Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part XII

Part XII




Sam was in deep thought,

This was the day he had waited for,

He planned for it in silence,

No one knew, it was a secret,

In silence, there is always a secret,

If you see a man, who is always,

Smiling and jovial, always devoted,

To his work,

He picks no quarrel with others,

There is always a secret in his heart,

A secret that eats him up every day,

But he can never tell anyone,

Because he fears, how everyone,

Will think of him,

He fears judgement,

He is scared of condemnation.

Sam had a secret, he couldn’t unveil,

It suffered his heart with a great pain,

Sometimes, he wished life would have been different,

Sometimes he wished he wasn’t born,

But the question of being born and not being born,

Is always out of our hands,

We have no choice in that matter,

Only God decides.

Inside he had died,

When the inside death was much great,

He made a plan,

To bring every affliction,

to an end.

This was the day of execution of his plan.


There are many that suffer in this world,

But they can’t speak of their pain,

Silence has become the best friend,

And when silence is a burden,

They still won’t speak,

They will just do one thing,

That no one will ever understand,

In fact, many will believe,

It was a devil’s strategy to get such,

An honorable life to the other side.

These people are the ones who hold,

The best for the society,


It was time for his departure,

A few meters from Defence Forces Memorial Hospital,

Sam, stood, he now was ready,

He chose a spot, where the road was sloping downwards,

He looked on both sides,

A very speedy lorry was approaching,

There is no way the driver would press an emergency break,

A great choice,

All the pain and sorrows- goodbye

As the lorry approached, he jumped in the middle of the road,

There and then, his plan had been executed.

It’s over!



John woke up in a hospital bed one hour later,

His left hand had been chained,

And two police officers had been assigned,

To watch over him.

He had succumbed to a few injuries,

After the accident happened.

Where am I?

Why am I in chains?

I need to see my wife,

Where is she?

I want to see my wife!

Let me go!

We can’t let you go sir,

You are not fit, for now,

A doctor who was helping tried to calm him down,

Please, let me go,

My wife is in pain and I have to see her,

She needs my blood.

I’m sorry sir, we can’t do that,

You killed someone in an accident,

You were over speeding,

These officers are here to take you,

To prison after you get well,

But…but…but…my wife needs me now, doc,

Okay, then just take my blood,

And make sure it’s delivered to Nairobi Hospital,


I’m sorry sir, but I can’t do that,

I wish there was a way to help you,

But the rules here don’t authorize me to do that,

I’m truly sorry.