Dare to Reach Out and Touch Someone's Life by Isadora - HTML preview

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Oh Moon

Shining so bright

May your light

Be my delight

In the late hours on this noon.

Oh Moon,

Bold in might

Tides bend without a fight

And my heart to you surrenders

to your glorious beauty!

Breathlessly, I sigh!



[When I can be me, and paint and do other things like I used to, my self esteem will return. When

that happens, I might feel strong enough and good enough to start a meaningful relationship again.]

– how many of us feel this way ??

Ok, so when I was with my ex partner, thankfully he was a deeply intelligent man, and he taught

me many, many things (some good, some bad!). One of the things he once said and that shall

remain engraved in my memory for many years was the following conversation, while we strolled

along woodland in late Spring:

" - Did you know that shrubs, trees and bushes only flower when they are happy ?" - he said, in a dreamlike tone and mood. I stared at him perplexed and asked him:

" - What do you mean... ?"

He turned around and said:

" - Flowers are the sexual organs in plants, it’s through them plants reproduce. There is a law in

Mother Nature's kingdom - when a plant is not happy and feels safe or lacks the energy to blossom,

it will not waste its precious energy producing flowers, because it is too concerned just trying to

survive another day. Trees sometimes may not bloom in really bad years or bare any fruit. But they

will quietly keep their strength and energy in the hopes that the following year they will be given

better conditions that will make them feel safe and happy, and then, only then, they will blossom in

all their majestic colours and perfume!"

I stared at him gobsmacked and muttered the words:

" - People can be painfully arrogant, if only we looked at Nature more often and tried to understand Her, instead of thinking that we are oh so superior and better and evolved... Oh my, oh wow! That

is astounding! You know, we are educated to see Nature as a “thing”, outside of ourselves. Maybe,

we still have got a lot to learn after all."



This story is an email conversation between me and my dear friend Joe. Because of its impact and

deeply powerful message, I wish to share it with you, in the hopes this might give you the strength

and courage you need. Many of you might come across a parent, sister, cousin or friend that is

struggling with this destructive disease. I am posting this story because I also have the cancer gene

within me, and two years ago I was diagnosed with cysts. Although the cysts are not aggressive,

they were the consequence of something much deeper within me that manifested as disease in my


NOTE: If you suffer from any illness you should always consult your doctor, energy healing and


MEDICINE! Alternative therapies or complementary therapies ARE MEANT TO BE DONE


Here is the email Joe sent to me:

"About 4 years ago my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer that was advanced and inoperable.

The doctors told him they could try chemotherapy to reduce the tumour, but they told him it was a

terminal situation and gave him 2 to 3 years life expectancy, 21 months ago he was having serious

problems, and a doctor told him it was hopeless and that he should just go home to prepare for

death. They said he had no more than two weeks left. He refused to accept that, and began getting

better. He was able to have a procedure done that helped his kidneys function better, and he got

better and better. A few months ago he was suddenly WAY WAY better, and you honest to god

could not tell he had anything wrong with him. He told everyone he felt completely healed and

strong again, and we were all very interested to see what his next check up would show. When he

went to the doctors again they were astounded. ... he had no sign of any cancer at all.

His blood work was completely normal. We were all ecstatic because the tests proved what he was

saying and feeling.

The doctors were extremely skeptical and gave him some shots and told him they didn't think it

was possible for him to beat this. Very soon after that visit he started feeling weak and all the

symptoms came back again. The past couple weeks were extremely bad for him and we actually

thought he might not make it. True to form though... he has rallied again and is getting stronger and

stronger. He's talking about doing some hiking and going fishing soon now. So I don't know what

to think.... he does great, then really bad. Back and forth, back and forth. It seems like every time

he is really doing great the doctors convince him he's really sick again. So like I said.... I don't

know what

to think. "


My email message reply to Joe’s:

"This is what I think about the yo-yo effect on your dad's health: people are trying to take away is self power, by making him believe that HE SHOULD BE SICK, but then, sooner or later he sways


back and goes:

- W T F !! Why should I be sick ?? I WANT TO LIVE! I WANT to do this and that !! I WANT! -

and he BELIEVES !!

The human body is made up of energy. That is what we are in fact, more than 90 per cent of our

bodies are empty space.

What is disease ?

Disease is not the absence of health, disease is the physical manifestation of our worries,

negativity, choices and energy.

Think of a PLACEBO for a moment. A placebo supposedly works in a very interesting way, the

person that takes the "fake tablet" believes that in this tiny tablet there is the power to heal him/her or make him/her feel better/relieve pain. The tiny tablet has no ingredient that is proven

scientifically in the labs that it has any agents on its own that are going to help this particular

problem. It is the power of "BELIEVING" that gives power not to the tablet itself, but to the person herself/himself. They believe that this tiny tablet will make them feel better!


Joe’s reply:

"I actually have another story for you. I shared this one with my dad a long time ago, and like you

said... it did give him hope when he seemed really hopeless, and it might have played into his

remarkable recovery for that time period. I don't know this person personally, but she is a good

friend and neighbour of one of my best friends. She was diagnosed with inoperable and incurable

cancer, and it had progressed rapidly. She was put on high doses of drugs for pain, and told she had

only weeks to live. She became bed ridden and was wasting away in the hospital.... expected to die

in a short time. She was only in her thirties at the time, and still very much full of life and dreams.

Barely able to even stand on her own, she refused the treatment and pain medication and

discharged herself from the hospital. She told the doctors:

“- I might die on my own, but I KNOW I will die soon listening to you!”

She went home and her friends and family fed her a totally clean diet. (I might be able to find out

exactly what she ate) She began meditation and had faith that anything was possible. She knew this

was her only hope because all else had failed. Instead of getting weaker by the day like in the

hospital, she got a little stronger each day. She stayed on a very strict vegetarian diet with all

organic fruits and vegetables. Long story short, she completely reversed the cancer - even from that

advanced stage, she reversed it and had a full recovery. That was 14 years ago now, and she is

healthy, active, and cancer free. The doctors said it was a complete miracle, and not possible to

come back from such an advanced stage. Yet she did. "


My email message reply to Joe’s:


Last year I came across a book written by a lady called Anita Moorjani, called "Dying to be me".

In that book Anita tells us of her astonishing recovery from fatal aggressive cancer, and how that

astounded the medical team, and how they tried really hard to convince her that such astounding

recovery was not possible. Yes, she recovered because she refused to give in and give up the fight,

she chose to live and BELIEVE and beat it. And she succeeded. Funny enough, in her book, Anita

says that she tried many types of different diets, including strict vegetarian and vegan, and still, that alone, was not helping at all!!

So, what am I trying to say here ?? I will try to explain as best as I can.

The more people join together and talk about these amazing experiences, the more other people

will join in and start being influenced, even if only in a subconscious level they start believing in

this, believe that within themselves lies a great power, a power that is triggered by BELIEVING IN

IT, a power that is always there within us all, it only remains dormant. Remember the words - "the

more you believe, the more you will see". Still doesn't make sense, does it ?! You may think of

yourself as a tiny droplet of water, apparently insignificant when falling in the big colossal ocean,

and you may think:

" - What impact would this tiny droplet have within that ocean after all? Why even bother telling

others about this ?! It’s just one successful case among billions that went wrong! "

BUT, if many droplets join, they will fill up a cup, if more join in, soon, a steady stream shall

sprout, and all streams in the end flow into an ocean, and one day, that mighty ocean will be

conquered !

I will resume this story the same way as I started - when you believe that when you set up your

mind to believe that anything is possible, as long as you use your mind, your heart and your

deepest and truest feelings of your soul altogether as ONE MIGHTY FORCE focused on one

particular task... OH BOY, you really have no clue the power within each one of us has !!

The power within us is so great, that if tomorrow we all experienced it for 24 hours worldwide, this

flaming intense divine love that is within us, for 24 hours the world would experience great love

and peace, great harmony and healing.