Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part VII

Part VII




The first day at Moi University,

Seemed like a glory from the heavens,

He couldn’t believe he was already there,

He remembered how his teachers,

Used to speak of how glorious universities were,

How every student’s dream should be to join one,

He had always longed to be there,

He worked smart and hard,

This was the only place he wanted to be,

After high school education.

Now he was here,

His dream had come true.

He looked around the compound,

Everything looked so different,

Tall buildings he hadn’t seen before,

He only saw them in books he used to read,

Now they were here, he felt like touching every one of them.

A village boy joining campus, things are always strange.

His mum watched him as his eyes were busy navigating the compound,

It pleased her beyond words,

Her only son was now going to be a doctor,

After another five years of study,

What a miracle God had done for her!

She reminisced how she used to struggle,

To pay the school fees,

She had to work for people,

She had to do anything that could give her coins,

People mocked her,

Some despised her,

Si atafute bwana, awoleke,

Kuliko kuteseka…ahaa...

She never bothered about their actions,

She was focused to making sure,

That his son gets all he needs for his success,

She wasn’t ashamed, even if they called her names,

A single woman roving the village corners.

Sometimes men wanted to misuse her,

Some called her a slut,

Something she was not,

Their threats and disdain never shook her,

She was an iron lady,

She understood her purpose,

Nothing else could evade her,

From what she needed.

Education for her only son.

Here she was, standing in a place,

Her son would become the most incredible,

Man, ever in the world,

The man who would be her only savior.

Her prayers and hard work,

Had yielded results,

Furthermore, his son was being sponsored,

Because of his better performance,

And uncompromised discipline,

He had earned a scholarship,

From a Good Samaritan.

Who was pleased with him.

The God who has graced my son,

Will still be with him after here,

She knew God had a plan for his son,

Nothing will stop that plan.

If God be for us,

Who can be against us?

She looked at Sam once more,

And thanked God for this miracle.


Admission process was long and tiresome,

But they all had strength to go through every stage,

If they had struggled for the last twelve years,

Why would a one-day process drain their hope,

They had to wait.

Patience pays.

In the evening, everything was over,

It was her time to leave her son,

She knew she would miss him,

And he would miss her too,

Though it didn’t hurt her much,

Because this was more than anything else,

My son before I go back home,

I have to tell you this,

You are brilliant and wise,

You are worthy than anything else,

You are victorious,

I love you with all my heart,

You are my only hope in this life,

Without you, there will never be pride in my heart,

Today as you start this journey again,

Don’t forget where you came from,

I don’t know much about life in the university,

Except of the things we have been hearing in the radio…

Sam remembered they had a small Philips radio,

Which used only two battery cells,

His Mum wouldn’t afford a big radio,

Like their neighbors,

They used that radio for getting information,

And knowing what was happening around the world,

They treasured it and maintained it well,

It was their closest companion of sharing info.

But I know that, here is where great men are made,

Here is where, success is well equipped,

Don’t be among those who have lost the way,

Stick to the truth, I have always taught you,

Don’t let anything take your attention,

From your studies,

As you see, there are beautiful things here,

That can make you divert your thoughts,

But I pledge to you my son, with the love of God,

Live as per the righteous ways of the Lord,

Seek Him in truth as you have always done,

Trust Him, depend on Him,

As for women, be careful my Son,

Sometimes women can be deceiving,

They can lure you into things you never thought of,

Just be careful, Son, about them,

As for friends, seek good company,

Remember what the scripture says,

Bad company corrupts your character

Be wise in choosing friends,

Be obedient and respect everyone,

And the good Lord will bless you mightily.

Lastly, my Son, I want you to know,

I may not be here with you,

But I love you,

I love you Son,

You are more than a treasure to me.

These words sunk into Sam’s heart with,

Great intensity,

He looked at her, with tears in his eyes,

She had really worn out,

You could even see her cheekbones had bulged out,

She had lost much weight,

Due to a series of fasting and prayer for her son,

Furthermore, from the hard work,

He knew if he failed her, that would be her end,

He must work hard, he promised himself,

Mum, I will do everything to be the best,

I promise you, I won’t fail you,

They hugged each other,

While joyful tears dropped from their eyes,

I love you mum, he said

I love you too, Son, she replied.

Everyone around them, stared at them,

What a cordial relationship,

Mother and son have, some said.


She blessed her son and left.