Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part VI

Part VI




At the end of the year,

Results were released,

Sam had performed well,

He was amongst the top ten,

The excellence and the success,

Was now a direct license,

To a university of his choice,

He was going to study a field,

He most valued and wanted most,

But his mother wanted something different,

With such a wonderful score,

She insisted her son,

To study medicine,

Seeing that he done well,

In science subjects,

Moreover, Sam always loved Biology and Chemistry,

He tried to resist, but he couldn’t,

He always believed in her,

He never wanted to do something,

That would hurt her,

Mum, I agree, I will do it.

There was nothing more he could do,

His Mum, was the best,

Whatever she wanted, he would do.

They had come from far together,

And he could allow education,

Be a tool that would set them apart.

My son, you are going to save the world,

You will be the best doctor.

The thought of saving the world pleased her most,

She knew her son, if he became a doctor,

He would bring salvation not only to her,

But also, to those who were suffering.

Don’t be like those other doctors, son,

Serve with love, act with love,

Work passionately.

Times had changed,

Doctors were cruel to people,

They served out of pride,

Some wanted cash before,

They could render their services,

While others, were just unqualified and lazy,

They never bothered about the patient’s needs.

Who would save us from this cruelty?

Who would set us free from this unkindness?

This was the people’s cry.

They needed help, but no one was,

It hurt everyone,

What could they do?

The world has changed,

Only those with power,

And something in their pockets,

Are ruling the world,

A mere peasant has no say,

People are dying everywhere,

While assigned doctors watch,

Patients are denied equal services,

Even those who try to fight for their rights,

They have no more strength to keep on,

Some are bribed to put down their tools,

Instead of keeping on, they become defenders,

Of those who molest others,

Some decide to keep cool,

As long as the coins continue to flow in.


This is the world we live in,

Justice is expensive,

Freedom is a rare commodity,

A commoner has no say but to obey,

Even if it hurts.

We no longer have strong men,

Who can stand up,

They have all been weakened by the coin,

A coin has power to change anything,

It can divert a wise man,

To be on the front of leading,

Others in ways astray,

It can make a friend become an enemy,

A neighbor become an alien,

Should we not desire more coin?

Should we blame the coin?

For the actions of men?

A coin in a good man’s pocket,

Saves millions of lives.

Without a coin, man is not man,

If Sam’s mother had coins,

She wouldn’t have struggled,

She wouldn’t have been misused,

By that man who claimed to love her,

She wouldn’t have been gossiped,

She would have been respected,

In fact, life would have been smooth,


My Son, when you grow up,

Seek coin,

Life without coin,

Is like a river,

Without water.