Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Take for example a car, the older it gets, the wear and tear increases with age; sincere maintenance only enables older cars to run and perform smoothly. In the same way, we human need to maintain our body and rejuvenate it as we grow older. People, 60 and above mostly find themselves with diminished sex drive, unable to get into the mood of having sex. Indulging in sex or not is a  different matter, but the ability to indulge into one and getting into the mood of having sex is another; it is a morale booster and makes the person feel good about himself. He feels confident of himself as well as an elated feeling about himself.

It is very important for anyone therefore, to maintain one’s health and indulge into healthy activities and lifestyle as one grows older. Remember, each one of us is not growing any younger by the day; we need to take into account this factor before we indulge into activities that may go against our ageing process.

Health benefits will always make an impact upon you, physically as well as mentally.  If you do not take the trouble to find time and resolve to protect whatever little youth is left within you, you are killing yourself and pushing yourself to the brink of sexual disaster, all at your own cost and responsibility.

Maintaining a lifestyle which would keep your body less toxic and more rejuvenated is the formulae to a blissful and a dignified old age. As I said in the earlier chapters, avoiding alcohol, drugs, smoking and late night activities and living on a well-balanced diet of vegetables, cereals and legumes with multivitamins and minerals  supplements with exercise or health activities, would help you reverse your ageing process definitely.

As you exercise, live healthy, and stop unhealthy activities, you will find your body responding to these lifestyle changes; this will slowly translate into a better-looking body with a fresher mind and stronger physique. Your body would burn fat, improve bone density, and increase in muscle mass.  This will definitely improve the hormone level in your body, improving your sex drive and rekindling your urge to indulging in sexual activities.

To gain something you need to lose certain things in life. To get into better health, you need to cut down on stressful events in your life, late night glamour and unhealthy lifestyle. Otherwise, age is only a number game, some people at 40-may look and feel older than others in their 60s.