Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part X

Part X




At Moi Referral Hospital in Eldoret,

Sam became a most famous doctor,

He was known for his skillful way of handling patients,

And his unwavering competency in his work,

He understood, to be a doctor, you must be dedicated,

He developed a cordial relationship with patients,

Nataka kuona Daktari Sam…

His name became a daily song,

On everyone’s lips,

His coworkers loved him,

They adored him,

They respected him,

He had changed a lot within the hospital,

He went beyond what the culture wanted him to do,

In his heart, he wanted the hospital to be a home,

Where patients are cared for and treated,

As if they were being cared for by their loved ones.

Some supported him in this endeavor,

But some, whose hearts were dripping,

With envy and hate, always opposed him,

They wanted to see him fall,

But God was with him,

All their tricks failed,

He had learnt how to overcome,

And dodge every obstacle that stood on his path,

As a serpent, he was wise.


After five years, he was transferred to Kenyatta National Hospital,

His colleagues, felt ad in their hearts for his departure,

Even the subordinates lost strength,

He had been more that a doctor to them,

He was a brother who was always there for them,

He treated them with love and kindness,

Virtues he had learnt from his mother,

Whom, now, he had built a posh home in Nakuru,

From his childhood, he understood the art of love,

To love meant not only words but also actions,

How can you love, without proving with actions?

When patients who had known him,

Received the news of his transfer,

Their hearts sunk with brokenness,

Where will they get a such a man again?

A man who embraced them with love,

Regardless of their pain,

For some, he would settle their bills,

What more would it be to earn and not spend?

He knew, to give is to receive,

Another art his mother taught him,


At KNH, he wasn’t received as he had thought,

Nobody cared much about the arrival of a new doctor,

Maybe because, this is how it is, he thought,

Nairobi is a city of people who mind their own business,

Mind your own business, Sam

He was assigned an office in the left wing, second floor, admin block,

It wasn’t much furnished,

It had only the basics supposedly for a doctor,

It didn’t vex him,

He would improve it with time,

He always believed,

Wherever he is, everything must be efficient.



He became famous at KNH,

More than he had been at Moi Referral,

His name revolved within the lips of everyone,

He came across,

Both young and old,

Doctors and nurses,

All non-subordinates,

He became a hero,

His name was spoken with honor and respect,

Two years, and he was everyone’s doctor,

They esteemed him,

They cherished him,


He loved the truth,

He was always tender and caring,

Furthermore, he fought for their rights,

He believed in equality,

Regardless of gender or position,

Nurses at all level, must be treated equally

He would always tell the board of directors

And the fellow doctors,

They are human beings too,

You don’t need to overload them with work,

He would add

We must embrace humanity with love,

It pays nothing to treat others as you would want them,

To treat you.

If we live with cruelty in our hearts,

Leading with dictatorship,

What then should our coming generations speak of us?

What will they say when our names are mentioned?

If our sisters and brothers were to be treated the same way?

Don’t you think our hearts will overflow with rage?

We must learn to treat each other as brothers and sisters,

Don’t let positions make you drunk with pride,

Pride is a disease worse than cancer,

It kills not only you but your whole generation.

His words would pierce their hearts,

But the truth is the truth,

There is no better way to speak the truth,

Than the way it is.

He stood for truth and justice,

Sometimes it would land him into trouble,

But it couldn’t deter him to go ahead.


In his village, Sam had started a project,

To help needy children and widows,

He believed in giving back to the community,

Within a period of four years of his work,

He had already sponsored 28 students,

And a hundred widows,

Some, he had built them better houses,

and for some, he helped them businesses.

He never discriminated,

He treated even those who had planned evil,

Against him with love,

Repay evil with good, you prevail,

He believed in the scriptures,

There was no time for hate and vengeance,

He must do the work of the Lord,

And do the job he signed up for.