Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part IV

Part IV




Sam is now in 12th grade,

He is intelligent and smart,

His teachers adore him,

For his indescribable and pleasing virtues,

He is noble to both his mother and the teachers,

His mother has always been keen,

On making sure his son,

Doesn’t end up like some,

Scumbags in the village,

Who loiter around like urchins.

She teaches him the benefit,

Of being obedient and respectful,

My son, always be obedient and humble,

And the good Lord will bless your ways,

He will lift you above,

He will make you dine with Kings and Queens,

You will be a man of honor,

But if you disobey,

The consequences are too many,

And I don’t want you to find yourself,

In their presence.

Good mothers teach their children morality,

They teach them the good ways of the Lord,

When those children grow up,

When they are living on their own,

They will never forget those ways.


When Sam joined first grade,

He wasn’t smart enough,

Teachers told her Mum,

This son of yours Mum,

We can’t tell, but we don’t think,

He will be what you want him to be.

As wise woman and loving mother,

She refused to abide by their words.

My son is the smartest of them all,

Today you may see him as you want,

But before the year ends,

He will have proved you wrong.

By the end of that year,

Sam emerged the best in his class,

With the best performance the school,

Had never witnessed.

He had worked hard,

He never wanted to fail his mother,

Who was always struggling,

To make sure his son gets the best care.

He spent time browsing through books,

He made the school library his best friend,

He focused to knowing more,

He searched for every drop of knowledge,

That could hike his performance,

At home, he never played as other children,

If he was not soaked in books,

He was busy making drawings,

He loved knowledge the way he loved his mother.



Knowledge is power that can never be disputed,

Those who have amassed it, rule the world,

Those devoted to seeking knowledge,

Never perish, they live to eternity,

Doesn’t the scripture say?

My people perish because of lack of knowledge.

Those who shun knowledge are truly blind,

Than the physically blind persons,

They will keep walking in darkness,

Yet they will believe they are in light,

The truth will always slip through their fingers,

In the end they will weep and cry,

But who is to blame?

Its recorded that Jesus, though being God on earth,

He surrendered Himself to knowledge,

And at the tender age, even the Pharisees and Sadducees,

Were amazed at the knowledge and wisdom,

He would unveil.

The words He spoke left them astounded.

If the Messiah, would spend His time seeking knowledge,

Who are you then to dispute knowledge?

A knowledgeable man is more valuable than gold and silver.

Seek knowledge if you want to be great,

Dive into the oceans, if it comes to that,

But seek knowledge my son,

If you have knowledge, you are a ruler,

You may not be the president,

But presidents will seek you,

She would always advise her son.



Sam, being a well-devoted and obedient son,

Followed every word his mother told him.


Every parent’s desire,

Is to see their children,

Live according to the right morals,

Become the best in their endeavors,

Prosper and flourish,

To become well respected persons,

In the society,

No one wishes to see their children perish,

When a child becomes something else,

When they become of no value,

It hurts the parent, though sometimes,

They may not show how painful it is.

Sam became everything his Mother wanted,

Each day, he continued to improve,

He learnt the secret of good life and success,

He avoided any situations that could,

Jeopardize his obedience to his mother,

He did what a good son could do,

Sometimes he felt his mother was too much,

But he had to keep to himself,

He loved her,

He couldn’t allow anything come between them,

Even when it meant ending some friendships,

How can I betray my Mum, for just friendship?

Nah! I can’t.

He followed the rule of the scriptures;

Obey your parents and you will have long life.

What more could he desire?

If not to live a long and happy life,

With blessings from his mother,

The thought of a long life pleased him,

More than anything else.

Though sometimes he wondered,

Why do I want to live long anyway?