Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Tell me something, this world has over 7 billion people, do you think all the people in this world, indulging themselves in sex, need to read this book, or do they have sex problems leading them to seek professional help or read this book?  No, only some, or many people face sexual problems in their lives.  The million dollar question is, why do they have this problem?  Remember, life needs to be lived by its rules today and always. When you drive, study in schools, work in an office, play a game, you follow certain rules doing all of these. In the same way when you live life, you need to follow certain rules. When you were young, you were compulsorily made to follow certain rules.  Sleeping, studying, eating, outing, playing and all activities were governed and conducted by your parents.  During those years, you were healthy, your looks were healthy and your thoughts were healthy too. As you grew up and became independent, there were no parents or any guardian to guide you or tell you what was right from wrong.  You decided the course of your life in a pattern suited to your needs and requirements.  This way you started breaking and ignoring the rules of life; one by one, until one day you realized something was definitely wrong with you.  Hypertension, erectile dysfunction, low libido, liver damage, cataract in the eye, failing physical strength and poor digestion, you became a victim of one or more malady. All these and more were gifts to you, of your ignoring and breaking those rules.  Today you are seeking professional help to cure yourself of all the ills that have befallen you.

The first thing that you need to go back or rewind your thoughts, is the words of your parents. John does this and John does not do this.  Stop and think all about your thoughts, activities, behavior and deeds.  What you did all through your adulthood as an independent person, would those be permitted or sanctioned by your parents? I am sure your answer would be a big NO! If this is true then proceed to read further.

A doctor could only cure you temporarily or provide you with medication which may or may not work.  A school-going child could be tutored on a subject; without the will to learn, the effort of the tutor, would be a futile waste of time.  In the same way, if your thoughts, behavior and deeds were not corrected, you will never succeed in getting back your sexual virility again. No amount of medicine can cure such problem permanently, unless the disease is minor.

Remember, you need to take stock of yourself first and ask yourself why you are suffering from this or other diseases.  Why do you have this low sex drive?  Once you analyze your problem and search out the reasons for any malfunction in your body (and mind) you will succeed in curing yourself of the ills.

We are made up of two major ingredients, material as well as spiritual.  Spiritual power within us, guides us to hear our inner voice.  As we gradually turn to the material side of our life, due to our ambition, passion, greed, desire and expectation, we slowly shut our spiritual side.  Once our spiritual side stops governing our lives and guiding us from wrong to right, our material side takes over.  You will observe the material side alone, is mostly passionate about most things evil.  What harms us attracts us. Whiling away our time with friends, alcohol, smoking, rich food, sex, sedentary life and making money by any means. All these activities ultimately lead us to most diseases including sexual problems.  Another side to mankind is anger, anxiety, pride, power and dominance.  When these are present or one chases his dreams with these in mind, one invites bad vibes into oneself.  You immediately, need to put a stop to any drinking, smoking, drugs or other habits, eat healthy food, preferably vegetarian meals. Stay away from food with cholesterol and fat.  Change your way of thinking; pride and anger should be out of your mind.  Be compassionate and peaceful.  Have mercy for those underprivileged people you see every day of your life.  Feed the street animals and birds that you see every day. Stress, anxiety, or depression should be kept away from your life.  Make your life purposeful and with a mission instead of being a moneymaking or power hungry monster.  Do as much work that may not tell upon your health or family life.  Do not bring your work problem home and get agitated with your family. This is weakness.

The only way a man can achieve real freedom and happiness is by seeking spiritual strength. To cure yourself of all or most of the diseases, including the sex problem, follow the guidelines given below:

Change your life style; be compassionate and helpful to others.

Seek spiritual strength from within yourself; self-realization can lead you to an ultimate spiritual ecstasy.

Refrain from smoking, drinking, drugs and other habits.

Refrain from eating meat and maybe even eggs.

Refrain from all high cholesterol foods, such as butter, cookies, cakes and such other junk foods.

Regular six days a week vigorous exercise is necessary to improve your condition.  Lift weights; little more than you can lift normally.  This will build strength and confidence in you.  This may also open up any artery blockage in the sexual organ.  However, you can go for any physical exercise in consultation with your doctor only. However, if your blood pressure is normal and heart is strong, then there seem to be no reason, why you cannot do vigorous exercises.

Choose an active life style.  Some days do not drive down to your place of work.  Walk most of the way and then catch a bus or a cab.  For small errands and going shopping locally, avoid driving, walk it all the way.  If you live in a high rise, walk a few storeys up before taking a lift to your flat.

If you think money could buy you happiness, sex, and health, you are wrong; this is not true.  Beggars in the streets would not smile or have babies, or poor porters, would not carry heavy luggage all day long.  Money can bring comfort, power and many things material in life, but to seek health, fitness and happiness you need to develop that spiritual side in you.

Unless and until you try to understand your inner self and your shortcomings, you will never be able to rid yourself of the sexual problem permanently.  You need to be a bad man never above 30% of all your thoughts and activities, and the balance 70% should go in for noble and good thoughts and activities.  Gradually you will find results in what I have told you.  To prove my point, look at those billionaires, all over the world, they were ruthless people, made other people their ladder to climb up, double-crossed others; mislead others in business, only to become philanthropists later in their lives.  Self-realization only turned them into charitable, later in life, when their conscience did not allow, all what they did throughout their early days.

Never underestimate your mind in curing you of your diseases!