Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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My people perish because of,

Lack of knowledge,

Sam understood the meaning of this scripture,

He verily knew what not knowing,

Does to a human mind,

It makes him a zombie,

Would he ever want to be a zombie?

No. he chose to commit himself,

To seek knowledge even if it meant,

Abstaining from food for days,

Losing friends…

What more could he want then?

He knew without seeking knowledge,

Diligently, he would fail,

And that would not only hurt him,

It will also hurt his mother,

And his sponsor who had pledged,

All their resources to make sure,

He becomes a great doctor in the Country.

Sometimes other students would flout him,

Some looked at him as a student,

Who was forgetting all the goodies,

Of campus life,

But what was good?

Going to parties at night?

Spending weekends in clubs?

Seducing ladies to sleep with?

Yapping…yapping around like mongrels?

No, that’s not what Sam wanted,

He wanted education,

He wanted to be the best in what he did,

He had no time for other things,

He came to learn, period.

Nothing else mattered,

If it wasn’t related to his studies


Lecturers loved him,

Though not all of them,

Because of his Godly character,

However, that didn’t plague him a lot,

He respected them,

Obedience and humility,

Were a priority in his life,

He had no time to be rude,

He believed, a student’s life is too short,

Why bother to disrespect others,

Even when it was necessary,

Furthermore, he understood,

What God expected of him,

He wouldn’t claim to be a follower of Christ,

And still be yoked with devil’s affairs,



Campus life can be tempting,

There is freedom,

Freedom to do anything as long,

As it is not harmful to others,

Campus gives you freedom you never,

Had in high school,

The kind of freedom that can make you,

A better person in future or a bad person,

Maybe the only one you are not free from is God,

Who is always everywhere…

This kind of freedom builds and destroys,

Strengthens and weakens,

It’s only those who understand what they need,

Those who know who they are,

Can maximize this kind of freedom,

To become better in everything, they do.

With a lot of women, easy to get alcohol,

Peer pressure, cheap to enter nightclubs,

Especially for a boy child,

It becomes tempting for him,

To be entangled easily in these areas,

And once he is in, unless he is delivered earlier enough,

His life becomes a destruction,

After four years, he has nothing to show,

Only the failures of his mistakes.

Sam understood all this,

Therefore, he made up his mind,

He will follow his dreams and passions,

He purposed to avoid all the goodies,

At all, cost.

Educations was all he wanted,


To be a better person in this world,

I must acquire knowledge.