion, the energy within it, can be sent as you would healing energy through you to another being. Anything can be sent.  The emotion, the action desired, the energy associated with it in its truest form and purest form can be channeled.  It is important for all who will read this to know that you are not required to enter trance in order to channel.  Simply meditate on the energy and send it from you.  All is a channel; most are channels for their own energy without being aware of it and therefore cause actions and reactions without being aware of their direct affect on their own lives.  All can channel energy to others.  All receive.





(Q)  What is astral projection and how is it accomplished?


(A)  Astral projection is the complete elimination, through a focused, calm, and meditative state, of all senses and feelings that are only perceived or generated through the physical body.  You completely disconnect but are able to safely return, to your physical body.  It is merely a term, astral, for that body which is your truest and highest self that inhabits your physical body at present.  To project into the astral plane is only to experience all realms, or a specific dimension, through disconnecting from your physical body.  There is no specific astral realm.  Often this term is used by those who project but there is no specific astral realm.  This is simply the term that for you could describe leaving this physical world.  Though it is quite possible to experience others times and places or locations in this physical plane where the earth is located.  The process is through meditation and awakening your entire energy body, your entire true self, this entire form of energy that inhabits this body.  There is much that is located in the brain but often this is where the perception of your world stops.  The eyes are here and there is much that is not considered for sensing or interpretation because it is with the physical eyes and the mind that the thinking becomes accustomed to being done.  It is important to sense every area within the physical body, become aware of each part of it, and allow these new sensations to become aware of it.  Intend to leave your physical body, shifting your awareness and creating a visual impression of you in your mind of this new location will shift your ability of perception and controlling the present location of your body to the control of your thoughts much as is experienced by those who are on the other side and helping you.  It is imperative that you state or intend to have a specific purpose; this does not mean that you are not simply allowed to experience the world, your habitat, without the constraint of your physical body, but you should intend to do so.  Do not simply sit and meditate and


then become discouraged because nothing has happened or been experienced.  Such as dreams, there are many that happen, there are many where you project astrally, where your true body leaves your physical body, and you travel your world or others.  It is because the mind has not considered, in the physical form, these experiences to be important.  It needs to become accustomed to these experiences and understanding that these are true experiences that you wish to recall and remember.  Often this method of mind body separation is experienced but once the event has taken place there is no accurate recollection by the physical body.  Training the mind to retain this information while you are in the physical body is important.  You should be aware that there is information available to you, you can return to this world, your true home, at any point for knowledge and wisdom.  It would be through the practice and focus of your thought and meditation and that it can be accomplished.  Often the ability of those who attempt to develop this is short lived because they are not able to achieve extended periods of departure from the body.  For many, once they realize that they are not simply thinking about another location but are able to move within it and truly perceive it because they are there, they immediately return to their body because their focus and attention is not true to the level necessary for extended absences.  This is why this disconnection is often experienced through sleep; this allows other areas of the body and mind to overcome the actual and perceived obstacles through the mind and other limitations that are true and those that you simply perceive.  It is through this dream-like state that in waking consciousness the world can be experienced by you as well as other worlds.  Simply stating that you are willing to do this will begin your journey.  There is much that can be accomplished in terms of skills and abilities in your physical existence and some of these will also better equip you when you return to your home, once you discard your physical body.  Others simply help with guidance and information and perspective while within this lifetime, there are no skills and talents that do not help you fully appreciate this lifetime, the true nature of existence, and the true experience of all creation, none are simply for a carnival-like fancy of entertainment.




(Q)  What would be a basic definition of God or the Supreme Creator?


(A)  The creator of all things in all forms and in all specific and general definitions is all that is and has been.  Growth is achieved when those things created by the supreme entity achieve growth.  The life force from which all that exists flows – that is the creator.  There are many definitions in religious texts that touch on this information.  Many are similar within their religious texts, there are similar definitions across religions that refer to the same person or same type of entity.  These definitions often refer to the same supreme high being.  The creator is that which brings into existence all forms of every emotion, each action, and each entity.  There are physical and biological processes that take place to sprout new life but these are also the formation of order as defined by the creator.  As we are all living things, we are all made in his image as many religious texts would state, we are also able to create.  We often do not create on the grandest of scales in relation to that which has created all that exists, but there is a similarity, and a likeness that allows us to act as a scale version of that which we have come from.  The perfect definition of the Supreme Being and creator would be simply; to hold a mirror to ones self.  This is the same makings of the creator.  There is no physical form, but in your true form, you are the creator.  You manifest and you create, you bring into being, you take action.  You radiate all things, and form your perspective, notwithstanding the judgment of others; you create that which you view to be the best possible manifestation for the present situation.  You create a