Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Young people going to schools and colleges need to concentrate on their studies and career. They need to discipline and educate themselves, during the different primary stages of their lives.  Sex should not be taken seriously, nor should any pornographic videos, magazines or discussion should encourage. Once they are into making their career and succeed in finding a professional assignment, they will come across several friends who may be willing to go steady and finally even tie a knot. Young people will do well for their future health by following the advice given below:

Find time to do regular exercise, preferably weight training.  For girls, yoga and weight training are both suitable.  One of the best 10 minute extra exercise is skipping. If you continue this till ripe old age, you will surprise others by your agility and stamina.

Always check your physique in the mirror for accumulation of fat or any sign of obesity, take immediate action to correct your physique.  It is difficult to get rid of that fat or the paunch once you cross 40.

Eat well and healthy.  Do not indulge in rich food, junk food or colas and soft drinks with CO2. Instead, replace it with fibrous and healthy food and fruit juices.

Smoking, alcohol and other habits kill you slowly.  When you cross 40, you will be ashamed to see yourself in the mirror or compare yourself to your friends, who lived and ate healthy.  You will then not be able to bring back that youthful looks into you.  Wisdom says do it now and keep it that way.  Remember youth in us diminishes with time, never return in our lives, while old age remains until death, and never leave us ever again.  If you are conscious of this fact, you will do things that will be an investment for your old age, the same way people invest money for their later years. 

After 40, when you are into a successful job or profession with good health, you will enjoy better life and sex throughout the remaining days of your life.

This book is meant for we human beings, who by nature will read all what they can but do what they prefer doing.  This world has over 7 billion people and most of them follow their own religious books and worship their gods.  In spite of reading the words of gods and following their scriptures, they indulge into activities leading many of them to prison, war and other ways of animosity and unrest.  If the words of gods could not tame a man, how do I expect that my advice above will go down with them successfully. I am therefore, adding the following few paragraphs just in case it may help, guide the young people not to go astray.

Always remember sex is a temporary pleasure and volatile, once climax is reached, it leaves the partners thinking about other activities, unless there are commitments between them. Young people, unmarried and without commitments are prone to changing partners frequently.  This is dangerous and unhealthy.  The more partners you change, the higher the risk of contracting with diseases. There would be occasions only to regret later, but no remedy for it whatsoever. 

Nature and our elders planned everything for us systematically.  First schooling, then professional studies, then career and then marriage and children.  Even though this method or thought is conservative and stereotype, it has some truth to it.  Earlier, people were happier and contented.  They were committed to their families and they lived a peaceful life. In the present time we are seeing changes in this lifestyle pattern, sex begins in the school days. There is no career, no marriage, nor any future for such people.  Such people regret their actions all their lives.  Those with good parental guiding turn out to be successful and as said, follow the old-fashioned conventional pattern of life.  They, ultimately, have the last laugh.

Sex in early days of life, turn into a disease.  Young people break up fast and get themselves involved with another partner.  If one of them is attached emotionally, the break causes a severe emotional disturbance to that one.   Instead of studies and career, the person is full time into thinking about getting involved with another partner.  This is a waste of time and energy, which, if channelized, could have benefitted the person.

Another dark side to having sex without much experience is getting pregnant or disease from your partner. It is therefore, imperative for you to use condom to ward off such unwanted pregnancy or disease.  There are other known methods of contraceptives, but those are not advisable for young people.  Oral contraceptives have their own side effects which could harm a young unmarried girl later in life.

Safe period, douching and other methods of contraceptives are not at all reliable and therefore, should not be indulged into.

The curse of changing partners, all over the world, has left people with sexually transmitted diseases which include HIV and AIDS. What other proof do you need to adhere to my suggestions to go conservative or at least not to change partners frequently?

Oral sex, anal sex is all open to the diseases finding their way into you.  It is therefore, recommended that, you refrain from such sex or you may use condom or any barrier to shield yourself from the diseases getting into you.

Always remember, a moment of restrictions   could ward off great evils.