Constantine & Elophyny Extraterrestrial by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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(Q)  What was the main purpose for the Bible?  Was it meant to be symbolic or taken literally?

(A)  The Bible is a collection of stories that may be considered fables or moral stories. Some were based on actual events while others were simply handed down word of mouth as lessons for those who needed the symbolism.  There are many sections that were originally written by those with spirit communication and even sections that were given to this planet by other beings from other planets and other beings of light.  There has been much work to control this book and use if for selfish purposes and realizing this will remove the controlling hold it has over an individual or a group of people who are following this book as though it were an inflexible document and all binding.  There was much done to it to change it from its original format which was intended to be a symbolic guidebook and positive reference for the people of the time.  There are many who included Jesus because they knew of his power though the threat was added of his return to further ensure that a proper behavior was had from subordinates.  There are many true stories in the bible of healing, positive affirmations, and other phenomena.  This book allows those who need greater instruction to know that there is a peace far greater than what they presently know.  Though this book is used as such it was not intended to divide and should be used to unite.  Reading it as you would any other book is the way for those who are seeking guidance, it is unimportant to sprout a new ritual for reading and following it.  There is much that is unimportant in the bible but the basic tenants of life and kindness to, from, and between mankind are wrapped onto the pages.  Each shall have their own view of the world but the bible may be a basic building block just as many other stories serve the purposes of learning basic concepts such as kindness, love, forgiveness.  There is no wrathful god to cower down to as this was also added by those who sought control.  Many, when writing various stories that later became this collection, also created more elaborate stories to create an interesting story, from their point of view, while others were simply attempting to show the gravity of the situation.  This book was to give purpose and direction to those who were wandering aimlessly.  It is still useful if those sections which are glaringly untrue to you are ignored.  Many on certain levels will feel a specific phrase vibrate or resonate with them; these sections are true for them. Inclusion and love is what should be taken from the bible, not many reasons for exclusion and persecution, this was never the original purpose or intention.