Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part XI

Part XI




It is on Wednesday morning,

Sam has arrived to work as usual,

He is jovial and joyous as he has always been,

He checks up on everyone in his department,

As usual,

How are you today?

You are looking great,

Then he goes back to his office,

On this day, he doesn’t have any appointment,

He decides to work on his secret diary,

At 11 am, he informs his secretary,

That he is going to see a friend,

In town, but he won’t use his car,

He leaves her with car keys,

In case, I don’t come back,

Just bring me the car at home.


John had just received a call,

His wife had delivered twins,

But she had lost a lot of blood,

He was needed to give blood,

The news struck his heart,

With pleasure and pain and sadness,

If he had been of a weak heart,

He would have fallen into a shock,

But he took a deep breath,

Now he had two choices,

To deliver the goods for his boss,

Which was required urgently,

In case he missed to,

His boss would be angry at him,

And he may in turn lose his best clients,

Or to rush to his wife, who was in dire need,

Of his blood, and the more he delayed,

The nearer death knocked on his wife’s heart,

He was confused, devastated,

Why would such a thing happen just this day?

He tried to pray…

God, please would you have mercy on me?

Help my wife,

If she, dies I will have nothing

And those two little angels,

You have blessed us with,

...I just don’t know…


He couldn’t pray any more…

The thought of losing his beloved wife,

Had clouded his mind to the brim,

He tried to call his boss,

But couldn’t reach him.

If it means losing this job,

Then let it be,

But I must save my wife.


A man must always learn to choose,

When his life is on the tip of a fall,

He must decide between the value,

And the need for life or respond,

To the call of death,

He must know how to see between the lines,

And choose what is always the best for the future,

Though he may not have a grasp of what,

The future holds.

He must understand the utmost importance,

Of his decisions in such moments,

As much as there is no scale,

or the time frame may be too limited,

he must choose life or death,

in both ways, he should be ready,

to face the consequences.

But, in moments of love,

Who cares of the consequences to come?

Who will decide to please another,

In moments when the beloved is afflicted?

Who would stay with a friend,

While his house is on fire?

John, made his mind,

I must save my wife

He didn’t want to think what,

May happen on the road.

He tried to avoid the traffic,

By using the ways, he had known,

While he was on duty,

At 12:30 pm, he was on Mbagathi road,

A few kilometers from the Nairobi West hospital,

Where his wife was,

He decided to speed up,

As the road was clear and there were no traffic officers,

around manning the road.