Adama of Telos: Change Fear to Love
Me: Hello, Adama.
A: Hello, Sharon. How are you?
Me: Today, I'm well. Catching up on work that I couldn't get done this week.
A: Yes, ascension again. It does slow you down. All of you. At this point, the energies are quite high so they're reaching places within your light body that have been locked away from the light for many years. In your case, strong feelings from your childhood that were developed at a time when you didn't know better, when you were a victim of your circumstances, and the pain you experience in releasing them is debilitating. We apologize for this, however it will not last much longer.
Me: I hope not! It's no fun. For all others out there going through gut wrenching grief and pain, I sympathize.
A: You took on a lot in this lifetime and you realize that it was so you could be of service to this world. We of Telos are pleased to see so many doing the work necessary to rejoin us in our lives of love. We live with the utmost of love and joy in our lives beneath you, and it pains us to see you going through your sometimes horrific experiences on the surface, however we realize this is all necessary. Your fear must be changed to love and this process of transformation is occurring now for many.
Me: So it's happening organically. But we can also work to aid this process.
A: Of course. Or to start the process. I admire the course you're writing on your website where people are given lessons to help rid themselves of negativity, to stop being victims. Yes, it is a program being run to target your minds, however those strong enough can counteract this programming. And those are the lightworkers.
Me: Yes. Thank you.
A: The point is to love. Our power is love, nothing else. There is no power in fear or fear-based actions. It would appear to be powerful when you exert power over others, but in fact it isn't.
Me: I feel an a-ha moment coming on!
A: Yes. When you shoot another person and kill them, you have in fact, killed yourself because we are all one. So you've gained nothing, in fact now there's a necessity to rebalance that deed. The energies are now out of balance. Your people have been taught that when your energies are out of balance, that's when you are to feel good because you've reduced your fear. But this is a lie of course. You don't know how to feel your energies in balance because of your off-balance lifestyles of fear and hatred of others. You think that that's normal. It isn't. Love is normal, not fear.
Having power over others is not power at all – it is fearing others. When you shoot another person it's because you fear they will harm you. Your shooting them doesn't increase love; it reduces your fear momentarily.
Me: True.
A: So that is fear. You're spending your lives alleviating fears, not learning to love. Bringing love into your lives is a question of changing old behaviours or rendering them powerless by replacing them with loving thoughts. Rebalancing your karma, taking a new road in life – the road of loving all regardless.
Me: So if someone wants to shoot me and I refuse to fear them and stand there in love instead of hate, will I still die?
A: Perhaps you will, but understand that when you are loving and don't fear these things, they don't happen to you.
Me: Unless that's in your contract, I'm finding. If you're contracted to live this type of experience because maybe you've done it in a past life and need to rebalance the act, it'll happen to you, whether you fear it or not.
A: Yes, true. But it's best not to fear in order to stop the karmic wheel from rolling.
Me: The way to do that is to love all?
A: Yes, when you love all, you love yourself as well. It is balance.
In any day, look at how you react to others' and their behaviours. Ask yourself, “How can I be more loving in all that I do today?” Go through your day either at intervals or in the evening and review your day. How did you act? Was it loving? Why wasn't it? What do you need to do better next time? Always look to take the more loving route, because you always benefit as well. Always.
Your people live lives where they think they benefit by hating others, but this isn't true. Indeed, how can you benefit by being angry at another?
Me: I used to think it helped me maintain boundaries with others.
A: So you see that you've got what appears to be a benefit, but in fact it's a lie. You were attempting to be invulnerable by being angry at others, but in fact it shows your vulnerability. Because to be invulnerable to others is to be loving, nothing else. That is our natural way.
And that's a good point, Sharon. In your daily review, look at what false benefit you feel you derive from these behaviours.
Me: So always go within, not without, to create change.
A: Exactly! Ivo has taught you well.
Me: I'm not where I want to be yet.
A: Yes, you still seek invulnerability. It's coming. Just wait and keep looking at yourself, not others.
Me: Thank you.
A: Remember, your power always is in loving, not hating.
Me: What if there are people you don't want to love, like my neighbours?
A: You fear them.
Me: I think their chain smoking is going to kill me, that's what it is!
A: Then it will. When you don't believe you'll die of cancer, you won't. Your life is your creation. You can die how you wish to. But if your focus is on fear you'll experience that fear so you can move past it, in this life or others. It doesn't matter to your soul. It can always create another you to keep working towards love.
Me: That sounds kind of disrespectful, Adama.
A: It's not. You go on living forever in higher dimensions. It's just that your earth life will abate. You all fear death and it's not to be feared. You all will live forever. Nobody will extinguish your being. You're all immortal. It's just whether you have a physical experience or not. You fear death because you don't wish to lose loved ones, or they're dependent upon you for their livelihood. These are all things that shouldn't be. You should be able to communicate with those in spirit and now many of you are, so you see they don't go away. Even the ones you wish would go away never leave you. As for your family depending on you for their livelihood, also this is because of your society's systems and again, this is wrong.
Me: But you have children. Who do they depend on if their parents pass?
A: Their parents who will still guide them, but they will live with close others who will raise them as their own. It's not a problem. The fact is, we live very long lives and incidental deaths like you experience are rare. We die of old age, when we choose to leave. So there's no fear of death, or of life either.
Your people fear life and in so doing, create a vicious circle of fear. It has to be broken.
Me: Yes. I'm just looking at my areas. One is money.
A: Yes. Don't fear not having enough, love having everything you need.
Me: But I don't.
A: So create it by loving it.
Me: Okay, thank you Adama
A: Only too happy to serve. I bid you adieu.
Me: kiss kiss (thinking) Hmmm. Basically he's saying love everything, even your boundary-violating neighbours and all that you lack, love it to abundance..... sounds good.... In the case of lack, love the opposite of abundance. In the case of nasty neighbours, love them and you won't hate them anymore anyway.... Are you reducing fear or increasing love? Good stuff!