Eternal Youth Sex Guide by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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With the progress of science and technology and the researches being conducted on sex health, what may be right today may be obsolete tomorrow, bringing in better and efficient remedies for those seeking to correct their sexual health.

Certain things do not change much in years, especially those gifted to us by nature, such as air, water and food.  We have tampered with the growth and preparation of food and therefore, we write so many articles on this topic. We write about foods which are right and which are wrong. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes and other food are all healthy, provided correctly consumed. Intelligent eating is the way to good sex health as well as general health.  The following could guide you to a good and intelligent food and supplement habits:

To enjoy a healthy sex life live on a 100% vegetarian diet, with little milk products, like cheese and yoghurt.  Vegetarian diet, when taken intelligently, provides you with sufficient protein and nourishes your body better than any other diet. It also gets digested quickly, leaving you fresh and with   a clean stomach. Mixing milk/cheese/yoghurt with legumes, lintels, pulses and cereals converts the protein quality considerably. Your body absorbs higher percentage of protein from such combination than just having the cereals, legumes or pulses individually. The combination converts the protein into eight essential amino acids which the body does not produce and which in combination, allows the body to absorb the proteins more efficiently. Diet high in meat leaves your stomach heavy and it takes more time, energy and oxygen to digest a meal with meat. Meat decays in the stomach for a longer time; as well it is the cause for clogging arteries in the penis, responsible for a successful erection.

With a moderate quantity of food at frequent intervals, it is also wise to plan a good supplement consisting of some multivitamins and herbal remedies.  Some details on food and herbs are given below:


Shilajit (Ozokerite): It increases virility and sexual stamina, maintaining the normal tone of the sexual organs. With Ashwagandha(Withania Somnifera), it becomes potent and a great sexual stimulant. It also works wonder in BPH (Benign prostatic hypertrophy), when combined with other herbs.

Pippali(Piper longum): Is the key herb for  rejuvenating the body and when taken along with Ashwagandha(Withania Somnifera) it helps the blood flow to the sexual organ, which  ultimately is responsible for a successful penile erection.

Ashwagandha(Withania Somnifera): Is well known for increasing sexual energy as well as rejuvenating the body. Generally, this herb when taken along with other herbs helps in broader spectrum in human body. It helps reduce stress, increases strength, calms nerves and stimulates blood flow. It has dynamic rejuvenating properties. It has anabolic properties which help in toning and increasing the muscle mass when supplemented with weight lifting. Ashwagandha is recommended almost in all sexual problems. It could be taken individually or with other herbs such as Shatavari and Gokshura for excellent results.

Kapikacchu/ Kavach beej (Mucuna pruriens): It works best with Ashwagandha, is recommended in the treatment of spermatorrhea when taken along with Gokshura. It increases sexual vigour and potency in men. Combined with other herbs it works well in the treatment of BPH (Benign prostatic hypertrophy)

Shatavari(Asparagus racemosus): Well known for its rejuvenating effect on female sexual reproductive organs, is also a male remedy for increasing the sperm count. This herb is cooling, helping in calming the nerves and eliminating acidity and inflammation.

Bala(Sida cordifolia): Recommended in the exhaustion of body and mind, or chronic fatigue. This herb tones the reproductive organs of males as well as females. It is strength giving and one of the best rejuvenating herb, nourishing and strengthening all the body tissues like plasma, marrow and reproductive tissues.

Vidari kandha(Ipomoea digitata): Recommended in BPH(Benign prostatic hypertrophy) when combined with other herbs like  kapikacchu. It is cooling and therefore, useful in the treatment of sexual debility, nervous tension. It also tones muscles and promotes spermatogenesis.

Terminalia Arjuna(Arjuna): Spermatorrhea is relieved with the decoction of Arjuna bark and white sandal according to Sushruta. Harita also advised its decoction in gonorrhea.

Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi): People also take brahmi to treat backache, hoarseness, mental illnessepilepsy,joint pain, and sexual performance problems in both men and women.

Tribulus Terrestris (Gokshura): Tribulus Terrestris has been used since ancient times for different ailments of the male sexual system. It is used in the Ayurvedic medicines. It is used as an ingredient of different products that are made to increase the sexual drive in men. It helps to enhance the energy and boost your vitality to make you feel strong and healthy. It helps increase the libido and sexual drive in men. It is used as a sex booster. Tribulus Terrestris gives energy to the body cells and tissues and it also acts as an aphrodisiac. It increases the sexual power in men. It stimulates the release of male sex hormones which help increase the sexual drive and also provides energy to perform sex efficiently with full vigour. Gokshura is also given for male impotency caused due to low or poor quality sperm count.

Orchis Mascula (Salab Mishri): It has been traditionally used to treat sexual dysfunctions encountered in both men and women, such as loss of libido or lack of interest in sex and infertility, premature ejaculation, low sperm counts and erectile dysfunction.

Myristica Fragrans(Jaiphal): Jaiphal or nutmeg has been used since age-old times as an aphrodisiac by men. The powers of jaiphal in making men more masculine are only too well known. Jaiphal improve the nature of male erection and also make the brain respond better to sexual stimulus. For this reason, jaiphal had once been the only ingredient prescribed by Ayurvedic doctors to treat problems of erectile dysfunction. Apart from this, nutmeg can help the brain to relax and thus make the man more confident about his sexual performance. However, jaiphal is toxic if taken in excess

Asparagus Adscendeus (Shveta Mushali): Asparagus adscendeus, known as Shveta Musali in Sanskrit, is one such aphrodisiac herb, which is widely recommended in Ayurvedic texts for improving sexual behavior and boosting fertility. The phytochemicals present in the tuberous roots of Asparagus adscendeus help to heal underlying conditions that inhibit secretion of sex hormones that suppress the normal functions of the reproductive system.  It is recommended for improving penile erection, preventing premature ejaculation, increasing sperm count and mortality. The aphrodisiac property of Asparagus adscendeus is primarily attributed to the steroidal glycosides present in the root.

Curculigo Orchioides (Sya musli): Is a sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac. It helps to increase circulation, boosting the blood flow to the genital area and also improving the sperm count, to ensure better chance of fertilization.

Spanish pellitory (Akarakara): Akarakara is referred as a good sexual enhancer. It boosts the sexual performance in man as well as women. The low libido problems are solved by this herb and also effective in treating disorders like premature ejaculation, dysfunction, and impotence.  It contains an essential oil and an alkaloid which acts as rejuvenating nerve & cardiac tonic, stimulant, and possesses antibacterial properties due to its alkaloid. It is recommended in premature ejaculation, impotence and chronic bowel disorder. This plant is used as a drug in sexual disorders of males.

Salmaria Malabarica(Kari musli): Stem bark and gum are aphrodisiac, tonic in seminal weakness; fruits also effective in weakness of the genital organs.  

Puerari Tuberosa (Vidarikand): The main benefit of this woody, climbing vine is its power as an aphrodisiac. Abundant in the forests of India, Vidarikand finds its way into many health tonics, correcting a wide range of conditions.

Yohimbe: Yohimbe is a natural but very powerful aphrodisiac. The unique thing about Yohimbe when compared to  other herbal aphrodisiacs; it not only  increases performance and heightens  enjoyment; it also has been shown to help  increase sexual arousal. This is extremely  helpful for those suffering from sexual side  effects or from psychological impotence or  other physiological problems. With this increased blood flow, there can be  an increase in a man's ability to achieve and  maintain erection. The enlargement of blood  vessels, particularly in the sexual organs, is  generally the accepted benefit of taking  Yohimbe. When all of these effects of Yohimbe  are combined, a man usually finds his overall  sexual experience can be more pleasurable  and greatly enhanced. Yohimbe has been shown to help improve overall mood, promote relaxation and naturally help diminish anxiety.

Muira Puama  extract: Grown in the rain forest it is a sworn herb for curing erectile dysfunction as well as libido loss.  It is also recommended in other ailments like depression, nervous disorders, digestive and gastrointestinal disorders, cardiac and stress related diseases, trauma and weakened muscles.

Aloe Vera: This is one extract for so many diseases from head to toe. Excellent for skin therapy, it is also recommended in sex health when taken fresh from the tree.

Spirulina: Packed with high quality vegetable nutrients, Spirulina has all the goodness for you and is void of all those that may harm your body. This is a wonder sex food to improve male vigour.

Avena Sativa: A kind of oats is a mild sexual enhancer. When used in combination with other herbs its effect becomes more potent.

Hawthorn berries: Packed with nutrients specially vitC and B. It is good for the heart and blood circulation.

Milk thistle: Is a powerful anti-oxidant and improves liver conditions and all liver diseases due to alcohol abuse. It needs to be taken in strongest form for absorption in the body.

Ginger: Apart from its use as a spice, it has excellent remedial properties for use in nausea, morning sickness in pregnant women and inflammatory conditions.

Black cohosh: Typically an older women’s remedy during the onset of menopause. It helps in reducing the uncomfortable conditions associated with menopause in older women.

Ginko biloba extract: It is supposed to have excellent anti-oxidant properties for curing alzheihmer’s disease and a mild sex enhancer.

Echinacea: Have this anti-oxidant as your tea or as a pill, it helps build a healthy immunity system. It is a great blood purifier as well as an antibiotic.

St. John’s wort: It is used to fight depression, anxiety and other mental conditions. It is supposed to build a strong and healthy mind; healthy mind is what you need for sex health too.

Amla: It has the highest quantity of vitC and therefore, a good anti-oxidant too. Dried or fresh amla is cheap and easily available.